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Everything posted by Sheriff

  1. You've piqued my interest... I need to read some sigmar books it seems. I want one that includes spiderfang and/or moonclan, that doesn't shove stormcast in my eyes every chapter. I hear the monster one might fit this bill.
  2. I wouldn't take it that far. Needs to be a reward in it for me. I guess this is why I prefer Destruction
  3. I just mean its not one big stormcast marketing thing, with models in the box, pictures of them everywhere etc.
  4. There'll be all sorts of death stuff coming out of Shadespire, surely. Boney minions, heroes, bosses. They will of course make it a gateway drug to AOS by making the new models available for use in both games. Personally I'll leave it for now as GW has supplied plenty of other stuff for now to keep me busy. (Firestorm appeals more as its refreshingly free of Stormcast, and gives goodies for goblins.) These 'Death Cults' must be mortal humans wishing to become immortal by letting the wraiths have their way with them. For the wraiths I guess its just recruitment policy to raid the willing mortals. Why don't the cultists just leave the city and setup in caves etc, like in Diablo? Maybe they do, and help the wraiths with intelligence, e.g. ways into the mortal cities...
  5. What sources are good? I use this and 4chan. Seems a good balance between the 2.
  6. She's gunna have 2 forms and change into a snake woman.
  7. She got her own faction in Total War, sooo.... Its called the Cult of Pleasure.
  8. If you wise ones had to rate the reliability of these rumours, how would you score them out of 10? - Sea Elfs (new faction) - Girl Power Elfs (new faction) - Hot air balloon goblin pirates (new faction) - Spiderfang allegiance + new units in 2018
  9. No grots? What happened to the squig meta Also what is sports score and why did hardly anyone get any sports points?
  10. Yes, rumour has it that no skaven factions are in this new allegiance, just the main/original chaos god ones.
  11. Rumour has it that the new allegiance abilities for chaos and order are rerollable charge roll AOE buff and +1 to wizard unbinding rolls, respectively. Rumour also has it that ratmen are not invited to this party.
  12. I'm not sure how to post in this gallery section. When I tried it just says error uploading... Mine are in this pic though:
  13. Must be an awesome feeling to finish an army properly like this, I'm jealous! (430/1000 currently...) Those models look ace, especially with the uniformity of colours/styles etc. (e.g. the white bits). Awesome job!
  14. Pick on someone your own s- oh wait...
  15. Ah I thought this new allegiance was itself a primary allegiance.
  16. For firestorm, could I use the new greenskins allegiance and add trolls into my army as allies whilst keeping this new allegiance?
  17. Hopefully I can just use the ability without buying the Forestorm box. Don't need a campaign as I have no local warhammer friends yet, and have Total War for campaings anyway
  18. Thanks for this, its making more sense now. So am I right in thinking that these are for use in all matched-play, tournaments, etc? e.g. GW has looked at some of the weaker allegiances post GH2017 and decided to buff them with an extra ability? Or will the community see this as an unfair buff that many allegiances are shut out of and therefore it won't be used in matched-play?
  19. Wait so my mixed moonclan spiderfang troggoth army has a new choice of allegiance?!
  20. They said no new models are coming out for undead so yeah lets not get too excited. (They must be working on new goblins, surely!)
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