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Everything posted by silverstu

  1. Sven Hasselfriesian would be a great idea! Certainly takes me back .. him banished after undergoing the embarrassing "trouser leg" ritual... They might save him for a Lustria supplement though..
  2. Him being a limited edition they could very well release a TOW version later. Always been different versions of Grombrindal, I'm hoping for more in the future. I plan on getting at least 2, one to build, one to convert..
  3. Fantastic! I'm going to get at least two and kit bash one into a Votann version as well!
  4. Yeah I loved all the slayers and the thunder barge in that video...hope for the future!
  5. Cheers for that! The artwork looks awesome - my favourite is number 5. We will getting a new White Dwarf model.. but he's Votann..πŸ˜‡ [I wouldnt mind! But hopefully both!] Yeah I though either knights helmet or maybe a wood elf. Could be a High Elf lord, Jes did a cracking High elf champion model with horns- could eb a homage to that. I have given up on seeing Kurnothi ..
  6. Love to get these two, always regretted not buying them.
  7. I got their Master Brewer [Bugman essentially based on the art] and he's great- haven't painted him yet but really good- I'd be tempted by the rest of their range as well..
  8. I think would be a good candidate for their own plastic kit-nice hoods etc.. Highland Miniatures rangers look pretty good as an alternative.
  9. I think they mention the Quarreller kit being able to make rangers, but they also weren't definitive about what older metal models were coming back. Love the Bugmans rangers models, I have a regiment of the last 2 versions and they are great models.
  10. Yeah I was delighted with that! Dwarf lord being plastic! The two resin sculpts look great - as others have said Ungrim is amazing. They were definitely suggesting more new stuff- I'm betting on Grombrindal coming for his 500th edition anniversary. Really pleased with all the things coming back- Bugmans cart is a nice surprise. Shocked at the possibility of Imperial Dwarfs - hopefully the original ones -I have a bunch as a basis for my 3rd edition army so it would be nice to get a few more. The Goblin Hewer is great too- made me think they might be open to bringing back that rumoured dwarf tank eventually if they are happy with that amount of tech. Missing are Bugmans Brewers [too early I guess] and the 6th ed Longbeards- hopefully they will come backs MTO. All in all a very good morning to wake up to!
  11. Hobgrot .. hence the strange proportions and the not-quite familiar iconography ..
  12. Could be that as well- but what it is it? Priest/wizard/engineer? Edit:or all three in one?
  13. Yeah I think a few of us were desperately hoping for a bigger range. I'm interested to see what comes [and if I will like it!] Yeah me too, although this time is a little different as there is a good chance there will be new models for armies I already collect. So optimistic I'll see something for my armies, slightly nervous I might not like them ! Looking forward to potentially- ToW dwarfs- want to see that Lord on shield bearer model and what classics they are bringing back [🀞 for Colin Dixon sculpts] Votann Hernkyn Rangers- they might show off just the GSC brood brothers but I'm hopeful I'll see new Votann Kurnothi Warcry war band - maybe ? Plus there is the question of what that will look like- sylvaneth? Aelves? Centaurs & Fauns? A mix of all of those? Maybe humans? They might come and might not be what I was hoping for but excited to see them. Looking forward to seeing everything else too- seeing ranges and the setting evolve is part of the fun!
  14. Grombrindal likely to be plastic? They might save him for a later reveal.. but I'm hopeful! Yeah I'd love Norse Dwarfs - bezerkers etc... Hoping for some MTO metals for units - I'd like another 5 miners and old Longbeards... maybe another war machine...πŸ˜‡ I'm guessing a good few of the character sculpts will be available..
  15. Not sure we will see a refresh of the Dispossessed, they might leave them to ToW for now - Second waves for Fyreslayers and Kharadron plus a new Chaos Dwarf force would take up a lot of dwarf releases. Unless they use the 4th ed refresh to combine the Duardin factions and release something for each of them under one tome. I guess we might see when the index are released... More kurnothi would be nice but I'll not hold my breath and I also want to see what the Warcry war band will look like.
  16. Just needs a Grombrindal reveal and I'll be super happy!
  17. Yeah I think there will be a new plastic Grombrindal probably/hopefully for ToW as wells AoS, resin king/lord on shield bearers seems likely. I doubt very much we will get that tank, maybe in the future but who knows? From Peachy's description I'd love a couple of those tanks but I get the feeling they are concentrating on bringing back the ranges rather than adding to them, the Brets and Tomb Kings being the exceptions at the moment. They might showcase all the Dawi they are bringing back and hopefully there will be some classics like the O&G got.
  18. Sounds a bit grim!Haven't played in an age but can you take out his Altar with one of your flying units/characters/trebuchet? Also I've found when my army is outclassed by my opponents army Ive had to lean in on the more nastier/destructive elements. I don't know Brets but are there other units that hit hard? Like Grail Knights or Questing Knights? Lord on a griffon?
  19. Yeah I think resin Lord on Shield Bearers and maybe another resin sculpt. Hoping to see what cool things they are bringing back. I love the current Hammerers and Iron Breaker kits but I'd love some more of the old metal longbeards and miners by Colin Dixon. His war machines were pretty cool as well. Those I would guess would be MTO. Maybe Bugman's Rangers? I'd say there will be a good few classic character sculpts brought back, we were well served in the character model department. I think new plastic kits might be limited to any future second wave releases. Don't think they have the capacity to produce new stuff alongside trying to bring back entire ranges for the factions at this stage.
  20. Yeah with a bark covered arm- that should link them more with Sylvaneth forest spirits.
  21. Yes I'm hoping for a few Fauns, a centaur a few aelves and some animals- essentially a bit of a taster for Kurnothi forces. Most of all I hope they are strange and wild. I loved how Fae Skaeth's Wild Hunt looked.
  22. Yes! Its like an early birthday present! Not expecting much new stuff beyond maybe a resin or two- probably the Shieldbearers. Plus a bunch of kits brought back. Hoping for some made to order Colin Dixon models for Longbeards and Miners, maybe some of his war machines . I wonder if they would go as far back as the Goblobber .. [although I do have one] . But yes- Dwarf-tastic with a Kurnothi chaser...
  23. Alongside new Votann and Grombrindal.. I might need a lie down if Kurnothi appear... Super hyped for Adepticon!
  24. Yep hoping for a dwarf-tastic reveal at Adepticon - Grombrindal, Old World Dwarfs and new Votann! Warcry- for something New/really New - New dwarfs! πŸ˜‡ or Kurnothi🦌 But I don't think so - maybe Chorfs? Maybe a first peek at Silent People?
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