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Posts posted by Eldarain

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    I put various Lumineth models in my basket as I am a sucker for high elves and they are models I like but wouldn't purchase due to their price. 

    I saw someone speculate that this might be a clever bit of market research.

    If they are able to parse people's cart contents and compare it to their order history it might be a good gauge of what ranges have more interest than actual sales leading to potential start collecting/battle box inclusion in the future

    * I was almost going to mention price reductions but knew it sounded ludicrous ;)


    @Neverchosen Well now you've get me doubting my decision. That new Bel'akor looks amazing...

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  2. Big part of the problem with giving Nagash big victories is his complete dominion over a Grand Alliance. It would be like Daughters, Sylvaneth and Seraphon being completely under the control of Sigmar.

    Narratively stagnant. My greatest hope is BR breaks his hold and the Soulblight are the first of the autonomous subfactions

  3. 13 minutes ago, CeleFAZE said:

    If they don't want to introduce strength and toughness for 3.0, at the very least they could introduce a mechanic where certain tougher monsters and units have a malus on being wounded. Call it something like "resilience" and make it a thing that can allow for larger models with worse saves to still be a challenge to take on.

    For instance, a mancrusher gargant could have resilience 1, resulting in a -1 on wound rolls, and a mega-gargant could have resilience 2, providing a -2 to the wound roll. This gives them some of the benefit of the Str vs T system without having to rework the whole ruleset to compensate, and they could retroactively apply it to units with a warscroll update. I imagine that resilience 1 would be the most common, with 2 being rather rare and limited to things that can't be fielded en mass, and go no higher than that.

    The only possible downside is that much like rend, I can see the distribution of this being rather uneven and certain armies getting more or less of it on a fairly arbitrary basis.

    They've been experimenting with "can't be wounded on better than a 4+"  in 40k

    Wouldn't mind that being used to give the monsters a little more staying power.

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  4. It's too big a change given their rules release model but relative speed of things annoys me.

    When we can launch units from one edge of the table to the other it feels like more of a CCG than a wargame to me.

    Realistically mainly quality of life changes to terrain and missions from what they've done in 40k would be nice.

    A change to double turn with either it's removal or really integrating it (missions, Endless Spells, how CP is generated etc. Make it a really tough call whether the double is worth it)

    • Like 5
  5. Apologies if my posts have contributed of late. 

    When I get going I'm enjoying working on my Warriors of Chaos and City. I've been trying to reinforce in my mind why I have the armies I do and keep working on them.

    I don't know what it is but "the new army" idea always dominates my imagination. I love all the armies I have but for whatever reason I struggle to keep my mind focused on them instead of daydreaming about some new faction or game.

    So it's been a really good week reading fiction I've missed from each, writing more background for Karak Cythral and painting more again.

    • Like 1
  6. Can't wait for Cursed City. Couldn't be any more perfectly aligned with what I was hoping for. I've been on a strict no purchases only work from the backlog for some time now.

    However if the Gravelords are a Gothic Horror/Monsters faction that can be played with Elite builds (so burnt out on Hordes) I'll happily sell some old projects to dive in.

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  7. On 06/12/2019 at 1:43 PM, Frowny said:

    One idea is instead of horse + rider you should be thinking centaur. A kurnoth body would fit nicely as the head + torso component on demigrph, dracolines or gryph charger bodies. 

    Alternatively, I think a smaller body would be fine. Dracolines ridden by spite revenanants, or wild riders would still be easily recognizable as dracolines, and you'd get to avoid the stormcast part. 

    This is what I was going to say. Could even try it with the Thunderwolves idea and have the fur be more of a moss where the tree meets the wolf?

  8. 52 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    @Overread @Clan's Cynic@Neil Arthur Hotep @Kramer Thanks for cheer me up!

    I don't want rules, I only want to have a bit of presence in the biggest campaign ever released. If the Realms are gonna be Broken, Destruction must be a important part of these events. 🤤

    It feels to me like they're building to Destruction being the key Alliance in the 3.0 Narrative with the Siege of Excelsis.

    1.0 Order vs Chaos 

    2.0 Order vs Death

    3.0 Order vs Destruction?








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