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Everything posted by michu

  1. Jakkob Bugmanson will get Warcry rules in new WD! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/09/white-dwarf-preview-issue-458/
  2. Ohhhh, that one's definitely going into the book. Love it!
  3. In new WD there will be solo rules for AoS!!
  4. Except there are no new miniatures for Har Kuron. And Hammerhal is too important to fall.
  5. "We will actually have a section in Shadows in the Mist called "The Fall of Anvilgard" and will present information on the city of Har Kuron. We will also have some Rumour/Fear/Threats set AFTER the fall, which should be a tonne of fun" "You'll also see rules for playing characters from both Anvilgard and Har Kuron in Champions of Order" From the discord.
  6. Cubicle7 was aware of that and their Anvilgard book will have a chapter about Har Kuron! https://discord.com/channels/658075953590697984/658699867585249280/774659279415672863 And we're going to have archetypes for Har Kuron characters in the Champions of Order book!
  7. And to all people that would call this umgi 's madness - remember that, counting dwarven citizens, Ankh-Morpork was the biggest dwarven city on Discworld!
  8. Yeah. R/40klore is not a group I would consult for "how things should be done". Most of their topics are "my primarch is better than yours" and "here is my essay why any development of lore is bad and at the same time why I want more lore development ". Oh, @Clan's Cynic. It's less purgatory and more: "we told you about this period of time but skipped it entirely. Now we show you what happened." Dark Imperium will still have it's final (Guy Haley says that 3rd book will be published). I actually enjoy the lore (I love those small lore tidbits in WD). EDIT: As you said - they are angry when it's all SM wins, but when they lose the outrage is bigger. So what the writers can do?
  9. I think that 40k writers have this problem that (reading 40klore subreddit), no matter what they do there will be riot so they play a bit too safe.
  10. Ok, if someone doesn't care about spoilers, look at this review! https://spruesandbrews.com/2020/11/07/broken-realms-morathi-review-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-spoilers/
  11. No download on the page. Maybe there will be an article later or the rules are only in the box...
  12. Small trivia: Kuron in Druhir means monster, so now Anvilgard is named City of Monsters.
  13. He meant exactly Lumineth and Idoneth. They are the same souls as High Elves of Old World. And Phoenix aelves can be those souls found by Sigmar that later settled in Hysh. No retcon needed.
  14. And one can always use old rules for those who still oppose Morathi.
  15. Right @Aelfric. High Elves were just recycled. Teclis and Tyrion care about environment. Malerion doesn't.
  16. You didn't understand. That model is dead, because the whole game system died. But when WFB existed, Leitdorf had rules published in 2 next army books, even when that character died in 6th edition. I can still play cadian army in 40k and the whole planet blew up! TL DR Just because a character died or place was conquered in lore, doesn't mean the rules are gone.
  17. Lore-wise not rule-wise. Never mistake these two things.
  18. Blame Tyrion and Teclis for abandoning you for their new children...
  19. Unless there is a rule in the book saying "you can't use Anvilguard rules anymore " nothing is invalidated. We now have rules for pre-fall Anvilgard and post-fall Anvilgard...
  20. Well, new Arkanaut Admiral at least. Or we will get rules with article about him...
  21. Don't give me hope.... plastic Acolytes, new Rat Ogors, updated Eshin units...faints.
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