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Everything posted by Nox

  1. Looking for some input on how to convert my existing fairly casual list to GH 2019 standards since I'm now 90 pts over with the new points. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals- Stormhost: Anvils of the HeldenhammerLeadersLord-Arcanum (180)- General- Trait: Deathly Aura - Artefact: Soulthief - Spell: Azyrite HaloKnight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Azyrite HaloLord-Castellant (100)Knight-Heraldor (100)Battleline10 x Sequitors (240)- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields5 x Sequitors (120)- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields5 x Sequitors (120)- Stormsmite Mauls and SoulshieldsUnits10 x Evocators (400)- 10x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)- 2x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Celestial BladesWar MachinesCelestar Ballista (100)Celestar Ballista (100)Endless Spells / TerrainEverblaze Comet (100)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 121One way to go is to reduce the 10 x Sequitors to 5 x but I feel it's a very good target for my Evocators to buff and it leaves me at a not so very sexy 1960 pts. Another concern is at 130 pts the 5 group sequitors doesn't look that great anymore but maybe that's just me. So I feel there's could be a lot of moves to be made in my with my battle lines but not quite sure what to do. I also think that removing the Incantor could be an option since I feel a lot of the times I don't achieve much with it. Of course there are times when the auto unbind is nice to have (looking at you Mindrazor ^^) Any input would be greatly appreciated here guys. Thanks in advance.
  2. Wow. I continue to hope witch each Warcry reveal that I will like the new warparty but it seems to be going the same way as Necromunda for me (a game that's appealing to me from a gameplay perspective but I consider off limits because I don't care for the aesthetics of the teams) I get that it's a personal taste thing but I really struggle to understand the decision to make a new AoS skirmish game but only release niche chaos warbands for it And yeah they've said they're allowing you to use models from AoS but if it's anything like the existing skirmish it's going to be extremely hit and miss depending on the models available to your army.
  3. It was in the Looncurse stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/422065360 At 00:34:41 they answer a question from Dr_Vulcan who asked: And Ben Johnson from the AoS Team answer it like this:
  4. Aye I think we're looking at point adjustments really. I don't believe GW has done anything else with a GH so beyond messing around with points/battle line and perhaps playing with allegiance abilities.
  5. Probably to be expected but GW acknowledged on Twitch that Gloomspite Gitz are under performing and so are likely to receive some attention in the upcoming GH.
  6. Maybe some batteline? Hard to know which one to get atm with the new tome coming soon (personally hope that the new tome makes Tree revenants a great battle line choice) I think you want at least 3 more hunters and maybe invest in some bigger HQ (Alarielle, Drycha, Durthu)
  7. I wish they'd at least release the digital version of the tome meanwhile ^^ customs issues could literally be months.
  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/08/a-late-bloom-for-the-sylvaneth/ Ehm, so Sylvaneth release held up in customs? That's a first I think. Warscrolls for kurnoth hunters from the battletome: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/ENG_Kurnoth-Hunters.pdf
  9. Just watched the Looncurse stream on Warhammer TV's Twitch channel and in regards to the point values in the box they were okay to use for matched play for now and then he stressed the "for now" part. Also another interesting tidbit is that they apparently worked on this box around the same time as they were working on the Gloomspite Gitz release so assuming they worked on the Sylvaneth battletome after that the point values for the Sylvaneth units in the Looncurse box probably aren't up to date with the new battletome.
  10. Might be different in the actual battletome. But if not I'm guessing swords/Scythes are getting a point increase.
  11. Leaked points from Looncurse:
  12. Haha, so double fail on my part 😃
  13. Wow, thanks for the input guys! Yeah my first mistake was not realizing that Skragrott needs to be general to use his CA so in my list the Loonboss on Mangler squig was the general so no need for more battle line beyond the Boingrots. I really love the models for Rockguts It's a real shame it seems so hard to field them even in a 2k army. There seems to be very little synergies in general between Troggoths and Grots sadly. Even If I'm usually gunning for a somewhat competitive list I always try to get a visually balanced army and the Rockguts achieve that beautifully 😃
  14. Any tips for finishing this list? LEADERS Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (300) Skragrott, The Loonking (220) UNITS 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) 60 x Stabbas (360) - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields 6 x Rockgut Troggoths (320) BATTALIONS Squigalanche (90) TOTAL: 1780/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 5 WOUNDS: 146 Not married to 6x Rockguts, could remove 3 of them easily if it helps. Not sure what else to get. Not super keen on more stabbas so I'm not sure how good it is to add stuff to buff the only unit I have. Any thoughts, crits, commenst appreciated 😃
  15. Hey guys, I just bought a box of Sequitors and a box of evocators on dracolines. Have I missed something or does both the prime choices available in the box lack a stormsmite greatmace option? also there's only 4 greatmaces in the package overall so you can't make 2 groups of 5 with 3 in each? Same thing with dracolines and greatstaves. Says 2 out of 3 rider can carry them yet there's only one in the box afaik. Brand new kit but it seems I have to kitbash and convert some of the more obvious choices. Unless of course I'm missing something? If I have understood this correctly. How did you guys go about this? Just assemble the Primes with regular weapons and just telll your opponent that they in fact have greatmaces or try to kitbash your own?
  16. What do you guys think of this?: Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (240)- GeneralKnight-Incantor (140)10 x Sequitors (240)- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields10 x Sequitors (240)- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields5 x Judicators (160)- Skybolt Bows5 x Evocators (200)5 x Evocators (200)3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)Chronomantic Cogs (60)Total: 1780 / 2000 I need another hero but not sure if I want to go the sureheart route or not as I'm not too happy with the hammers since the FAQ nerf. Once I've built this list I want to play around with having 6 Dracolines and 5 evocators on foot too. Also I did not go 20 sequitors because I imagine that group will never get to fight effeciently so I figured this might be a bit better. I'd love to hear your thoughts on host or no host and what hero you'd go for.
  17. It's from the Stormcast battletome errata found here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/ Also the limit on CA spam seems to be across every battletome not just ours.
  18. New FAQ out. Page 122 – Lore of Invigoration Add the following under the title: ‘Units of Evocators can know and attempt to cast one spell from the Lore of Invigoration. This is an exception to the rule that they cannot attempt to cast spells other than Empower. If a unit of Evocators attempts to cast a spell from the Lore of Invigoration, it cannot attempt to cast any other spells in that hero phase.’ Page 126 – Hammers of Sigmar, Soul of the Stormhost Add the following to the end of the rule. ‘You cannot use this command ability more than once per phase.’ Page 128 – Celestial Vindicators, Righteous Hatred Add the following to the end of the rule: ‘You cannot pick the same unit to benefit from this command ability more than once per hero phase.’ Page 129 – Anvils of the Heldenhammer, Heroes of another Age Add the following to the end of the rule: ‘You cannot pick the same unit to benefit from this command ability more than once per hero phase.’
  19. Here's a question for you guys...Evocators as a unit are wizards and as such should be able to interact with Chronomantic Cogs which should give them option of choosing re-roll saves and gain one additional spell. Now the warscroll for Evocators seem to make it pretty clear that they can only attempt to cast their Empower spell but with interacting with the cogs can they cast Empower twice? The Evocators warscroll says: So the spell itself is not unique. What are you guys take on this?
  20. Thanks, yellow eyes it is!
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