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Everything posted by silverstu

  1. Duardin I think could be pulled in by something being uncovered/returned - Optimally Grungni either sets to restore the old empire or/and finds/returns Valaya. But thats pretty major, not sure if Duardin will feature as heavily. I do think either a relic or a hold is uncovered or a Skyport/lodge is attacked. I like the idea of a reclamation expedition, but anything thing that adds to Duardin culture in the Realms ... model wise- female KO? Maybe a CC marine/explorer unit? Can't speak for Fyreslayers though [ they need more units] and I don't think the dispossessed will reclaim their homelands just yet. I doubt Duadin will get anything of significance from the series -seems to be pretty aelf driven. Maybe a rangers war band though Warcry.
  2. I was hoping for new dwarfs... not quite what I had in mind!😁
  3. I think its great for the system that Stormcast are a faction rather than the faction. Aelves were pretty popular in WFB so its not a surprise they are heavily featured but I reckon AoS is more driven by creativity so the factions are a lot broader for it. Even if Aelves are the "poster boys/girls" for AoS- thats 5 very distinct factions which is a world away from what Stormcast and Marines offer in terms of variety. I'd love Alarielle to come and mix it up- I'm really really hoping Kurnoth is reborn through this shake up resulting from Slaanesh getting free/loosening its bonds, possibly via the freed powerful Aelven souls.. The Kurnothi could be excellent - a separate court from Alarielle [I think they are more like beast-aelf daemons rather than mortals as they have those soul vessel things]. I didn't see/haven't seen Alarielle mentioned in regards to Broken Realms though? Did she feature in Morathi? She isn't mentioned in the "what's coming next " Warcom article .. I assumed the Slaaneshi stuff would be coming with a fresh battletome as it seems to be a big release rather than a Broken realms book but the Slaanesh Hedonites book is pretty recent?
  4. I have to say that Sigvald model looks suitably fabulous and those elite warriors seem to be an excellent kit [the odd head is a bit off but doubtless there will be a few options as well as just to use the helmeted heads]. Looks like slaanesh mortals will get a [un]decent release.. not my thing but great to see a fresh faction arrive.
  5. Exactly! Shocking absence of Squats and Kurnothi....😇
  6. Yeah they have this strangeness in 40k associated with Tyranids and yet in Fantasy they are with the Wood elves. Cool in both settings.. would love them to be more available in both settings.
  7. Thing to remember is these are souls that escaped so they need an essence to form around. I don't think Aenarion fits with Lumineth- they have Tyrion, Khaine's essence was stolen by Morathi, Not sure how he would sit in with Malerion- [I can't see them appearing just yet and I think Aenarion will feature relatively soon in the story]. I really think the Kurnoth line would work - there's an essence there to claim, its a vehicle to resurrect Kurnoth and bring in the Kurothi and plus Kurnoth is a pretty angry character. The other side I think is they might do something completely new with him- maybe leading the remaining Aelves in the cities [which would seem a bit odd as they are classic HE and Lumineth are essentially AOS version classic HE. So I'm still betting on Kurnoth reborn [also because I reeeeaaaaaallly want Kurnothi!]. But then again - the GW fluff says that spirits [plural] escaped so what happens to the others... I'm not sure how Sigmar will treat Morathi- she did betray him, but also thwarted the chaos plans to invade Asyr and became more powerful, therefore more useful in the fight against Chaos. I think he will keep his distance but I doubt he will go after her as she has allies with the Idoneth. The Order alliance is looking distinctly more fractured.. Can't wait to see what Grungni gets up to in this story line [if he appears].
  8. Brilliant! Love these! The Yak is excellent and I love that bronze armour! Fantastic!
  9. It will be interesting to see in what form/how he returns to the setting - GW said in their "What Next" article "what powerful aelven souls escaped..?' which suggests Aenarion and a few mates are loose. He might go to Telcis [he is a distant relation?]- but I did have another idea- what if he returned as Kurnoth reborn- taking the essence of that God and bringing it fully back to form? He would then be consort to Allarielle [who was the Everqueen, consort to the Phoenix king so it would have a nice symmetry and Kurnoth would suit his hot headedness well. Just a thought ...I mean where else would he fit in- maybe not the Lumineth but possibly the Cities elves?
  10. Hoping for something interesting and Underworlds looks most likely- maybe Seraphon ? Nurgle stuff is probably 40k with Slaanesh in AoS, hope there's some nice surprises other than those two, chaos doesn't float my boat..
  11. Yep I’ve one coming . The model is excellent and I’ve had Bugman since first Ed. I might get a second to convert. I wasn’t sold on the bare head initially until I saw Peachy’s how to paint video, think it will look well with a white beard. Between Bugmansson and Gotrek I really want some new dwarf sculpts from GW (AND Squats! )
  12. Yeah that could be interesting if he managed to escape .. the greatest Phoenix King would fit very well in AoS- might clash a bit with Teclis and Tyrion, he was pretty hot headed..
  13. Thats a brilliant mini- I've liked both Zoat sculpts and they would make an interesting expansion of Destruction forces. I'd love it if they brought back Regiments of Renown so they could add small forces without having to do a full faction- like a Zoat unit and a few characters you could add to any destruction army for example, [or my wanted AoS style dwarf ranger force]. They could add more strange elements to the setting without getting overwhelmed with factions, but the models would be there to expand into factions..The Warcry sets are almost this..
  14. It was the marauder "little lord Fauntleroy "look I particularly hated .. those pikemen with the tiny beards, the pantaloons ...... the shame.... Much prefer the Celtic/viking/smith look, even the earlier imperial dwarfs were good as they were heavily armoured, made the bulk of my army from them.. some of the dwarf art was epic but the minis took a while to catch up. The recent models have been fantastic though - Gotrek and Bugmansson are such great sculpts..
  15. Yeah I've read the spoilers and it looks great for the lore development wise- I hope we see some development of the dwarfs becoming more independent of the humans/sigmar. I actually think a key part of Grungni's plans might be finding/restoring Valaya..and I wouldn't mind the return of the shaven so we can start crushing them again.... [favourite adversary..] I could see the formation of. a new empire and alliance with the KO-slayers and others. The hammerers and ironbreakers are such cool models they'd make a good basis for a force. I'd kinda hate that - I've never liked dwarfs being part of a human army - I still remember dwarfs with feathers and ruffles in 3rd edition,,, the horror... - don't mind humans as allies/trading partners but I'd prefer we kept our independence.. its one reason I don't like the dispossessed - too embedded in human/sigmar culture- although I love the models. Just no... your name has been added to the Book of Grudges...🤮
  16. Very nice! Love the scheme and the Yak is excellent! Head from the lumineth mountain spirit and body from?
  17. I wonder if online retailers will get Bugmanssonor will he be a webstore exclusive? Actually I wonder how lockdown in England will affect distribution ..
  18. With the return of Kurnoth and his Kurnothi! [I'd be sooo broke..]
  19. I just love how it fills out the model range and adds depth. I've had Bugman since 1st Edition WFB so love seeing such a brilliant model of him. I love this model but I was hoping they might expand or revisit Bugman's rangers in AoS- could be an interesting dwarf force..
  20. Yeah I'd ;love them to do a refreshed Bugmans Rangers to go with him..
  21. This is FLIPPING AWESOME!@!!!! WAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ahem... yes this looks nice and I think I could possibly buy it... 😊
  22. Cheers for that! I had started drying "dusting" white over black- I guess I'll keep at it!
  23. Yeah looks like a zombie lurching forward with wood/tree roots on its back... interesting..
  24. Loving the centaurs and the elves- the archer is especially wonderful. The wyvern looks fantastic - the head makes it distinct from dragons and looks so menacing.. Cheers on the moss painting tip, is that grey primer GW or just standard spray can? I use car primers on my models and was thinking of switching to grey over black as I'm using washes and glazes more these days, I was thinking of trying the GW grey but might stick to car primers as they are cheaper!
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