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Everything posted by Elmir

  1. I don't mind answering at all... I've used bird sand. It's the type of super fine sand (often with some ground up sea shells in there) they put on the bottom of bird cages to act as a type of litter. Costs next to nothing, but is indeed a lot finer than traditional modelling sand.
  2. And back to my original FEC army! The archregent (still have to finish the snow on the base though)
  3. Personally, I'm quite surprised as well at the overall negativity. These are mostly teasers, sure... But actually shows me that they have taken some things seriously: - more spread out love for each GA (compare now with 2 years ago) - extra stuff that benefits all is still being added. - Older battletomes are getting a refresh so you don't get left out for too long. There's still a lot of stuff that needs work, but it's being done at a pretty high speed. Maybe so much so, that it's creating a lot of entitlement even.
  4. So I got everything on the gaming table for a group shot. Hard to make everything out nicely in my dark-ish mancave though...
  5. This might just be me getting my hopes up too much... But what is that giant dead-ish ox pulling that cart in the background (red square around it)? Also, there appear to be ghouls carrying banners, so that's 2 things on those warscroll cards that not accounted for with the current model range.
  6. Anything that finally allows FEC to pick different battleline options without ridiculous general requirements, is more than welcome. It'll be a pity if they only gave us one hero, but at least it won't be the same Mono-Build over and over again.
  7. Does anybody have any idea when the next big event is that could have more AoS related reveals? I've not found a nice overview of 2019 yet with all the major events like nova, adepticon,... where they usually do these types of reveal seminars.
  8. People keep telling me about it's ebay value, but I kind of want to keep it... I'm hoping I can convert a nice saddle to mount arkhan the black on the warsphinx using the necrosphinx wings! Not sure if it'll work 100%, but It's kind of a plan?
  9. Nothing finished up yet, but I did strike gold today when I got all of these OOP boxes for an absolute bargain price... All sealed still!
  10. They managed to make lots of different variations of ghosts... I'm sure they can create a ton of different ghouls if they wanted to. Hell, given how the FEC are heavily influenced by medieval courts, some believing Nagash is their God, some hating him for what he has done to the carrion king, they could really do a cool expansion of "religious zeal"... Turning the narrative more into a power of the church (ie Nagash) vs power of the state (represented by the abhorrents). It would be a near perfect reflection of the madness of medieval power struggles by the juxtaposition of worship of Nagash as god vs military power of the courts. Getting that narrative of the rogue king who defied Nagash while the mordants still worship him, could really highlight the somewhat complex relationship between Nagash and the ghouls.... No direct control, but some form of it through other means. Priests, bisschops, archbisschops carried on bone palanquins by crypt horrors, ghouls dressed in ragged clothing as flagellants , ghouls running around with femurs turned into blowpipes as representation of archers, catapults made out of carcasses wheeled in by these decrepit creatures etc. Make it looks and play more like a twisted version of a holy siege crusade . Anyway, apologies for a bit of wish listing in the rumour thread.
  11. No undead model for a change, but I did get this model for a bit of distraction and to play with for some different colours:
  12. So, the black coach is now finished. Proper pictures are coming soon, but I did goof around a bit with the artwork page that came in my Wrath and Rapture box: I'm kind of hoping the FEC vs Skaven box will have similarly styled cool artwork now!
  13. Additionally, I noticed something odd about that cannon that the dankhold troggoth has around it's neck. It appears to have a cracked, glass chamber to house the cannonball. Now I'm no expert in ballistics, but using glass for something that has to contain explosions, seems counterproductive. So I wouldn't be surprised if some type of lightning cannons will start showing up in the future too. So if I have to take a wild stab in the dark for the future, I could see dispossessed slightly reimagined in a storm/lightning kind of way as well.
  14. Let us be honest here as well... The new big rulebook has a description of all the subfactions that will be around in the future for sure. In what way they are combined, is something that can change. *edit* Although that doesn't seem foolproof, as gitmob grots are specifically mentioned in the big rulebook.
  15. I've had a chat with Sam (rules team) at Warhammer fest Europe... He essentially said a "culling" of old WHFB models would happen. He didn't mention gitmobs, but he did use freeguild as an example; models that could do with a more "AoS style design" rather than 17th century soldiers... If you did still have old empire models, you could still use them with the new books as stand ins. Keeping both a new freeguild and old on the shelves are not an option for the company, so something has to be scrapped... I'm sure you can still use wolf riders as spider riders, gitmobs as moonclan etc... With some things going truly legacy ( chariot, pumpwagon, ...) But I expect a lot of thing no longer being available soon. But if you do own them, you'll be the cool dude with a legacy OOP army in a decade!
  16. It's almost as if the GW community team knows this is coming and just wanted to throw some sass around today! Also, hurrah for finally getting another FEC model! As my profile picture suggests, it was still my first AoS army.
  17. The WotLK expansion of WoW was basically the inspiration for this army's colour palette. That and the bases of course. I'm still hoping GW will release more soul constructs like the morghasts (with heavier armor) to go for a more deathknight heavy infantry style army in the future.
  18. Work continues and the second dreadblade harrow is now (almost) finished, along with 5 reapers. They still need their mat varnish and snow applied to the bases.
  19. Let's see: That would be (painted so far): Legions of Nagash: Deathlords Nagash (800) Arkhan (320) 6 morghasts (660) Deathrattle Wight king (80) 40 skeletons (280) 10 black knights (240) Sepulchral guard (80) Deathwalkers 20 dire wolves (240) 40 zombies (240) Deathmages Mortis Engine (180) 3 necromancers (330) Soulblight 2 vampire lords (280) Vampire lord on zombie dragon (440) 10 blood knights (480) 9 Vargulfs (480) Flesh eater courts: Ghoul king on zombie dragon (440) Ghoul king on terrorgheist (400) 2 Vargulf courtiers (320) Crypt haunter courtier (140) Crypt infernal courtier (140) Crypt ghast courtier (80) 40 ghouls (400) 12 crypt horrors (640) 3 crypt flayers (160) Nighthaunt: Reikenor (180) Knight of shrouds mounted (140) Knight of shrouds (120) Guardian of souls (140) 2 Dreadblade harrows (200) Lord executioner (80) Spirit torment (120) 5 hexwraiths (160) 9 spirit horsts (360) Cairn Wraith (60) Endless spells: All of them finished! (600) Rounds it off to 10.010 points now, with several thousands more on the "to do pile"
  20. I've got to say, Grand Alliance: Death sure as hell has evolved rapidly over the course of a year...
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