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Blog Entries posted by EMMachine

  1. EMMachine
    So, after quite some time I really should post something
    I made another story for Yelena, but this time it's more like a prequel.
    This should be the first time Yelena woke up after getting reforged.
    I know, this story is a little different in comparison to the rare parts that were mentioned in background (like the reforging of Torglug who became Tornus or the Reforging of Vandus Hammerhand), but just have fun.
    (if something of the wording is a little of, like the other stories it is translated from german, and to speed the process a little up, letting google making the main translation, while correcting some parts afterwards
    Reforged, a new life
    Actually I don't know if there is a follow up with her training, because I don't know how Stormcast Eternal training would look like.
  2. EMMachine
    So, this is more of a WIP Post. At first I thought making a Scar like Theme, but this didn't worked out, mostly because of the light underbelly.
    At the end I got a little inspiration of @kenshin620 Lionpictures in the Fanmade Lion Rangers Battletome Thread. The Idea could be that my lion ranger aelfs could be some sort of firealefs (or fyreaelfs if we take the wording of fyreslayers) living in aqshy having Blaze Lions.

    Actually I'm writing something about a Lionlike Godbeast, that isn't translated yet, don't know if it is even finished, yet.
  3. EMMachine
    So, today was the 3. Malign Portent Painting Contest. I painted some Putrid Blightkings this time and this time all models of all three contests were there.

    Actually there were 5. Entries this time.
    Looks like, I didn't hit the interests of the voters.
    With this contest I because 5. place twice and last place twice.
    3rd place were the Beastclaw Raiders
    2nd place where the other Nurgle Daemons
    1rd place was the death army.
    Actually don't know, if I will take part in a painting contest again.
  4. EMMachine
    Here is another story attempt. At first the story was planned with the Fleetmaster Delayar as protagonist, but I thought the landlady Thalia could be an interesting protagonist (mostly because she can have several customers to interact in her Tavern). It's a try to fit in some official GW stuff into the story as well as some bits of my own creations. (After I mix Frostaelfs, Fyreaelfs and Shadowaelfs in this story I wish I hadn't split the Projects into two.)
    Character Description Thalia
    Delayar's Loss
  5. EMMachine
    So, I made a little building for a fanmade Battletome (it's my nonlayout style again because it makes changing stuff easier). I called it "Order of Flowers" so different Alarielle following orders could be made. My order of the yellow rose is only one of them.
    Order of Flowers version 0.9
    As you know, the Order of the Yellow Rose was planned as a mix of Humans and Aelfs Worshipping Alarielle. (but for once, there is no way taking Humans as Allies for Aelfs and so on).
    At the moment I have made units for the Maiden Guard I'm working (partly changed Warscrolls of Wanderers, Swifthawk Agents and Darkling Covens)
    To make the Order more complete there are also the Order of Rangers and the Order of Paladins. These don't have there own Warscrolls at the moment, but I tried to switch the Keywords from other Units as part of the Allegiance.
    I'm not really sure yet, what the Allegiance Abilites should be, after a part of the army don't follow the sneaky Wanderers Style but I think this is something to work with.
  6. EMMachine
    So, to give a little update for the last week.
    My Ranger part of the army got another 10 Eternal Guard (so the unit contains 20 now) and 10 Wildwood Rangers). Actually don't have pictures of it because it's not really interesting showing mostly noncoverted minis.
    A little more interesting should be, that I made a High Priestess containing parts of Yvraine and parts of the Sisters of the Thorn. Actually I don't know that warscroll I should use (Spellweaver looks a little wasted here). Is there something better fitting for a priestess in Ghyran than a woman walking barefoot (except that she doesn't have legs where men become jealous of like it's the case with Alarielle).
    I undercoated her yesterday and started painting the skin, so this is the result:

    Still I don't have finished any more models but I will show the WIP pics.
    First my three heroes

    From left to right: Waywatcher, Nomad Prince, Spellweaver.
    And the first 10 Sisters of the Watch (of 30).

    Actually I have done a little painting on the 5 additional Wildriders, but I didn't make pictures of them.
    Next weekend will get interesting in case of Building:
    I actually orders 4 Boxes of Sisters of the Thorn/Wildriders and 1 Box of Sisters of the Watch. With these boxes I want to build another 10 Wild Riders and 2 units of 5 Reavers. Using the Deers standing on the hindlegs because if I saw correctly the Sisters of the Watch Cape should fit in this case so I could use the upper body of the Sisters of the Watch.
    I really must say, it's fun to work on a most/entirely female army that isn't over sexualized.
  7. EMMachine
    Hi Guys,
    at the moment, I'm a little slow at painting because of soccer WM (even as germany left in the group phase)
    Yesterday I realized something when looking for the name "Order of the Yellow Rose"
    Once there is a monk Order in D&D as it looks like: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Monastery_of_the_Yellow_Rose
    and there was someone on Twitter saying that his son joined the Order of the Yellow rose. So the order is a real thing?
    Hm, I know that I used places of other games ("Eloni" was a map of Spellforce) but normally I didn't wanted to use a real existing organisation (because of not knowing what they have done).
    On the other hand, "Order of the Yellow rose" doesn't scream "Worshipper of Alarielle". After I didn't painted any banner yet (partly do to the point that a rose is not easy to paint) there is the question, what other name I could give the order?
    The closest thing to a Alarielle Worshipper would be something like "Order of Alarielle" or "Cult of Alarielle" but this doesn't sound right.
    Another thing, refering Ghyran would be something like "Order of Leaves"
    There is also the case that every Standard of the Order has the Heart with Thorns on it's top and my Maiden Guard uses the Heartsymbols, so perhaps something in this direction.
    Does anyone have suggestings to this?
  8. EMMachine
    So, here are my first characterdescription to give parts of my characters some background. I wrote these in german and translated them for this blog in english. Hope I didn't make much disspellings and grammatical errors. I think there could be some controverial points about some things, but I think there would be a possiblitiy in AoS. And even Stormcast Eternals couldn't be flawless The three Liberator Primes have there models, but these are not painted yet.
    Judicator Prime, Yelena Stormheart
    Vanguard Raptor Prime, Ramir
    Liberator Prime, Samuel und Riko Stormclaw
    Liberator Prime, Beowulf
  9. EMMachine
    After I made the Thread in the Modelling and Painting Subboards I didn't wrote more blog entries.
    To give a little update here.
    Since September 2017 the project contained Tribesmen. Here the blogentry
    Those were only planned as a mixed force at the beginning.
    Since june 2019 those guys are growing to become a recogniseable force on there own.
    Already Painted are these guys.
    Chieftain on Griffon

    Shaman on Griffon


    Demigryph Knights (1)


    Freeguild Guard

    Those guys are in a quite wierd spot right now. They basicly open up this part of the project years ago, but I actually used metal colors back then. All other models I painted above didn't use any metal colors so it is most likely that those guys will get a makeover in case of there metal parts).
  10. EMMachine
    Hi community,
    I translated another story. This time it's more of a prequel. It's the last moment of Yelena Stormheart before becoming a Stormcast Eternal. We already got some information in Yelenas Character Description but here it's a little more fleshed out.
    Have fun ?
    Decline of the spectral gate monastery
  11. EMMachine
    I know, this is actually two weeks ago, but I took part in the first Malign Portents Painting Contest.
    I had chosen the start collecting Box Nurgle Daemons, because I wanted to paint some Nurgle Models this year.
    Here is the german Facebook Post with pictured of all 10 competing armies.
    55 people voted in the time between 11:00 and 17:00. At the end I was 5. of 10.
    Third place were the Seraphon, second the Ironjaws and first nurgle daemons converted with the Gorbits.
    Here are my models I painted:

  12. EMMachine
    Here is the first story my skavenclan. I know the my chars didn't really speak like skaven but I don't have an entire grammar collection of skaven. I think my clan has some feeling of a cult with a charismatic and feared prophet.
    And here comes the story. If someone finds errors, its nice to hear. And now, just have fun :
    One year before the Scabrous Sprawl campaign, the last betrayal
  13. EMMachine
    So, I have translated my stories I wrote for the skaven. To get a little faster through it I use the google translator this time and read it to search for errors. Hope I didn't oversee something.
    First the clandescription:
    I have a story work in process where my Celestial Vindicators are fighting in the Scabrous Sprawl but I'm not finished yet with it. I think Ratskit has a little wipe of another charismatic bold leader who leads a brotherhood.
    And the following is the characterdescription of my Skaven Warlord, Zrik Nightclaw
    The story, what happened to him in "the last betrayal" follows in the next post.
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