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Everything posted by sishuttleworth

  1. Ah, cheers. Well that's annoying - what's the point releasing an allegiance (with a specific battalion) with no artifacts?!
  2. Quick question - I've seen it mentioned in a few places that you don't get an extra artifact if you take a battalion in Idolators. Can someone please explain why? Can you not just take two realm artifacts?
  3. Just out of interest, how do you find them in-game? I haven't used them yet - does the loss of mobility hamper them too much, or are they still usable?
  4. Did you know that the Enlightened bits (arms, heads, weapons) fit perfectly on normal Tzaangor bodies? I'm building my 6 discs as Skyfires, and bought an extra box of Tzaangors - using 6 to make Enlightened on foot, and the other four as backups for summoning with the shaman's spell. The Tzaangor bodies are a tiny bit shorter, but not very noticeable - I've done my first three and just stood them on low rocks, so they stand a little higher than the other infantry. Works a treat. Excuse the poor photo, but hopefully it gives an idea of the comparison to a normal Tzaangor.
  5. Hi all I'm looking for Beasts of Chaos models, either on the sprue or built, but unpainted. Have cash (if reasonable price), or some space marines, death guard, nighthaunt, sylvaneth, nurgle daemons to trade. Cheers Simon
  6. Okay, that's not as bad then. Still feels funny that they couldn't just leave it open, but at least if they're usable that's something. Cheers
  7. Wow - so the Beasts one is Allherd, and the Sylvaneth is Oakenbrow. Have both of those armies, but now feels like little reason to get this. Why couldn't they just leave them without an allegiance?
  8. Sorry - really basic question, but still new to AoS and just starting Sylvaneth. Do the "teleportation" rules - Spirit Paths, Navigate Realmroots, etc, allow you to charge afterwards? (Albeit needing a 9" charge roll)
  9. Random question, and I think I know the answer given the White Dwarf track record on these things. In the latest White Dwarf, the player uses a Gnarlroot wargrove, which he has paid the points for, but he hasn't listed the points for the Household battalion that's part of the wargrove. Am I right in thinking that he should have paid the points for both?
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