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Everything posted by TheDayman

  1. I wouldn't take the artwork as indicative of what factions are going to be updated/released this year, it's just the generic grand alliance artwork from the rulebook I'm sure, definitely seen it before anyway. Very intrigued about soul wars 2.0 and warcry!
  2. @Aryann Fantasy players leaving really wouldn't have affected them that badly, if anything, looking back on it, it was just a speed bump for GW since most of them would have probably bought their full army already and wouldn't need anything else, and besides, AOS is making well over what fantasy was, a large part of those sales being Stormcast. Like it or not, they are the poster boys. Deal with it. As mentioned before the company is most likely to know what is better for itself than some random dudes on the internet.
  3. Look at the facebook comments on Black library's post and you will see the epitome of 'raging manchild'
  4. I think the new Warhammer adventures will be a great way to bring in future generations to this hobby without taking away anything from the mature side of it, think of it like a spin-off or not necessarily canon, gives them a little taste of what the universe is like before exposing them to the grim reality of life in the AoS/40k universes! I do get people being concerned with the direction it's going in and what themes should be shown though, and bringing up reasonable and constructive criticism is very fair. What I don't get though is the people screaming bloody murder, acting like it's going to destroy their hobby and just generally being bitter and vile about the whole thing. To be fair though it's probably a bad idea to have kids around those people in the first place.
  5. Really hope that the Grand Alliance system doesn't go away, was one of the main reasons I got into the game being a more fluff orientated player. I suppose there are a few ways of making it better though
  6. Well I'm definitely forking out for some deepkin, absolutely love them (although all that was running through my head during the trailer was Ocean Man by Ween)
  7. Wow, your stuff looks amazing! Going to follow this, looking forward to seeing more of your work!
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