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Everything posted by TheNotebookGM

  1. I'm with @Sauriv on this one, I rue the day I didn't magnetize the Runesmiter platform, and i'm not generally one that trucks in that sort of thing. If you don't want to run pure Fyreslayers I'd suggest waiting for the Free Cities book and seeing which (if any) cities include them!
  2. This looks great! I honestly never leave this model off of a list- amazing utility for 40 points.
  3. No worries friend. It is a shame it won't see tournament play. The GHB version is nothing to sneer at though! Though I might switch Cinder Crest or Coal Heart out on the Magmadroth just to see what works best.
  4. Those aren't purchased, just the result of having 2 battalions.
  5. I know since they didn't get points in the GHB they aren't likely to be allowed in tournaments but this is filth and I thought I'd share. Looking at the screenshot I'd actually change the prayer out to Prayer of Ash for a slightly higher Shardfist Pelt chance. Still though, 3 drops, plenty of firepower, Vostarg run and charge and big first turn move, and then the extra attack from the kinband. Idea is to run the mags together, using the general to give the shardfist runeson reroll hits and use ranged attacks. Plenty of 1st turn command points and some cheeky blocking tricks with the wall. What do you all think?
  6. You're amazing for remembering me but my partner got us PaxU tickets and I can't be away from work that often. Definitely keep me posted on events though, I've got 2k of Fyreslayers all painted up. Question for you though, do these tourneys allow the White Dwarf Fyreslayer stuff? I've got a cheeky list using one of those battalions and I have been trying to gauge how likely it is to be permitted.
  7. I found the perfect list but I need another Runeson on Magmadroth- anyone got one kicking around the US they want to get rid of on the cheap back from when peeps were buying 3 or 4 SCs?
  8. I got so excited when I saw the Tyrant and the Bonesplitterz book on the same page- for a split second I thought my pipedream of combined Splitterz, Gutbusters, Maneaters, Firebellies, and Aleguzzlers into "The Hordes of Hunger" had somehow happened. I just want a giant cauldron of broth that changes allegiance abilities around based on what you put in it. And maybe an Aleguzzler Brewmaster that throws huge casks of booze at his enemies.
  9. Probably? Word on the street is you'll need more than one set to build everything.
  10. I'll play Bonesplitterz until Corvus comes out.... unless the firebois are particularly amazing.
  11. Holy mother of turtles @Scythian- crunchiest list ever. Might suggest going Ember Storm on one of those priests, give yourself the run and charge, real boon combined with the movement rune.
  12. A Magmadroth is key, the distance between the zones can be brutal in ME.
  13. Yeah, literally painting right now actually. Excuse my terrible painting skills, these are all first run, my partner and our roommate are gonna touch them up because they are amazing.
  14. I solved this by mixing some KO models- my Auric Hearthguards are mixed units of Arkanauts, Thunderers, and Skywardens. The Karl if my HGB unit is a endrin-less Skywarden dual-wielding the flair part of the poleaxes. My handaxes vulkites are blended 50/50 with dual-wielding Arkanauts. Throw a bunch of mohawks on them, the odd helmetless head, etc.
  15. Typo on my part! Prayer of Ash, not Ashhorn Ancient! And I meant I'm saving on a 2+, reflecting on a 3+.
  16. In the combat phase successful save rolls of a 6+ reflect mortal wounds back on the attacker. Forge Brethren, Ashorn Ancient, Runic Fyrewall, and a Battlesmith get that to a 3+ rerolling 1's (and me to a 2+ rerolling 1's). My magdad soloed Drycha and a Treelord Ancient the other day, and the 10 HGB are so much more independent than 10 Vulkites are it seems like it might be worth the loss in output from the Latchkey Grandaxe.
  17. Question! Do you all think it is worth the cost of running a Runeson on Mag instead of Runefather on Mag in return for getting 10 HGB instead of 10 Vulkite Bezerkers? The real gas is the Shardfist Pelt anyhow, but that latchkey axe is a real bruiser and I can't decide.
  18. I think we are a LONG ways off of new sculpts for this army, barring maybe another hero if we score a box set, and that doesn't seem terribly likely. That said, I'd have killed for a riderless magmadroth scroll. All you'd have to do is not affix the guy on top, if they still wear the saddle you wouldn't even need a new kit. I'd easily pay 180 points (cost of magdad with dads 100 points taken off) for just the magmadroth, especially with the option to run them in 3's.
  19. Shardfist Pelt Magfather killed Drycha and a Treelord Ancient on his onsies today, even after a successful "fights last" stomp from the TLA. Don't forget to pet your friendly local Magmadroth today.
  20. I'd love to see the full list! I need to get 3 more mags before I can run a full Lofnir list. My Greyfyrd Forge Brethren (primary) list centers around my Magfather carrying the shardfist pelt. I chuck him at hordes with tons of bonuses to save rolls and let him wipe them out so I can actually get numerical advantage on objectives. I've branded it the Spiky Daddy List. I've got a couple different versions kicking around as I twiddle with the units and artifacts.
  21. What does everyone's collection look like? I'm missing the forge, I'm still trying to find a way to make to make it look like a still. I also will have to pick up some more magmadroths at some point to run Lofnir lists, but I've finally got well over 2k to play around with... only 2000ish more points to paint. I've got: Runedad on Mag Runemaster Runesmiter 2 Battlesmiths 3 Grimwraths 1 Doomseeker 40 Vulkites 25 Auric Hearthguard 10 Hearthguard Berserkers Runic Fyrewall Keeping our points until December, is there a non-LoL list you find particularly enjoyable?
  22. If you are only taking 1 or 2 I'd stick with Grimwraths, but Doomseekers wear a Helm of Obsidia well if you're spamming Grimwraths. Gives them more time and sometimes they distract from Grimwraths since their Damage goes up after a few wounds. Also, I'm saddened by the lack of points changes, I was excited for new lists. Was secretly hoping they'd bring more balance to the Fyreslayers armies of the world. Would love to see a batrep where people left LoL behind for once.
  23. I appreciate your constructive feedback, it is people like you that give this community its reputation for inclusiveness and a welcoming spirit.
  24. My second real paint job, done with contrasts and a huge improvement from the first.
  25. As someone who is a totally novice/****** painter it is nice to have something that lets me get something passable on the table. Working on things for the slow grow at my club is far less daunting when I can get a unit done in an evening or two of dedicated painting.
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