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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. Do you think they'll make Hammer pants and the Battle Cattle side of the Lumineth one week or two?
  2. I have recently been working on converting my own Teclis and just stumbled on your series. Really nicely done with a ton I didn't know having been introduced to WHFB around the beginning of 5th. It's crazy looking at this now how many elements from those earlier books I subconsciously incorporated into my conversion.
  3. I'm really looking forward to the results of all your experimental basing techniques LM. Next up for me will be two units of Liberators and a Lord Arcanum
  4. It's a bizarre scenario where you wish the conspiracy theory of GW making new kits OP was true. It's a damn shame that beautiful new Start Collecting is almost universally underwhelming.
  5. Both the Elves and Giants were supposed to be released right in what ended up being the era of plague. Given they have pushed the flagship games followup releases to October I'm expecting September to be wall to wall catch up.
  6. My thoughts were to run them based around a Ruinbringer Battalion with a large Iron Golem Anvil. Using Small Marauder summons to pressure enemy backfield/isolated units objectives.
  7. @SorryLizard the Ravagers subfaction leans into that area of the lore allowing your mortal heroes to all have a command trait and each can summon a small band of Marauders or Warcry gang to the table each turn. If you are open to non GW minis there are some nice alternatives out there:
  8. Thank you @Wyliekyote I know the metal and plastic cavalry heroes came with foot versions. Not sure if our dragons did (I'm still rocking original Imrik) That Cathallar is lovely @Athrawes Really nice work.
  9. Final Fantasy Tactics is the best game I've ever played. If this is even close to that with an AoS skin I'll be ecstatic.
  10. They are looking good so far. Could try using a wash in the creases and carefully over the raised parts and then go back with the original color just on the most raised folds.
  11. Only fair after your awesome Lions gave you away Thank you sir, high praise indeed.
  12. I'm thrilled with how it turned out. Was just thinking about where the idea for the Aetherquartz platform probably came from. This has been my phone lock screen for ages.
  13. I thought you enlightened folk might enjoy my recent creation
  14. Jes Goodwin sculpts are timeless (luckily for Eldar collectors )
  15. My dear friends. The day has finally come.
  16. I'm 100% on the same wavelength as the OP. I try to have the same rundown discussion on what absurd Rube Goldberg type combos my units are capable of. This game is already annoyingly heavy on over the top combo interactions and takes up a rather large part of an evening so I absolutely want to make sure both players enter in with an understanding of what they are up against. Maximizing the chances of having an enjoyable time after packing, transporting, setting up the table, deploying etc Nothing makes me question my continued participation in the gaming side of this hobby than doing all that pregame work of transport etc and either winning or losing in a Gotcha fashion.
  17. Another detail pass was a bit overly simplistic... Still, getting closer every day. Also I like the new Avatar @LuminethMage Very cool reveals this morning!
  18. That is always an exciting/nerve wracking part. What about reversing the scheme of the main force? Swapping the grey to be the detail/spot color? Same metallics and using the same colors in a different ratio should tie her in while still being unique. Teclis is done (Went with my own scheme for him which turned out really well.) Everything else on the base is all built and functioning. The Celennar replacement is almost done just another detail pass required. After that just doing the basing and trying LED lighting for the first time so it's either almost done or rage filled Eldarain will post it near the end of the month without the lighting
  19. Turned out brilliantly @LuminethMage I was unsure about the tassle swap on the points of the cloak but you pulled them off nicely. Can't wait to see it when you decide to paint her.
  20. They look brilliant. You are not making it any easier to resist expanding into that range
  21. You could also use a file/nail file to reshape spiky things into a more crystal appearance and do the old metallic with ink/contrast over it for an Aetherquartz vibe.
  22. Looking up tutorials and getting some practice in with brass rod (if you're not familiar with it) might be wise from a Lumineth perspective (those pikes terrify me )
  23. Looking at the sprue makes me think that should work pretty well. The knee will require some careful slicing and smoothing but shouldn't be too bad. The sword arm swap looks good. Though the alignment might need some work. Are there shoulder pad type bits you can use to hide some green stuff adjustments with? I'm concerned about that staff plan though. The spiky detail makes up a ton of the piece and it's deeply integrated. I'd see if you can find another left arm that has the hand isolated from the arm (the one you have there is aligned with the forearm). Then drill through the hand and put a piece of brass rod through with the staff top/wand on either end.
  24. Teclis himself is pretty much finished. There's a ton more that fills up that dinner plate of a base though. Having mostly solved my conversion challenges I'm confident he'll be done. Hopefully this coming week.
  25. This Teclis project is a real rollercoaster. Really happy with how the Illuminator himself is coming together. It's funny how my grandious conversion ideas seem so straightforward in my head but then always turn into an amusing battle to wrench it into reality.
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