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Everything posted by TheArborealWalrus

  1. Broken Realms fiction – The Hateful Stasis - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)
  2. So I acquired an exalted chariot box and was wondering if I should make the exalted or split it into 2 of the other kinds. (meaning 2 of either) Thoughts on the subject? Also, if I split it which versions would you recommend? It is rather sad that Slaanesh isn't getting much spotlight in the community articles and such. I rather liked that lord of pain they introduced guarding the newborn from Khornate raiders in one of those snippets. He felt very relatable for a Slaanesh guy. Not a cartoon caricature at all really. It would be cool if he got a novel of his own or something. Anyhoo, hope you're having a good week.
  3. I like the StD idea, but I unfortunately don't have marauder horsemen, any more slickblades, or 20 additional marauders (could proxy the fangs I suppose). I don't think I could get them in the time before the tournament either. I may have to proxy the horesmen idea afterwards though. I'm in a little bit of an awkward place with my limited range. I feel I should explain the rationale for the clawspears. They are there to lock down a flank with the support of the keeper. A 20 wound, 3+ save unit is fairly difficult to shift and between the marauders + chaos lord(hopefully) and the slickblades, my opponent should have too many threats to effectively counter. The claws are very swingy, but could potentially also rip stuff up with the keeper's command ability. Better to use it on the slickblades, but they're an option. The chieftain and splintered fang are the defensive response force. I wanted board coverage and offence enough to fight weaker units from their replacements. I feel that If I push the offence any further, than I won't be able to hold up the inevitable deepstrikes later in the game. (or hold my own objectives) I've got 170pts/260pts, 400 if I drop a clawstrider unit, but I rather like having the triumph for boosting my summons later in the game. My experiences thus far with the army tells me that I will be reliant on the summons to pull out a win. There are 10 units in the list and the rule is 1 in 4 units. It's perfectly legal once I switch the artifact. It does need to go on whoever is leading the defensive force though... Maybe a second chaos lord? Thanks for the directions folks. I suppose the only way to find the deficiencies is to try it out. I've got a lumineth and a Khorne player looking for games this weekend. We'll see this list's mettle then.
  4. Doesn't really change their job in the list, what would you suggest as an alternative? I liked the command ability for the purpose, but I'm open to ideas. (the command ability from the chieftain is to make the opponent reconsider charging them or striking them first.) The splintered fang are there for my army's snake theme more than anything else. Plus mortal wounds in a bind. I'll need a force to hold home objectives and actually remove enemy deepstrikers. The army is rather all in.
  5. So I've got a baby tournament coming up in a few weeks representing my city and I wanted to get some list building advice. The idea here is to bog my opponent down in cav and marauders so they can't push the objectives effectively before the time runs out. (and hopefully kill them too) Unfortunately not being able to go first might be a huge problem if my opponent is smart enough to realize that. The chieftain is there to make the splintered fang and potentially the 2nd marauder unit fight back against alpha strikes/deepstrikers. I'm not really sure about ... well, a lot of the stuff here, especially the heroes. It's kind of a different take from any other Slaanesh list I've seen. Thanks for any help, and I hope you're having a good week. The List: Lurid Haze - 1970pts - 2 artifacts, 7 drops, 157 wounds
  6. In my experience the clawstriders are extremely swingy. They either rip through or bounce off completely. They aren't very defined in their role. The scourgestriders are a lot more consistent. Better at holding things and ripping up screens. Overall in an awkward place. The speed has saved more than one battle for me though. On a seprate note, the twins are pretty. I'm more of a mortals guy, but they're cool. I of course, will hope for more human boosts, but I look forward to seeing what they do with the book.
  7. His max attacks are 12 as it says "unmodified charge roll." His natural +3 is still a modification.
  8. A bit of an odd question for you all. So I have a lot of hellstriders back from when there weren't any other themed slaanesh stuff. Do you think it's possible to build a list around them? I realize that they aren't an ideal unit ... I just have 25 of them after shadow and pain. For reference, my area is currently in some sort of competitive arms race. (I have no idea why) Like the kindest list I've fought (outside of the couple of newbies) is a Khorne bloodthirster spam.
  9. I think if we do any blanket point drops we'll be too strong (like you said). To be fair on the coming points, I haven't used the daemon half of the army much, so my knowledge on what's needed there is, shall we say, lacking. But here are my "problem units" worth including in the poll. Painbringers, blissbarb archers, twin souls, slaangors (although they need a rule clarification/re-wright more), lord of pain, and sharspeaker. The maybe could do with a change list is ... well most of the lesser daemon heroes. I've never heard of anyone taking a herald on foot. Actually haven't even heard of anyone summoning one. It's a shame because their rules are pretty good. It's just hard to find 130pts spare. Not sure if they actually need it, but perhaps someone else has some ideas on them and others. Regardless, happy Easter everyone! (or non denominational weekend! whichever takes your fancy)
  10. Wanted to get the opinions on this list. Thematically this is the vanguard of the host. Lots of fast cav and shirtless scouting types/revelers. Or perhaps the peasants have to walk while the premo troops ride in style. It's Lurid haze and is centered around putting maximum pressure on my opponent at once. The fast cavalry and however many units get to ambush go offensive, or just land near objectives/cover. The lurid haze command won't be useful on the marauders but should be helpful to the cavalry wing. I'm not certain about the second marauder unit or the command point/heroes. Mostly the chieftain. I like the models I have aesthetically but the chieftain's command ability seems a little confusing with the buff based on models in the unit. Maybe I'll replace them with the snake warcry guys. Save 20 points. *shrug* The second unit is more for holding the line/second wave duties. Act as a shield of sorts. The warqueen is there for when I want to guarantee the marauder ambush or get that additional DP. The keeper is there to keep up with the cavalry and hand out the double pile in or +1 to save. I wanted to have the 3 heroes to both get the depravity/command points, but also hand out battleshock immunity to the mortal mooks. Both wings get archer support to help free up units or hit critical targets. I contemplated replacing both with twinsouls but I'm not sure. It would free up some points ... Thanks for taking a look and I look forward to your suggestions. Hope you're having a good week.
  11. Alright, so I've played 6 games based around the idea of it being a competition between 15 chaos warriors and 10 mymadesh painbringers. As reference, this was the core of the list with 660pts of swapping around with my limited resources. I used all of these at one time or another in the list. 5 scourgestriders, 1 keeper of secrets, 1 shardspeaker, 10 blissbarb archers, 1 darkoath warqueen, 20/40 marauders, aspiring ... hero? champion? whatever the mini hero is, and a contorted epitome. I changed up the list when I used the marauders. Went lurid haze and replaced the lord of pain with the keeper. It should be noted that my rolls were often not stellar the entire time. These are my conclusions from the contest: As for the rest of the army: Conclusion: I need to fight something other than khorne. Between the battalion abilities and insensate rage thirster wrecking everything this wasn't a wholey fair testing. My impressions from these however are that I'd be better off using something else as battleline/shields/chaff. Nothing seems to survive the higher tier armies' damage anyways so I might as well stick with something that serves another purpose. I think I might change up the base list. We'll see. Thanks for reading my extensive thoughts, and I hope you have a good week.
  12. Not sure if it's too interesting, but mine are a snake cult. Originally there were several tribes in their jungle home. A slaaneshi cult, a nurgle one and the snake cult who unknowingly worshipped khorne. At the core of their beliefs was an obsession with acquiring sacrifices for their snake deity. (based off an actual beast within the jungle) This pushed them to ever greater attacks on their neighbors. The desperate prayers of the slaanesh tribsemen drew the attention of a keeper of secrets. Rather than save the poor tribals though, it began to influence the snake cult. Portents, gifts, and visions, it pushed them closer to depravity. As time passed the sacrifices grew more obscene. Soon daemons began to manifest, but twisted into parodies of the snake's form. The remains of the Slaanesh tribe joined them and as the nurglites were wiped out, the growing city began to look further afield for sacrifices and plunder. Finally their "god" manifested itself at the height of their gandest ritual yet. With their faith realized and a new directive before them, the cult marched out of their jungle home. Unbeknownst to them their city began to follow them. Zigurats sprouted appendages and the snake shrines began to move on their own. All of them headed for Ulgu.
  13. I think it's kurnothi as well, but I also think that the beasts are going to get an update. Restart the old wood elf rivalry in a beasts vs kurnothi thing. We are the traditional despoilers. (Or it could be orks if we're feeling pessimistic. Although if the normal greenskins got an army again, that would be pretty dope, even if it doesn't help us.) The Red King is also right that he(?) doesn't match any of the known stuff at present. It could be a wild card. All that being said, it would be nice to get some proper centigors. Hope y'all are having a good week, For Morghur!!
  14. Most of what you said is right, but I don't feel like it's a penalty. I go for the kill, but if they survive I get some compensation. It's up to us to focus on winning instead of depravity. Kind of feels right, that we have to keep focused and not lose ourselves to depravity for the mission. Points are a bit high for that to be easy though ... I haven't played too many games, but the summoning definitely seems to be a mechanic the army can't survive without. Unfortunately true. Depravity rewards you for playing with your food which is absolutely a Slaanesh thing, but the additional hits on 6s feels more like a Khorne ability than a Slaanesh one (to me). I don't have any better ideas that don't also step on one or more of the other god's abilities, but depravity is a good fit. Alright, I've got two questions. Question 1: I've seen multiple people talk about getting depravity at the end of the turn but it explicitly states that you get them in the battleshock phase. That happens in both player turns. Am I missing something or was it just a case of poor word choice? 2: So this is a question of focus. We have some of the fastest cavalry in the game, but comparatively slow infantry. Should we just focus on the cav and leave the slow pokes behind or try for a mixed approach? I feel like ignoring the fast cav altogether would be a mistake. I've been messing about with percentages of points spent on both and haven't quite reached a conclusion. About 50% has had an alright feel, but like many others have said I usually feel like I'm missing a unit or battalion. I've gotten off track - Question 2: How focused on our cavalry should we be at list construction? What percentage of points should be spent on these speedsters? (I'm counting anyone moving 12" up as a part of this too)
  15. 2 questions for the hosts. Question1: I'm working on a snake themed army, trygon keeper base model, snake heads on the seekers, medusa running the epitome, that whole jazz. There are two units that I am having trouble theming. Fiends and daemonettes. My biggest problem is that they're 4 and 1 wound respectively. Too chonky and too small. Ideas? Question 2: I wanted to use marauders in my list thematically, but I've got a fairly competitive scene by me. Are marauders worth taking outside of the lurid haze for hedonites? I fully acknowledge that I won't win any tournaments with my list, I just want to make a fight of it ... and have fun playing. General recommendations are welcome too. Here's the current theorized list (it's a WiP as I try stuff):
  16. 1: I love your army idea. I also had a very similar concept for my army in the form of a snake cult. I unfortunately don't know much about Khalida and thus can't say much on expanding her theme. Uncertain how far you want to go with the old school undead constructs. I feel like they won't mesh well with the more modern slaanesh stuff. Maybe liberators + tomb guard for the twin souls? Maybe make the exalted seekers as constructs or perhaps as smaller chariots? Some headdresses and the like on the blissbarbs? ... That's what I got off the top of my head. We shall follow your progress with great interest. 2: Since you're not going for a competitive army you can do whatever. I feel like you're missing a mass of revelers/worshipers. I'd say daemonettes or marauders depending on your preference. (obviously don't use the old 90's marauder sculpts) If you're sticking to the archers theme then perhaps more blissbarbs? A smaller monster from StD might be a good choice for a fun conversion instead. A slaughterbrute/mutalith or a formoroid perhaps? Interesting possibilities either way. Welcome aboard the pleasure and pain bus! (although I'm also pretty new myself)
  17. Alright, so to preface, I had a smallish Slaanesh mortals army back in AoS 1 as a part of my everchosen stuff. (All of my chaos except beasts is themed that way) Now with the new mortals stuff I wanted to get back into it. I also might have been inspired by an old model that called out for a lord of Pain conversion. Regardless, I wanted some advice. I have this stuff below. I wanted to ask what I should purchase moving forward with my mortals theme. They seem to be in an awkward place. I understand that painbringers aren't great, but I'm going to get some and had intended to use the spare parts to convert up some twinsouls (likely from my chosen). Is there a way to focus the list around the lord of pain without it being hot garbage? It's very sad that he doesn't boost StD, but such is the way of things. I'll probably proxy my warriors. The old cloak boys seem basically impossible to make into any of the new types though. 'Tis sad. I have no intention of winning tournaments with this, but I've played armies that can't do damage AND couldn't survive. It was very frustrating. I'd like to avoid that here. Have a fighting chance and all that. My initial idea is hammer and anvil tactics with the warriors/painbringers and the Lord of pain being the advancing anvil with the seekers/hellstriders being the hammer. I'm not opposed to taking some daemons but I'll be converting them to be humans. Thoughts? Changes to the strategy? Suggested Purchases? Amusing/helpful anecdotes? I'm rambling at this point. Any help would be appreciated, Have a wonderful day (For the Everchosen!)
  18. As always, it depends. I'd say mostly on what you're army is. A more offensive army with bullgors and such would likely be best taking second to avoid damage. If you can reach them first then it might be worth it or if you think they'll just destroy you first turn. If you're a ungor body blocking spam, I'd say going first is a good plan to prevent your opponent from blocking you off (and let you block them). I haven't really played the body blocking stuff too much. I'm khornate at heart.
  19. I made another boy. Don’t have a name for him yet. I do have a question though. What color scheme would compliment the desert bases I have planned? I was thinking a reddish sand for the canyon they’ll be displayed in. Hope everyone is having a good week. For Behemat!
  20. I put the flag on the top of a 2 handed axe while I have another raising his up in the air. You could do the reverse and put the axe head on the banner pole too. Slapping it on their back works but I'm not a fan. It doesn't look good/realistic to me. I like painting my banners, so I haven't had the issue of not wanting them. I have mine look like bloody "leather" which I'm rather fond of. So, maybe try to find one you like a lot? Failing that ... maybe 1 in 20 for ungors and the like? The banners' ability isn't too important on screening units, so not having 1 isn't a big deal currently. (in my opinion) Every bestigor unit should probably have 1 since they'll actually use it though. I take 1 just in case I get alpha struck or don't roll a 3+ for summoning. Probably don't need to but ... *shrug* My gavespawn are more focused on bullgors though. Plays differently from lots of ungors, ect.
  21. Alright, I had a game against bone reapers Sunday. We did starstrike on a desert board. He's been just trying stuff out. This wasn't the current "must take Katakros" build. Not exactly the hardest fight, but it was a nice break up from the -1 to be hit stuff. My list: My opponent's list: Mortis Praetorians Terrain/setup: There was a temple in the center with desert buildings in each corner and one in the middle on each side. His bone tithe nexus was on his side on my left between the 2 other buildings. I set up my megas on either side of my central terrain. I put a mancrusher on either side of the board edge and hid the rest behind the central terrain. My opponent put the cavalry, the kavalos and the crawlers on the left with the rest of his army by the middle, the tith nexus inbetween them. Turn 1: I had less drops and decided to go first. My thought was to destroy the nexus before he could give me a -1 to hit. Plus he could hit me with the catapults anyways. After my crushing defeat (in a game against myself) I decided to keep most of my giants together for protection, I ran my whole army towards the left in an attempt to take out the nexus and maybe get the catapults. My normal mega was out front and wrecked the terrain. I remember someone suggesting using them as meatshields. On my opponent's turn he whiffed all but 1 of his catapult shots into the unit of 3, doing 5 damage. The endless spell hung out by yhe main fight. He charged the mega with the horsemen and a unit of mortek, careful not to draw in anyone else. She got hit by the horses and massacred 14 of the guard. She took 14 damage from the 2 units. Turn 2: My opponent won the roll off and took the double turn. He moved the other mortek unit at my general and the harvester at my other mega. The wizards gave reroll 1s and more hits on 5+. My general was surrounded as the central fight continued. The catapults killed 2 of the mancrushers and my general took 13 damage from the guard and wiped them out. The other mega was left on 1 wound after she failed to kill the harvester. The last mancrusher from the unit stuck around. On my turn I killed the harvester in shooting and most of the morteks. A lone mancrusher ran and charged at the catapult, making it in. The boss charged the last mortek, obliterating them. A horse was crushed on the charge and the unit was wiped out by the general. At this point my opponent surrendered. With 2 crawlers and 3 heroes left he didn't have much of an army. This was more of a learning game for him than me, but it was very nice having a +1 to hit generally. He didn't have a lot of hitting power with his mortek crawlers missing. Keeping your giants together seems to be the best method of survival. Also offence. Makes taking objectives harder but I like my giants enough to be willing to risk objectives. Worked out this time. The mega was a worthy meat shield too. Hope you guys enjoyed For Behemat!
  22. I haven't seen any army lists, but when I was listening to the numerous reviewers, they spoke poorly of SoB's damage and declared them to be a defensive army. Fighting like beastmen where you just try to die slowly. I think they're wrong, but a couple big wig tournament folk have talked about them as such. The -1 command trait and the perfect protection armor would likely be best for protection on the objective grabbing style. I'd still go for the sandals, but that's a personal choice. I'd quote Drazhoath but I didn't want to make 2 posts. Stomper tribes are very focused and thus not terribly all rounder friendly. To the point of all rounderness, I'd say breaker and taker tribes are more universal. For breakers you take a hatred that roughly fits the most things. Probably either idiots with flags or the 4+ save one (depending on your local meta). Takers don't really get any benefits beyond objective taking, so they don't care too much who they're fighting. The biggest choice for the army is how many megas you take. I only have 6 mancrushers and 2 megas so I only have like 2-3 lists to use. (I know someone on here had great success with 3 megas) Perhaps some of our other stomp leaders could tell us of their experiences with varying numbers of megas? The army is much more vulnerable to your opponent's list selection than many others. I believe it's been said before, if your opponent can take out a mega in one phase, then you are likely to lose. At that point it's a race to see who can hit the other hammer first. Our shooting can help out there and if they only have 1-2 hammers you might be able to pull it off and save yourself. (my battle report with Tzeentch is an example of this ... even though I lost the tournament match) Good luck fellow sons, For Behemat!
  23. You can take from both, but because of wording, the second must be from the "trophies taken by force." (Not sure when that would matter, but that's the rule)
  24. It varies. I personally prefer the 6 and 2, but what tribe you take determines what is best I feel. Stomper tribe doesn't really effect megas so more little ones are probably better. The taker tribe benefits both, so you could go either way with it. So does the breaker tribe, but the gatebreakers are the ones who need the bonus to hit more than the little ones. The breaker tribe also doesn't affect the other types of megas, so keep that in mind. I believe it revolves around the kicking the objective ploy. You can probably do lots of sneaky stuff with that. I've heard people wanting to have SoB as an objective based army with little focus on damage. To that end, the takers are probably best. I personally don't think that is a correct attitude, but I play(ed) Khorne. I've found that the damage of a breaker tribe can be quite terrifying, as can the mancrushers in a stomper tribe (under the correct circumstances). Mind you, I haven't played as takers or stompers yet, so I have limited experience with them. SoB can be very deadly, you just have to think harder while doing it. (mostly for tournaments where you won't get turn 4&5 generally) One mistake can sink your battleship in this army. This is the reason I think a bunch of smaller giants in a taker tribe might be good. Lots of retreating, the mega tanking and kicking objectives while the mancrushers secure them. Worth a shot when I get more smaller ones. Might be boring to my Khornate brain though. Hope everyone is staying safe out there, For Behemat!
  25. Oh, and here’s an example of gap filling I did on his back/side. I forgot to take pictures of the better examples on his legs.
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