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Everything posted by Chumphammer

  1. So I tried my last list with the Scyer/thralls and I just wasnt really sold on them. They can hit well, but they just die easily with their 5+ Armour. Plus the hero is pretty useless after he has used the ability (bar comedy value of hims throwing fish at people) Reworked it a little so this is my next test: Zaitrec Scinari Cathaller - General, Fast learner, pretty pointless Zaitrec artifact tax (Ethereal/Solar Flare) Scinari Cathaller - Silver Wand (Eclipse/protection) Light of Eltharion 30 Vanari Auralan Wardens (Protection) 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens (Ethereal) 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens (Lambent light) 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinals (Eclipse) 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinals (Solar Flare) 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinals (Ethereal) 10 Vanari Auralan Dawnriders (Speed) Auralan Legion Hyshian Twinstones Aethervoid Pendulum I also want to try a list with Gotrek cause he hits like a brick Zaitrec Scinari Cathaller - General, Fast learner, pretty pointless Zaitrec artifact tax (Ethereal/Solar Flare) Scinari Cathaller - Silver Wand (Eclipse/protection) Gotrek Gurnisson 30 Vanari Auralan Wardens (Protection) 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens (Ethereal) 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens (Lambent light) 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinals (Eclipse) 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinals (Solar Flare) 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinals (Ethereal) Auralan Legion Hyshian Twinstones
  2. We also technically have a complete DOK temple untouched from the book, Khelt Nar "Khelt Nar has become the fastest growing of the sects established by Morathi. It began as Ironshard, a single Khainite shrine founded by the High Oracle atop a flat-topped mountain of iron known as the Rothtor. Seeing the potential in that bounteous natural resource, Morathi used powerful sorcery to mould an imposing stronghold from the enormous ferrous precipice, as well as the lands surrounding it. Despite the layers of shadow magic that obscure the temple-fortress of Khelt Nar, the forces of the Ruinous Powers have located and invaded it no fewer than six times. Each attack has thus far been thwarted but it has meant that the war covens of Khelt Nar have developed a hatred of Chaos that far transcends even that of their rival sects. The Khelt Nar have established over two dozen lesser temples all across Ulgu."
  3. I still want to find a better head and a good flame effect for the scorched earth areas, but shes done other than that
  4. Thinking about it more, I think it could happen. Atm the only Aelves are Order. In WFB, Darkelves were Evil and Wood Elves were kinda Neutral. Malerion is most likely going to be order, as stuff thats is in his background points that way, but I would love Tyrion to go evil and be Destruction with Dragons
  5. lol maybe the reason we didnt get Tyrion is he is going to be a separate faction and be evil lol "Tyrion, like Teclis, was instrumental in the rise of the Lumineth Realm-lords. We’re yet to see this masterful warrior – we assume he’s crusading somewhere else. Let’s hope he doesn’t run into any ancient, evil swords…*"
  6. So, todays warhammer community section is on the Aelven Pantheon https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/27/the-aelven-pantheon/ Touches on Malarion, Alarielle, Teclis, Tyrion And at the bottom, Morathi: "Last, but not least, we have Morathi – the most underestimated of the aelven gods. Having anointed herself the High Oracle of Khaine, Morathi has cunningly given herself the power and influence of a god, without the title. With the Stormvaults open, and the Lumineth resurgent, just what is the High Oracle of Khaine up to? And what are her agents doing in the Eightpoints?" But then this bit at the bottom: "We’ll have to wait and see to find out – but, perhaps, not for long. " DoK 2.0 sooooon
  7. Hey Dude, your STL is great! These are not mine, yet. Dark Fantastic mills are an online scenery company that just previewed this as a new range. As soon as I can buy it I will lol. https://darkfantasticmills.worldsecuresystems.com/shop.html#shop-page The range isnt up yet, or price etc. I think his armour is pretty unique from what I recall
  8. Found my display board bits from Dark fantastic mills (not out yet but preview)
  9. I kinda like this: Zaitrec: Scinari Cathallar - General, Fast Learner Scinari Cathallar - Silver Wand 30 Vanari Auralan Wardens 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens 20 Vanari Auralan Sentinels 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinels 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinels Auralan Legion Hyshian Twinstones Allies (370/400) Isharann Soulscryer 20 Namarti Thralls 125W, 4 Drops, 40pts left for whatever 8 Casts, 8 dispels
  10. Hmm could get a Scyer and a unit of 20 for 370pts that could really hit some like hard. Could also do Akhelian Ishlaen Guard for some flying obj block unit, or 6 Akhelian Morrsarr Guard for a flying assault unit
  11. Some of the big ones i have seen: Salamanders now 110pts Flamers/Horrors up 20pts. Gaunt Summoner 10 pink horrors now 5 horrors Scourgerunner Chariots 60/150 now 80/210 Steamtanks down to 180
  12. Points changes out! Salamanders went up Flamers/Horrors went up 20pts. Gaunt Summoner only gets 5 horrors not 10 Pentifix elite lose +1AS and get Reroll 1's in combat. As for people being put off taking Teclis, dont! and I am sorry if I led to anyone thinking that. Realmlords are a brand new race and people should be encouraged to try anything and everything. Just cause something doesnt work in 1 meta, or game group, or even persons playstyle, doesnt mean that is the same issue for everyone. Please, play whatever you want, and dont let people dissuade you from taking what you want. I will always offer advice or counter options, but doesnt mean you have to take them or I know better
  13. Yes and no lol. Was meant more the source who sent them were right and I can trust again in the future lol.
  14. With the FAQs up, some of the more problematic things just got nerfed Pentifx Elite is now no longer a +1AS, its a Reroll 1's in combat. Salamanders went up in points Flamers/Pinkhorrors went up 20pts and Gaunt summoner can only do 5 horrors now, not 10
  15. So the leaks I posted where all right? Good to know
  16. yup, seems all the leaked pics I put up was right. I am glad this isnt a "go me" more of a "yay the source was right and I didnt post fake stuff" I will thank my source with a beer
  17. I wont disagree with anything you have said there. He will be seen and some people will do well with him I know in my meta that in a 5 game even I will run into at least 2 armies that can cap him turn 1/2 I am looking forward to seeing how Teclis plays out, and LRL when events start again, as Seraphon and changehost havent had their full impact yet since COVID
  18. Hmm, yeah I suppose it it makes you one model it might work like that. I didnt think that was the case
  19. Hmm, Sanctum. Pro: only 30 pts treated as one model so stops things getting too close +1 AS and -1 to hit Can throw mortal wounds onto near enemy units Cons: doesn't move (the big one for me) Doesn't do anything vs spells I think it can work well with a Alarith list where the stonemage needs to stay near your MegaMoos as you can drop it turn 2 and just stay in the spot I usually run my Cathallar inside my block of 30 Wardens, so wouldnt be useful for me. I might try it at some point, but if I had the spare 30-40 pts i would rather have Shackles or Pallisade
  20. As others have said, but basically he lets you dominate 1 phase, but thats it. He has 1 main damage spell, and is a support hero. But 16W with only a 4+ save (yes yes, you can buff it for 1 maybe 2 turns) and maybe a 5+ FNP if you get it off before they can get to him, isnt great. He is so squishy for 660pts and isnt very good in combat Yes, he can work, if you build your army into a 2 drop protection/support bubble for him, but in an age where magic/ranged is huge and Objs are really important, you wont really have the bodies to spare chasing objectives if you are keeping him defended. You can still get Eclipse and Protection off without him He can be really good. He can win games and hell in a good players hands he can win a tournament. But im my opinion he is too much of a risk. People just latch onto his amazing power at magic dominance
  21. I mean Zaitrec is fine, and I will probably end up still using it. Its just a same that the Artifact sucks unless you have Teclis, and most of the time the Zaitrec ability is overkill. I like his -1 pretty much always within 12 (with stonemage) as if you can push him into a good position you can affect a lot of enemy ranged as well as combat. Tbh I have been treating it as a big stompy push forwards model, when tbh its probably something best placed inside a unit to add punch/buffs.
  22. OOO this looks cool. Ill pick up the stl so I can make some Awesome job
  23. I know, I really like the model and him for his points he looks great, but I need to see what he can do in actual games as atm hes not worth it. I just came up with this which is simple and boring but tbh could be solid: Cathallar Cathallar 3 x 20 Wardens 3 x 20 Sentinels Legion Twinstones 1990. 2 drops
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