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Everything posted by pseudonyme

  1. Dear people, that was a joke. Not a good one I admit, but was still a joke ?
  2. Calling a Battle force with Moonclan, Spiderfang and Troggoth combined
  3. Guys, because I don’t have Facebook, this is my entry for the #PaintYourShit October contest. The photos are not that great and flatten the colours, but who cares, I painted my biggest mini \o/ By the way, I went to Warhammer world 2 weeks ago (a must see), but was rather disappointed because I could not find the offices of the ministry of miniatures : / If you are curious and want an historic of the different steps , below my twitter thread on it. I must confess that I am rather proud.
  4. It seems to be a conversion or alternate Grot warboss on great cave squig
  5. I don’t see Sacrosanct and Nighthaunt SC coming as they are already in the 3 core game boxes. Neither Idoneth because they were released too recently in my opinion. DoK is probable and why not Disciples of Tzeentch: with some kairic acolytes or Tzaangors, 3 skyfires and hero o choose between the ogroid, the Tzaangor shaman and the gaunt summoner.
  6. #ZelboIsTheNewBlack I guess my entry will be Arkhan that I have to finish within 10 days for my trip to warhammer world
  7. You might have give us some rumours, but I think you are out of your league on this subject. #TrueSpelling
  8. You are right, I forgot about the Ministry of miniatures. Do you think we need to gather signatures?
  9. I don't care about the delay. I just care about the spelling of the zelbo elves. I am ready to give them one star out of five if they don't clarify that.
  10. Not that it was 40k exclusive, but it was mainly un reference for the new 40k ork codex.
  11. Would not it mean that there won’t be any model release beyond endless spells?
  12. I hope it's green skin related even if the probability is very low
  13. I say "Alpha legion backpack", as it matches the hydra iconography of Forge world's Alpharius and the bird heads on Thousand sons backpacks
  14. From 2 pairs of french ears, it is Zelbo elf. The Zylbo elf theory seems good, but my wife and I ear Zelbo. I hope that we will know the truth someday. #OneCanDream
  15. That would be very cool. I like when there is a risk.
  16. Troggoth / Goombas army ? Except the darkoath, I want every warband !!!
  17. I was not talking about multi poses but but unique type of models. Which make me wonder how they will be used in AoS. Concerning the troggoth, remember that they specified that it was a new kind of unit. So maybe it will be an aditional buy.
  18. The cool thing is that it seems that each member of the warband is unique
  19. I think it's safe to assume that any battletome update will come with its 25€ pack of 3 endless spells and maybe a terrain as a recent rumour I read here.
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