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Blog Entries posted by Stevewren

  1. Stevewren
    Although I'm supposed to be painting Eternal Guard I actually spent the last few evenings finishing off my Duardin Cogsmith. I wanted to work with metals and try out some techniques to get old weathered metal and I'm pleased with the results. I still struggle to get the really bright highlights in though. 
    The base was a really fun experiment to do. It was something very different to any base I've made before, but I took a lot of inspiration from James Wappells blog where there are loads of homemade bases. 
    It's the first time I've tried to do a 'competition style' mini so if anyone has any critiques please let me know as I'd love to try a few more and get better, particularly with things like composition. Now I just need to find a competition to enter him in! 

  2. Stevewren
    These are the final unit I am doing for the army. I've tried a little cheat for these guys - I sprayed them green then overs prayed white and then used nothing but washes for the colours. The only highlights are on the face, the claws and the tabard section. The black bark and the brown bark is just drybrushed. I like the models so I might get a few more, but it's not top of the list at the moment. 

  3. Stevewren
    Table 1: The Endless Deserts

    The first job I set myself was making some themed terrain for the project. I wanted a bunch of small scatter terrain pieces, so I had a quick root around in the bitz box cupboard to see what I could find. I came up with half an Arcane Ruins kit that the wife had bought me and a bunch of Battlefield terrain resin crystals. These, I decided, would do nicely

    I glued all the bits of arcane ruins together so I had a selection of pillars and columns and then I went to work with a hack saw cutting them into fallen chunks. Some 3mm MDF soon followed fo the bases. I cut these on the bandsaw and rounded off all the edges with sandpaper. I have to admit now that my inspiration came from the White Dwarf that featured the Tomb King release. They had a really good article all about building Tomb King terrain, so I nicked a lot of ideas from that. 

    Once I had cut up a lot of the terrain I glued it all down using a two part epoxy resin, and I glued the crystals to the bases as well with the same glue. I then started covering the base with wood filler to build up the ‘sand.’ Once dry this all got a good coating of PVA and was covered in different grades of grit and sand. Again, I left it to dry, then gave it the obligatory PVA and water mix all over the top to seal it all. The pieces all got sprayed black. 

    The paint scheme was very simple. All the terrain was painted Chardanon Granite, dry-brushed grey, then given a light Bleached Bone dry-brush. The sand was done Calthan Brown, Vomit Brown, then a 50/50 Vomit Brown and white mix. Any detailing was done in Hawk Turquise, with the gold detailing picked out in Shining Gold. This was then washed with Agrax Earthshade. The crystals started out with Catachan Green and were highlighted up to Goblin Green then gloss varnished. All in all the painting took about an hour or so. That’s the one thing I love about Terrain – it’s very quick to do compared with miniature painting

    Once these were done I took a quick trip to Pets at Home – supplier of fine miniature wargames terrain, and picked up an Egyptian statue of a cat and a sphinx. These would look very nice in my terrain collection, so I painted them up in the same scheme and based them. Boom! Jobs a good’n!

    Here are some shots of the finished pieces. 

    The lava pits were made from the old (and now annoyingly out of production) 40K craters set which I filled with filler and smoothed down. The bubbles are made from sticky half beads that you can get from Hobby Craft and the whole thing was painted red, orange and yellow and then gloss varnished. The big temple was made from blue foam just cut into squares and glued together with PVA and then just dry brushed. I used the laser cutter to make the hieroglyphics and the egyptian head was from aquarium terrain. The pillars were just cake pillars from M&S that I had to order. 

    Here you can see the final table laid out and ready to be played on

  4. Stevewren
    For my South Coast Army I needed Kairos to lead my troops. Although he has lost the ability to change the turn roll he is still a good leader. Once again the model was a real joy to put together. I tried to keep the staff separate this time to make sure that the painting was a bit easier this time. I sprayed the model Macragge Blue, then used a baby blue spray paint and some white from a can to pick out the chest and heads. I used spray cans for the purple on the wings and also to do the feet. This gives some nice gradients if you are careful, and means that the base coat is quite effective strength away. All I had to then was wash areas and dry brush and then pick out all the sharp points. However the areas like the gold and the staff took a lot longer than I thought this time. I think I spent five or six hours picking these all out and finishing them off over the last week. 
    I now have two more to do for my trip to Portsmouth so I've got to keep going. The next one I think will be mostly green and purple! 
    If you have any comments or questions let me know below. 

  5. Stevewren
    First of the Lords of Change completed. I've got the lord of change finished that I've been working on for the last couple of weeks. Couple of small conversions to change angles on the arms and neck, but otherwise its stock. Basecoating all done with spray cans which was a fun little experiment - just had to be careful when doing the purple on the wings and the legs. After that it's a lot of drybrush work. Some Sharpie highlighting too on the golds so that I could work away from the hobby desk. Base again is just playbark all drybrushed up and then some desert ? diorama tufts added. Overall happy for a speedy (relatively speaking) job
    The wings take a dry brush really well which is great, so you can layer on a lot of different colours to give the model a real Tzeentch feel without being too over the top. I was quite conscious about not making it too much of a rainbow model, so the palette is fairly limited to the red with a lot of purple and blue/teal for the details. I also didn't go round picking out too many of the gems etc as I need the models done (the best colour of all, or so i've heard!)


  6. Stevewren
    As you know I have been taking part in the Warhammer Weekly Budget of Sigmar 2 challenge. 
    This month I had to assemble, convert and paint a unit and a hero. I cheated a bit with the hero and used my Nurgle Lord of Plagues conversion that I had already done. For this months unit though I used a Beast of Nurgle conversion that I had in mind for a while. It basically involved using the Plague Drones bodies and putting them on the ground. I removed the wings and rolled out some Green stuff to make tentacles for them instead. I also had to cut the bottom third of the bodies and switch them round. I think they looked pretty cool as conversions. Painting wise I sprayed them white, airbrushed on some greens and purples and then washed with Athonian Camoshade. I dint really do much more other than pick out the boils and details so they actually painted up pretty fast which was good, although I missed the somewhat flexible end of the month deadline due to rebasing units for Blood and Glory. Overall though I think these guys are a good addition to the growing Nurgle Army. 

  7. Stevewren
    These guys are quite fun to do. I have 20 now, and another ten that are base coated. The shields and weapons are taken from the Bonesplitterz kits. 
    Armor is just a couple of green spray paints and then chipped with silver paint and a sponge. I tend to just paint the rest of the models as quick as possible. The warrior models are old, but they have a certain chaotic charm to them, especially with halberds rather than hand weapons. 
  8. Stevewren
    Painting and Modelling:
    January has ended and its been an interesting month. First off I've hit the target of a model a day, painting 46 models so far in 2018. These have been a mix of units and a character. Horticulux Slimux has been by far the most interesting of the models I've done. He was really fun to paint, and there is a lot of detail that gives the model character. I was pleased with the final outcome so he will be the model that I will submit to the PMP End of Month review run by @Vincent Venturella to see what they say about it. I decided not to put everything I do up as some of the things I intend to paint will be done quickly. The units were for my Tzeentch and Nurgle forces. I managed 10 more plague bearers, which gives me 30 now, and I finished some Pink, Blue and Brimstone Horrors. I also made good progress on getting models built and undercoated ready for next month, as well as getting some thinking into my army for the South Coast GT this year where I want to do something for the Coolest Army Award that they do. It will be a Maggotkin Army of some description. 
    I had two tournaments planned for January, Heat 1 at Warhammer and the Sheffield Slaughter, my local GT. The Heat was great fun and also very successful. I managed to qualify for the final with a 3-2 record combined with some good soft scores. In the end I finished 13th, which is probably my best finish ever at a large two day event. I was also fortunate enough to take the Best Painted award at the event with the Lords of Change Tzeentch list. I was hoping this good run would continue into Sheffield, but unfortunately I had to pull out from the event. 
    I bought the Maggotkin book when it came out along with the cards, and I picked up Sloppity Bilepiper, the Scrivener ad the Lord of Blights. I also purchased a Pusgoyle Blightlords Kit. I managed to sell the Stormcast Host from the Blightwar Box, so the money from this and the refund I got from the Slaughter covered the costs of what I bought. As usual l also had to stock up on 32mm bases and Tajima 1 got some business from me as I ran out of a few tufts and grasses. 
    Bit of a rough one. I got ill before Christmas and haven't recovered throughout January. I've had several days off work, which is unusual, and in the end it got quite serious as I was admitted into hospital at the end of the month suffering from what turned out to be Pneumonia. This has led me to another week off work. I have also missed an important basketball game, and I was also training  for the Manchester Marathon which I have now deferred until 2019 as I will not have done the training required to run a time that I would be pleased with. Overall this has been really disheartening as I enjoy sport and being active and not being able to do things has left me feeling a bit down. I would rate January about 3/10 in terms of a good start to the year. Lets hope things improve in February!  
  9. Stevewren
    Recently (since Blood and Glory) I have really struggled to get my hobby mojo back again. I think I burnt myself out getting all the terrain ready. Also painting and modelling the terrain is very different to painting models, which is my real love. However trying to get back into painting has been a bit of a struggle recently. I've reworked the hobby room now, but its been a bit chaotic and trying to find time has been hard. Coupled with the lack of motivation means I've found it hard to get anything done. So, what is the solution....? 
    Firstly I went about fully reorganising the room. I then got out a bunch of half completed projects to tackle. Some of these are for my Wanderers Army, then there are some units to go into the Tzeentch force, and some more Nurgle models that are being done in the hope that a new Nurgle battle tome will be forthcoming.
    For the Wanderers I have been planning on doing some Warhawk Riders for a while. I finally got round to finishing these off. I have had the riders done for ages, but I needed to put the hawks together. I assembled the whole model and then taped off the plastic rod so I could spray up the rest of the models. Once I got the pale underbelly done and the top I just went a bit crazy with lines to add the texture. The painting is mostly done using very thin paint and washes. You can work really quickly as long as the brush has a good point. I didn't worry about the texture on the model as a guide. I just used my own feel for where the feathery effect should go. 

    My Nurgle entry is the humble Plaguebearer. I have done 30 now which is a good number of battle line models, but I think I probably need to do another 30! This doesn't really fill me with excitement
    The models themselves aren't too painful to do though. I tend to do a two tone base coat and then wash the models and dry brush them up. I can then easily vary the greens on the model to get a lot of variation in the units. After this the models get finished relatively quickly as its just a case of picking out the horns and some pustules, and then doing the gore with Blood for the Blood God. These still need basing though. 

    For the Tzeentch I need to increase my Horror numbers. I have the three lords of change which are all different colours, so I thought it might be nice to paint up matching horrors in the same colours. I have done the ten green ones so next up is the 10 red ones. I have base coated them brown and Mephiston red and then quickly layered on some Evil Sunz Scarlett. The beak, claws and tongues will all be picked out in white, and the red will have a final highlight of Tau Ochre to hopefully set it off and not make it too orange. The Blue Horrors have just been base coated blue and then had the highlights brought up to a bright Palyd Wych Flesh. I like these models a lot, although they are a lot smaller than I expected. 
    All I have left to do after this are thirty Brimstone Horrors and the army will be ready for Sheffield Slaughter and Heat 1 at Warhammer World. 
    If you have had your own Hobby Wobble let me know how you got over it in the comments! 


  10. Stevewren
    Using Scheme Cards is an idea that has come from Malifaux, and these cards were the ones used at an event in the US run by @David Griffin. The cards were developed with help from Tom, and Vince from Warhammer Weekly and they were kind enough to send me a copy over for use at Achievements. These cards will hopefully serve two purposes. Firstly they will allow both players to score up to 3 points in each game by completing schemes from their hands of five cards. This makes up the Tertiary Objective. However it is in players interests to score as many schemes as possible across the weekend as these will be the tie breaker used at the end of the event if players are tied on Achievements.  
  11. Stevewren
    This was an early progress shot on the Gaunt Summoner that I painted up for my Tzeentch army as a little break from all the terrain that I had been doing recently. I wanted to do a really fun and brightly coloured miniature, but the problem that this leads to is how do you balance all of these colours so it still works as a model? @Vincent Venturella and @StoneMonk talk a lot about colour theory and the colour triangles and this was something I wanted to try and emulate on the model. However I hadn't quite cracked it on here at this point. I sent Vince and @Thomas Lyons a message on Twitter to see what they thought. The main advice was centred around the top of the head: 

    The guys talked about changing the colour of the blades at the top of the head to the blue/teal colour used on the staff as this would set up a triangle using the staff top and the feathers. The feathers were an interesting case as they allow you to sneak in the extra colours needed to complete certain triangles.

    Above you can see the three main colour triangles and how they all work together. When I broke this down I also saw another triangle that I should have made that used the yellow in the eyes, the feathers and I should change the eye in the staff to yellow as well to fully balance them out. I think I'll make that change later just as a sense of completeness. Looking at the completed model below I also think the blue tuft could be changed to the more natural colour of the the other tufts - the blue one is a little dominant on the eye. 

  12. Stevewren
    The first Chapter for Warhammer Achievements charts the journey of a young hero who has a small war band of loyal followers searching for an artefact that will allow you to control your destiny as it gifts you the power of foresight. 
    Designers Notes: The scenario requires you to find the artefact on a 5+, but you get to add the turn number to this roll, so its possible to find the artefact on the first turn. Their is only one artefact so once its been found that hero becomes a target for the enemy to focus on. If you find the artefact early on you are in a strong position, but you cannot activate the altar until the end of turn 3, so you will have to defend it whilst also making sure that there is a clear path to get to the altar. It was important to make it at the end of a Battlerround as both players should have an equal number of turns to try and activate or prevent this happening.
    Heroes are important as they can find the artefact and activate the altar, but you will need  more than one, and ideally you want them to be hard to kill. However the rest of the army is important as they can help generate the Blood Sacrifice points required to give your Hero enough points to activate the altar when needed. 
    One of the dangers is losing your heroes early, but hopefully even if this happens you can use the rest of the army to prevent the enemy from achieving their objective. 
    For those of you attending Warhammer Achievements there are also the game specific Achievements as well, which encourage you to attack with your Heroes, and also to try and control the artefact for as long as possible - can you balance activating the altar with keeping the artefact for three turns for example. 
    The Test Game
    In this game we played 1600 points of Disciples of Tzeentch against the Blades of Khorne. The game started with the Khorne side advancing aggressively turn 1, but failing to find the Artefact. The Tzeentch forces responded by blasting away at the Blood Crushers, killing 2, and the Skyfires eliminating the Demon Prince on the left. This was important as he was a powerful hero and the Tzeentch forces didn't want to see him getting into the lines. However at the end of the turn the Tzeentch force also failed to find the artefact when the Chaos Lord searched for it. 

    The Blades of Khorne won the priority roll, and again they advanced with a sense of purpose. The large unit of Bloodleters charged into the Kairic Acolytes, but he Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster failed to get into the Lord of Change on the right hand side despite having the run and charge ability put on himself. In combat the Bloodletters failed to kill many of the Acolytes who had Inspiring Presence on them so they stoically stayed put. Due to the failed charge the Bloodthirster was unable to search this turn. In the Tzeentch players turn the Lord of Change put 7 mortal wounds on the Bloodthirster with Infernal Gateway, and the rest of the magic started to whittle down the Bloodletters in the centre. In the shooting phase the Skyfires put a major dent in the Bloodletters, killing 11, although annoyingly they rolled a 1 for Battleshock, so instead of losing models that actually gained a couple. The Lord of Change charged into the Bloodthirster and did another 5 wounds, however in return he missed badly, failing to do any damage. At the end of the turn the Tzeentch army searched for the Artefact and the Lord of Change found it! 

    Tzeentch won priority Turn 3 and this was to prove to be a pivotal turn. However it didn't start in a particularly auspicious manner as the Lord of Change had his gateway attempt stopped, and the also the Herald of Tzeentch was also stopped from casting. This meant that the Tzeentch force would be held up for another turn. The movement and combat phases were used to try and kill more bloodletters, but really it was the combat phase that would be important. The Lord of Change went first and chopped down the Bloodthirster, and the Tzeentch army took down more of the Bloodletters. However in return the Tzeentch Chaos Lord was finally brought down by the Bloodletters. 

    In Turn 4 the Tzeentch force again won priority and were able to push towards the altar. The Forces of Khorne through everything from of the army of the Changer of Ways, but couldn't focus enough damage on ethnic Lord of Change to make any real impact and at the end of turn 4 the altar was activated, giving Tzeentch the Major Victory. 
    Designers Notes: the game played well, although the Khorne army suffered from some particularly poor dice at key moments. In hindsight the Khorne force could have done with some more heroes, but also the Tzeentch army really benefited from the Skyfires and the Lord of Change, two powerful units. It would have been more flavourful to include Enlightened rather than Skyfires, but we did not have a unit painted in time for the game. We played the game on the Realm of Life table and drinking from the Waterfalls to restore D3 wounds to heroes was useful as well for the Tzeentch player. 
  13. Stevewren
    My Nurgle table for Warhammer Achievements is coming along nicely. So far I have done some large slimy line of sight blocking terrain, a polluted Shimmerfalls, some Fetid Swamps, and a floating Island. All that is left is a diseased river which is currently under construction. 
    The Bloated Growths
    I used expanding foam to make these, which makes for very quick terrain. I laid out a large sheet of grease proof paper and then squirted an entire can into piles of various sizes. I then left these to fully expand and cure, which takes about 24 hours. Once they were fully cured I ran them through the bandsaw to get a flat bottom and then glued them onto hardboard bases. I used PVA glue for this and then left the to dry with elastic bands around them to hold them firmly onto the bases. Once these had set I sanded the edges before base coating the slime with some random paint from a tester pot. Once this was dry they were spray painted Caliban green and then highlighted with a really bright green and some white followed by a coat of gloss varnish. The edges were painted brown and then dry brushed with Terminatus Stone. Finishing touches were done with Aquarium plants and some tufts just to add some interest. 

    The Pollution of the Shimmerfalls. 
    This was one of the cool images that are on the maps in one of the first Realm Gate Wars books. To make the Shimmerfalls I got a piece of 12mm MDF (could have been less thick in hindsight) and this was detailed with playback and air drying clay and then sanded. To make the falls themselves I took a sheet of perspex and cut it to the length I wanted, then I line bent the two ends. One end was screwed into the MDF base and the other was where I planned to put the pox cloud that was polluting the water. Once this was all attached I poured clear casting resin mixed with some Athonian Camo shade in to the pool.
    The waterfall itself was created using clear shower sealant that i piped on with a gun, and then textured with cocktail sticks to drag all the sealant down.

    I started putting the expanding foam on. This time i did it in layers, adding cocktail sticks to the foam so that the new layers had something to adhere to. Once this was dry I painted the whole thing with blue tester pot paint before spray painting it all the same a s the Bloated Growths above. To finish the piece off I painted a Plague Drone and stuck it on the top to show how the waterfall had gotten polluted.   

  14. Stevewren
    I've been planning this Warshrine since last Christmas, so I've finally decided to try and get it finished. Originally I had planned to put it in my SCGT 2016 army, but I never managed to get it complete due to personal reasons and so it was left sitting on the painting table. Now that I am working on the Nurgle army I have decided to use it this time as part of my Budget of Sigmar Two Army. However I'd also like it to fit in to the Slaanesh army as well. I have tried to combine the two different basing schemes and also use lots of purple and green. I have reversed  the colour scheme from my Maggoth Lord so I have the green tongue and the purple skin rather than the green with a purple tongue. This should tie it in, but still keep it subtly different. The black teeth and claws will also keep it tied in. I can then magnetise the wizards to go on top of the Shrine. 

    Plan is to get the rest of the gold finished tonight, although I can see it taking a while as there is a lot of it to paint! 

  15. Stevewren
    So I was continuing on with the floating islands when I had a bit of a disaster. I finished up the bottom pool with the resin pour, added in all the flock and foliage and was pretty much happy with it. I then decided it was time to start the top island which is when disaster struck.

    I thought it was sealed up tight, but there were some gaps under the acrylic so the resin all poured down the perspex support into the bottom pool. This led to me to deciding a complete redesign is needed. When I went to unscrew the supports of course the resin had stuck it fairly solid so I have snapped and cracked the whole thing, which is a bit of a bummer. This is the first proper terrain problem I've had, but I have a few ideas about how to solve it. I'm going to need to dremel out the mess on the top section and I am going to cut a slot under the plywood and slide it under island. This way I should be able to do a thin resin pour on the top which I think will actually improve the appearance. Its just going to take a bit more time than I thought! 

    Here is the mess that it made at the top where the perspex snapped off the resin. 

    Here you can see how the Island looks fully painted. I'm pretty happy with this. 
  16. Stevewren
    Despite still having no avatar photo I have actually finished Orion. Pulled him off the silly big base I had planned and put him on a simpler 60mm round and feel a lot happier. Just got to finish the bases for his hounds now. 
    The hands are still horrendous, but to avoid the colour match problem I did the hand holding the staff in a green to make him look like he's channeling the power of the realm of life. 

  17. Stevewren
    I completed the Unit of Spite Revenants the other day. I think these are some of the best Sylvaneth models as I love the menacing look and feel they have. These are the last unit to be done. All I have left now is Alarielle, the leader. 

  18. Stevewren
    Here is a quick photo of where I'm going with the Kurnoth Hunters. I used the Airbrush to lay down some base coats and then went in with a dry brush of Underhive Ash. I then fixed the white areas which I had done in a very round about manner. I like the contrast between the White and the dark brown. The bow was done in dark reaper with the brown details picked out. Overall I am quite happy with the scheme so I'll be doing the others in the same way. 
  19. Stevewren
    Completed Drycha last night. She was pretty fun to do. I put all the Flutter Flies and Squirmlings on so it was a pain to get them paint. I really didn't take that much care with them. I then went and did all the basing, which again was a lot of tufts, clump foliage and flowers. I also added the Woodland Scenics tree foliage to the top of Drycha and around her back so that she would fit in with the rest of the Sylvaneth models. Overall I am pleased with the model. She fits in nicely and looks pretty dynamic. 

  20. Stevewren
    With Drycha nearing completion she needs a base to stand on. Most of my basing is done in a fairly standard way now. The first thing to go down is the playback, which I am a huge fan of. It makes the best kinds of rocks. All I look for to start with is pieces that will keep the model level and these are glued down with Mitre Bond. Once these have been chosen I can then get cracking on extra parts. For this one I took a square forest base I had lying around and just glued that down. Then its a case of going to town with polyfilla to make it all blend together. I then stuck down the funny worm thing from the Branch Wych kit and also added in another piece of bark from the garden that I dried out. Once dry this was all covered with sand and gravel. This is the first stage pretty much done. I'll update later with the next step. 

    After the initial layers dried I added in some of the details. I raided the Glade Rider sprue for a couple of stones and a Spite, and chucked on some skulls. I  then went round and added in a lot of Black lava paste and shoved Mica Flake paste into all the crevasses and cracks. This all helps to blend the base together and get it looking as 'realistic' as possible (or at least as realistic as a fantasy base could be). Once it was all dry I undercoated it with the black and white spray painting technique. 

    Once everything was dry I gave it a very quick undercoat. This should be done with quite wet paint so that everything can be blended onto the base and shaded. I used Rhinox Hide mostly, plus a lot of Tallarn Sand. For the rocks I used a mixture of Skavenblight Dinge and Stormvermin Furr. Once this is dry it can all get shaded with a wash or two (use all the colours to get tone, especially on the rock). Then the dry brushing can begin, along with picking out the small details and painting the little characters. 

  21. Stevewren
    My first model finished for this month is more of an experiment in a new basing style. I saw some really cool basing on some Stormcast by Dave Roberts at Call to War this weekend. One problem I've encountered is undercoat paint being pulled off polyfilla when the texture paint goes over the top. This time I varnished the base before applying the Khorne red which went under the Martian Iron Earth and this seemed to stop it lifting which was good. I tried a different  colour palette on the rocks which I was happy with and also some new tall grasses to add interest. I was pretty pleased with the bones and skull on the ground at the front too. 
    Hope you like the pictures  

  22. Stevewren
    I finished the Wood Elf Dragon today. Painting these older models has definitely been an experience - it makes you realise the difference in quality with the new CAD sculpts. There is definitely a certain charm to the older models, but I also appreciate how the new designs take paint and respond to different techniques in a way these older ones just don't. 
    I used a lot of dappling and patterning on the model - firstly this helps to tie it in with the Carmine Dragon I have so they look like they have come from a similar place, but also as a technique it works well to add interest to large flat sections like the wings. The big membranes respond well to smooth blends, but if you don't have the time or haven't mastered the technique then this method is a quick alternative. To get the circles I used an old Size 3 W&N brush that had lost its point - I cut it down slightly so it had a flat tip and then used it almost like a stamp to make the circles. The paint is just watered down. I try to use a darker colour as a lot of the circles go in the recessed parts, then build up an intermediate colour and finally I use a really bright third colour but I try to do about a third less dots as this shouldn't be too dominant. Its a fun technique to try out so if anyone gives it a go let me know how it looks. 

  23. Stevewren
    With Orion finished its time to move on to another old school wood elf model. I use the carmine dragon as my lords mount, but I've always wanted to paint the old big hand 4th edition one too. This is where I'm at after the first session on him. 

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