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Everything posted by lare2

  1. Yep, just start putting him in. He doesn't count as an ally of anything like that.
  2. Huh, saying that... after having read the warscroll, I don't think he gets the standard 6+ ward. Death Magic Incarnate combined with KC, that's a unit with a 4++ right there. Think I'll try that on 30 Grimghast.
  3. I've managed to get half the army to the below standard. That's all the Sequitors, Longstrikes and the 3 characters you see here. The gold I've went for is Retributor. I'm a little concerned about it, to be honest. I do like it but I never used it in any of my trials so no idea what it's gonna look like when it's finished. Working with it was a bit of a chore as well. Even with a wet pallet the stuff would dry out pretty quickly. Once I get the other half of the army up to this, there's only really the steel to do. I say really because I'm noticing a lot of bits and bobs on individual models that I'd not previously considered. Note, for example the bags and wax on the Lord-Relictor. I was thinking though, following the steel phase, I'm gonna go through each model one by one to touch up mistakes (there's a fair amount!) and to do these miscellaneous bits. Broke up from work today for the Christmas period. With the kids though, not sure how much I'll be able to get done. Ironically, I have more time when I'm at work to hobby. Will wish you all a very merry Christmas now. I hope you all have a great one, relax, and eat too much. A happy new year too. Here's hoping 2022 brings you many hours of gaming and some juicy news rules/ models for your army!
  4. I can't remember where I saw it but I'd heard October next year. Again though, no recollection of where I got this info... might've even dreamed it.
  5. Celestial Vindicators. These angry mad lads can melt copper by staring at it. Some may say that slaughtering 3/4 of Vindicarum in a single night might seem a bit heavy handed. Won't catch me saying it though - it's a short step from thievery to chaos worship. Bet you it's the kind of place you can leave your front door unlocked now. Well, once the whole mess from broken realms is cleaned up first. Stupid Be'lakor.
  6. That's true. There's a list of leaked updated points doing the rounds though and Stormdrake are on it. Time will tell i suppose.
  7. I hear tell Stormdrake Guard are gonna get a points increase again to 370. No idea if true or not mind.
  8. As someone who doesn't run giants, I love it and I'm reliant on it. It always seems to catch people out as well.
  9. Nice analogy. I was always partial to Ken but back when I played they were virtually identical. This might be why I'm enjoying SCE then.
  10. Yeah, I thought that. Their warscrolls as well... lots of neat things. In comparison SCE's seem gutted.
  11. Despite everyone's concerns it looks like dragons aren't setting the world on fire then (yet?).
  12. If that's all they do to them, I could live with that.
  13. Reading this thread reminds me of Pippin prior to the Siege of Gondor... the calm before the storm... I don't want there to be a nerf. But waiting on the edge of one I can't escape is even worse.
  14. Just a quick update, managed to do all hair and the bases on animals last night. I don't quite believe it but I'm actually on the metals now. Once the metals are done, that't it for bases - whoop whoop! I've spent the better part of this year uhming and ahing what the armour metal would be: gold or steel. I'm gonna go gold as the weapons and chain mail-esque armour will be steel. Just gonna go for basic SCE colours for this, i.e. Retributor Armour and Liberator Gold.
  15. First time in a long while this weekend I didn't have High Priest on the Relictor... the amount of 1s I rolled for Translocation was far too high. That rubbish cost me a game or two.
  16. I know a sylvaneth player and he is indeed a true gent.
  17. Thanks - it's much appreciated. Worked on them a bit more last night as well so getting a good layer of Zandri down on the parchment. Thanks for the pointers. I really wanted to start giving more focus to faces when I started but with doing everything at once, I don't think I could face (no pun intended) it. I also think I'd prefer to keep the head separate from the bodies to do them. I'm pretty certain that following this I'm just going to go back to a unit at a time and at that point I'm gonna keep the heads separate. You're right though - practise makes perfect and the only way to improve is by actually doing them. And it looks awesome! This is one of the (many!) problems I have painting though - I'd know about it! I watch tutorials and whatnot and I'm always envious of their speed painting and how they skip corners (not painting underneath, for example) but then it comes to me sitting at my table... and I just can't do it for some reason!
  18. It would make me sad, I don't think any change on these is needed... but I can believe it.
  19. Finished off the Rakarth flesh - areas covered were cream fabrics, rope, bone and flesh. Really happy with how they're coming on now. They're really starting to take shape and to begin to look actually painted. Next up I'll be painting all parchment using Zandri Dust but soon I'll be on the metals. This will be pretty much the final step in the base colours and I'm super excited to see how they'll all look with everything coloured in. I'm taking forever and a day to do this though so I got a little inpatient with them and I've started ripping some models off their perches to actually get games in between painting sessions. The Longstrike are just oppressive. I really hope they don't get hit with a nerf bat before the army's complete! On that note, I've had a number of games now with the new book and I really don't think this army will be fantastic... you can be sure that I'll still be running it though at tournies when it is done! I do love a good tourney. At one in Scotland this weekend. I'll be the one running a 1st edition SCE army - feel free to say hello if you're there! The worst step about this phase was definitely the faces on the few models I've left without a helmet. I really struggle with faces, like most. You can see below the technique I've kinda settled on. Essentially, I just smack on a blob of white over the eyes and then I get out my 000 Winsor and Newton and carefully colour around the actual eye. A note on brushes, this is pretty much one of the few jobs I use my Winsor and Newton for... most of the time I just use Hornby brushes, which I think are a pretty decent medium ground between quality and expense. I've used expensive brushes and I've used cheap brushes. I've bought Winsor and Newton which die on me after a couple of sessions and cheapo ones which have been work-horses. I really do find that the Hornby brushes are pretty good though and they're cheap enough that I'm really not too bothered about replacing them every 6 months or so. Anyway, back to faces. Once this is done, I then just wash and layer the flesh as normal. You can't really see in the 2nd pic of the face below but the eye is left pretty white and if I'm feeling confident, I'll then get out my fine tipped black pen to carefully place a pupil. It's been a long old while since I've attempted to paint on a pupil and I honestly swear by a fine tipped pen for jobs like this. Once the model's varnished and whatnot, you really can't tell the difference. Anywho, I hope you're all well and I wish you the very best for the rest of the week!
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