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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Or Fifth option 5. focus on Realms Grungni and the Khazalid empire had mastered Realm-craft which allowed them to create their own sub-dimensions in the cosmos. “Realm-craft is a duardin technique to conjure sub-realms. Through realm-craft, the Duardin are able to access and amend the clockwork of the Cosmos Arcane to their own desires. The sub-realms thus created are places where rare gems and materials ran like water.” Realm-craft was developed during the Age of Mythby the Khazalid Empire. With it, the duardin created countless sub-realms expanding even beyond the eight Mortal Realms. The skill of the Duardin is all that it once was and in many cases furthered by privation and need. Only the means and the materials at their disposal were diminished by the fall of the Khazalid Empire in the Age of Chaos.” https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Realm-craft So could be an 4th Duardin faction of Forge masters that have some callbacks to Tolkien dwarves(though likely employ pole-arms and probably crazier weapons like anvil-mauls) but otherwise have links to other dimensions as god-taught smiths like floating anvils they ride on with tethers going through traveling portals, interdimensional creatures(there’s already Skaven naked moles and the adorable Mustori that live between realities) they tame with runes, sentient storms they fly on, stars made into forges and the like. Basically the opposite of Skaven who burrow dangerously through reality eating away at it the Grungni-made/Duardincasts create strong tunnels through dimensions and craft otherworldly wonders or whole new realities as a force of Order and structure.
  2. Just hope the 4+ Rally stays. Saw some people a little upset about it and that it should get needed like the StD had theirs nerfed before release but they have way more dangerous stuff than the balloon warriors so I think will work out well for Kharadron to keep but still stay balanced. Otherwise looking like a great update to jump in with. Good mix of new options, nothing too spammy like the old keepaway tactics and nothing crazy so the faction can play nicer with the new seasons making their units and strategies go up and down.
  3. Ah, okay. Going off second-hand info. Well glad that’s clear as Hyshian skies then. I think people just Really want universal airships now so are hoping for it. I know I certainly do(obviously make them less sophisticated than Kharadron’s but all gears forward for “Realmfleet Azyritica” scenarios ! Hopefully that wheel cult in the new Dawncrusades forces some Cities airship programs, plus the Wightfleet of that Aqshy vampire, Grotbag Scuttlers and Skryre blimps that attacked Tempest Eye in mass)
  4. Yeah, might actually have to wait for a FAQ on this. The article seems really gung-ho on it being Skyfarer Kharadron aboard the vessels so it might end up how Fyreslayers started with the banner hero that buffed everyone’s rally before it got brought back to just Fyreslayers. Same here there’s a seeming loophole for everyone to get a ride before they stamp down the keyword.
  5. Haha, can see why the majority of the Sky-ports voted against helping Grungni if that’s all they were getting out of the deal. Faith isn’t it’s own reward where actual profits are concerned.😂 Really cool to see the leaks were spot-on. Very fun stuff to put a new wind under their wings. Priffa Dreng!
  6. Oh man, that change is huge! I guess they can get away with it now since the ships are more command-based* now but still. City-aelves with their deadly spears, Fyreslayers mercs and even Stormcast allies able to fly around on the ships is a huge tactic boost and rather fluffy right now with how many Kharadron fleets are being hired out by the Dawncrusades. *hope that fits on a future Kharadron faction update of Cogmonculi for the robots needing lots of commands to activate.
  7. Very nice new box, actually has a crew and flying engineers to keep the bigger Frigate ship repaired and ready to go. (SC was nice but it felt like a small strike force and still needed a crew on hand) also look at markers and dice.
  8. Well hold the phone, guy in the comments just posted a far better and active Kharadron discord with almost 500 members.
  9. So Brokk & Barak Nar sounds like they’re getting the Loonking treatment of being a power that can make how the faction plays much easier. Glad I’ve already saved up to splurge on him, Drekki and whatever special limited time bundle they roll out. Really want to go with a heavy balloon force and it sounds like Brokk & Skywardens are getting the royal treatment for it to fly in and wreck face. Balloonist Bruisers! 🎈 the Grundstock command opening up gunhaulers & thunderers as battleline sounds neat, gives more army build options if you don’t want to go with their specific Sky-ports but customize your own and still have the high-tech super guns and mini airships ready to go. Picking a Flagship for generating more CP is super fluffy too. Love how AoS3 is handling mixing crunch & fluff together. Lastly hope the Rally Article is real. Because that’s both handy and sounds hilarious narratively. ”Oi! Back on your feet, rub some realm-dirt into your injuries and put another Null-stone explosive round into those braggarts. You still gotta fill out your service contracts and aether-marine regulation articles for this battle so this is no time to go dying like a grot! Or by the Code I will find the afterlife you wind up in and start dumping the Skyport’s garbage there until it’s a Shyishian dump!” Agreed to both, the Pirates were the first thing that came to my mind. Also there’s a small discord in Reddit: 45 members but a lot joined pretty recent from the news so could spike in activity. Also AoS Coach’s discord if you want to discuss the crunchy parts https://www.aoscoach.com/2021/04/talkin-kharadron-overlords/
  10. Welcome and Salutations! 👋 Great to see more crew mates coming aboard. Going by your name and picture here’s hoping the aether blows in your direction and your sky-vaults brim with profit! Priffa Dreng! 🍻 ✈️
  11. If it is Malerion my money’s on a Thunderstrike Angel reinforcement update for what prosecutors reforge into once they’ve proven themselves. Pretty close to Yndraste level so super elites(what could be scarier than an Annihilator that can actually move fast?). Realmslayer noted a small flaw with Stormcast wings of light in that if in deep enough chaos corrupted territory, as it had a Stormcast in a realm of chaos prison, the wings will shut off from being blocked off from Azyr as a power source. So wanting to give them actual wings would keep to the Thunderstrike theme of Stormcasts able to freely strike at the heart of chaos territory with few consequences(nothing can block their souls, they’re carrying more of Azyr like the Apotheosis banner with them to be self-sufficient and wings that could work everywhere even the depths of hell) Also if Malerion’s Ulgurothi legions do turn out to be Devil-like(wings and tails) as the 2018 Corebook said then an Light Angel vs Shadow Devil theme would work well as Lawful good and Lawful evil clash on how Order should proceed with expanding in the Realms. Yeah, they need new models not new rules. They’re not ace but they’re serviceable. Like Ossiarchs are in desperate need of new rules so even a hero update will suffice and Soulblight is in a good of enough spot anything will do(hoping more exotic vampire warrior infantry if not Vengorian cavalry centaurs) Flesh-Eaters taking more time so they can have a month release to themselves for a bigger unit release window is only a positive. 🎉 The only thing I really want is Kharadron to get something decent. They’ve already gotten two new heroes so hopefully a new airship is in the works(would love the Shieldship in the lore to give nearby troops a barrier defense buff) or even a airship-hero hybrid(won’t lie, I’d hope it looks like either Doctor Eggman or Bowser in his clown car for a flying one-duardin battlestation + science station) Lastly, went back a few pages and noticed people talking about Coatls and saying that thing was CA’s design? It’s based on an old white dwarf kitbash using Tzeentch parts. If we get one/some as a release I’m 99% certain they’re overhauling that design to something else. Personally with Dinojon in hoping they’re the new Cold Ones and the head on the Bloodpelt is theirs, they just got their genetics jumbled up after Dracothion revived them with his space breath so now have Dino heads on winged snake bodies to look closer to the Cosmic Winged Drake. They even have it open why only Darkling Aelves have Cold Ones now as that was their offshoot of drakespawn creation projects to bio-engineer new dragons as the realms were lacking(Kragnos egg smash go brrr) and ended up making them among lesser dragons.
  12. Hey if you get it mind posting the lore? Lexicanum noticed the tasty news of a new free city & Stormhost called the Iron Thanes(who probably have the most outrageous color scheme to date but seem to flaunt it by being Draconith aces dog-fighting enemies through blizzards. Red Barons of the Realms)
  13. Covering the Ulfenkarn news so far but also seems the adventurers of the Realms have Soulblight fever again. 🦇 “Ulfenkarn Cover by Jonathan O'Donoghue - Deep in the heartlands of Shyish, the crumbling city of Ulfenkarn teeters upon the precipice of destruction. Its remaining peoples are desperate for salvation, before the streets are swallowed whole by the encroaching Shyish Nadir. For an age, the vyrkos vampire lord known as Radukar the Wolf, has held ruthless control over the city, transforming this once-proud gothic metropolis into little more than a ravaged hunting ground for his Thirsting Court of monsters. Will the Wolf’s despicable plans come to fruition? Or can a band of wayward heroes stand up against this unassailable foe, and save the city before it’s too late? Ulfenkarn: City at the Edge of Death offers players and GMs a comprehensive city guide for running Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound games in the legendary Cursed City. This book includes: A complete history of the city and its inhabitants, including content featured during three distinct periods in the city’s history, Ulfenkarn in Peril, Nightwars, and Nemesis. Rules for playing and running games using the updated Grim & Perilous Ruleset, and other optional rules and advice to give your adventures a suitable dose of grim horror. Over Seventy unique city locations, featuring unforgettable characters and challenges, spread across Ulfenkarn’s haunted districts. Six fully fleshed out and mapped adventure locations to explore, including the Ebon Citadel mega-dungeon. Eight brand new player Archetypes and local Subfactions. Take on the role of a Vampire Hunter, a Doomsayer of Sigmar, an Aelven Exile, former Guard Captain of the city, and more! A Bestiary featuring Ulfenkarn’s rogues gallery of villains and vicious monsters, sure to put any party to the test. https://cubicle7games.com/blog/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-soulbound-ulfenkarn-city-at-the-edge-of-death https://cubicle7games.com/blog/soulbound-ulfenkarn-city-at-the-edge-of-death-scenes-from-the-cursed-city ‘The Barrowmark’ by Jonathan O'Donoghue Also shout-out to this great fan art! Really hope the Askurgan Trueblades are an eventual archetype in a future supplement. What total badasses that can swing towards lawful-neutral. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/08/askurgan-trueblades-arent-the-only-bloodsuckers-who-break-the-mould/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=warhammer-age-of-sigmar&utm_content=greatestvampires08022023 https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/07/the-askurgan-trueblades-are-vampire-ascetics-who-dispatch-foes-with-precision-blows/ “Soulblight vampires spend every night of their immortal lives with a persistent hunger for blood gnawing away at them. Some, like the Askurgan Trueblades, do their best to restrain this rapacious hunger, going so far as to entomb themselves with terrified mortals to prove they can go a whole night without so much as a nibble.” “Most Soulblight Vampires put on an air of nobility, ruling as the aristocracy of the night and indulging their ravenous appetite for mortal blood. The Askurgan Trueblades reject this. They are ascetics, an austere order of warrior monks who practise self-denial and live in seclusion in the mountains of Ghur. The Trueblades follow the teachings of a mysterious and long-dead order known as the Renkai, pushing themselves to new heights of martial prowess, and hunting and devouring the blood of the mightiest beasts they can find. To imbibe the blood of mere mortals is below them, and when they are drawn into combat with such pathetic creatures, they show Lofty Disdain, often fighting with one hand behind their back or with their eyes closed.“ (I love they’re acting like they’re not even acknowledging the charging Khornate as part of their disdain 😆)
  14. Well note that in Warcry terms the Cities are using that symbol too when they’re general-purpose. We do need more info though like does the skull marked one mean a different expedition or that it’s been wiped out like camp fortune was?
  15. If armored troggs( ‘Ardggoths I’ve seen people in the past wishlist) it would be a cool unit and a nice way to even more show the difference between Morruks & Gorruks with the closer Order-aligned Ironjawz giving a trogg armor and respecting them as individual warriors compared to Kruleboyz enslaving them. Nothing besides the name & that loreblurb as of yet. Since the main Cities activity around the Gnarlwoods is mercenary I assume that the best mercenaries of them all (Fyreslayers) would take charge of that settlement as they better than others can breach the predatory woods. ”It is the faithful of Sigmar who have launched the most concerted efforts to lay claim to the Ravaging Ruin. The great Free Cities of Ghur - most notably Excelsis - have all dispatched their own expeditions to the region, the vast majority of which ended in great suffering and death. However, enough sellswords and explorers have returned with chests filled with looted trasure that a motley assembly of ex-Dawnbringers, mercenaries and assorted fortune-seekers continue to volunteer for each new venture” “Fyreslayers: The Fyreslayers, untroubled by the sweltering temperatures and more common ailments of the Gnarlwood view Talaxis as a lucrative source of mercenary contracts, wherein they readily sell their axes to any explorers hoping to reach the Ravening Ruin.” What better mercs to rally behind in a forest that wants you dead than mercs with big axes that are also on fire?
  16. I share this dream. For Ironjawz I imagine a giant warmachine chariot/armored wagon would be the new centerpiece alongside possibly an AoS Squiggoth. for new infantry though they can either update the ‘Ardboyz into a lankier lot to show they’re a mix of Yoofs including former Kruleboyz wanting to evolve into Ironjawz while a new giant monster shield unit gives Ironjawz a big defense boost. something like this: Gives a nod to the Kruleboyz skareshields but far more nasty as Ironjawz either personally fist-beat captured daemon engines or had their shamans bind all the wild beast spirits running loose from the life-flood into the shield so it can infact bite the **** out of you as it’s a living thing(that they can also just bash you with). Bonesplitterz I’d love them to lean into that “absorb the spirit of the monsters they slay as they arm themselves with it’s bones and tattoos made from the blood” area and make them get possessed by the beast so even though they charge in like a mad mob they quickly arrange themselves depending on the monster parts they have and begin fighting like a monster using it’s bones(claws, fangs, etc) and hide like the Warband does.(infantry gaining the Monster keyword until you lose too many in the unit, and freeing the spirit, would be unique too) Also it’d help Morboys stand out if they’re actually decked out with monster skull masks & hide capes. Would also be cool for the boar-Orruk Demi beasts to actually get a unit of Rukks the boar spirits were too fond of and make a hybrid between their infantry & boar cavalry they love so much(for Bonesplitterz the highest offense is harming another orruk’s boar) “Power of the Were-boar: The shaman summons a stampede of roaring swine-spirits that temporarily transforms a mob of Bonesplitterz into snarling, rage-filled demi-beasts.“ Makes a nice trifecta for Age of Sigmar to have all three Orc genres, warhammer/Warcraft ones, LotR ones(Kruleboyz) and the pig looking orcs popular in eastern media: It’s likely they’re gunning to replace all the old warbands. I think it’s safe to say going by that and the map we got Fyreslayers (Slayer Cliffs city), Flesh-Eater Courts(several FEC symbols on the map) and likely Centigors(Centigor plains + rumor engine has something that looks a lot like their shields) to take up the mantle for older warbands. Would be cool to get a new Troggoth Hag for underWorlds to be the new Mollog. A shaman type lurking in the dreaded places of the meat forest surrounded by new critters would work very well and give Troggherd armies a magic option besides Arcane Tome.
  17. As always 2+Tough’s video are the go to for a great lore binge. And though he’s 90% oldhammer Great book of grudges actually did a decent piece. Lexicanum is excellent for lore reading and can help you get up-to-date. https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Era_of_the_Beast https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Mortal_Realms https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Great_Horned_Rat And Mengal Miniatures does great tome & book reviews. http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2023/02/why-you-should-collect-and-play-beasts.html?m=1 http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2018/06/review-age-of-sigmar-second-edition.html?m=1 http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2016/07/review-all-gates.html?m=1 And of course looking & asking the AoSlore Reddit is always handy. And for books to read I’d suggest Soul Wars, City of Secrets, “Sacrosanct & other stories” and since it sounds like you want some more grittier vampire stuff Cursed City & Hollow King. And possibly Clans Pestilens for your Skaven interest. https://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/ebook-soul-wars.html https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/novels/city-of-secrets.html https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/novels/sacrosanct-&-other-stories.html https://www.blacklibrary.com/new-titles/featured/cursed-city-ebook-2021.html https://www.blacklibrary.com/new-titles/featured/ebook-the-hollow-king-2022-eng.html https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/novels/skaven-pestilens-ebook.html And if you really want a chunk of lore to chew into then check out the Soulbound rpg. The Corebook, Champions of Death, Greywater fastness, Era of the Beast and upcoming Ulfenkarn would be big recommends. https://spruesandbrews.com/2020/05/10/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-soulbound-review-roleplaying-in-the-mortal-realms/ https://cubicle7games.com/our-games/age-of-sigmar-soulbound https://cubicle7games.com/blog/soulbound-champions-of-death-soulblight-gravelords https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/387763 (the Drivethru is great since it shows a bunch of pages and gives you a free extract of what’s in the book) https://cubicle7games.com/blog/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-soulbound-ulfenkarn-city-at-the-edge-of-death If the Cursed City & Ulfenkarn stuff interests you they’re still selling the Whq game and the Warhammer community has good articles and stories you can Google around for. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/29/outrun-a-horrifying-tide-of-pure-death-magic-in-cursed-citys-journeys/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/26/morrvahl-olbrecht-is-a-selfish-******-in-the-first-short-story-from-cursed-city/
  18. Oh yeah the Seraphon x Necron stuff out there is nuts. Here’s a great thread on it. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/15/this-colourful-kitbashed-seraphon-army-is-led-by-the-most-incredible-kroak-centrepiece/ And the new sleek sci-fi looking Seraphon equipment looks to be ready to continue that trend with even other 40k add-ons.
  19. No? Then it must be number 2 on Scar Vet! Bring on the crescent commander with moon energy laser ball! (Pic is from a 2019 WD Seraphon kitbash)
  20. Not Gorkamorka, the Destruction theme right now is he’s kinda refusing to show themselves. Gordrakk says it’s because he’s waiting for Sigmar to stop hiding up in his Star castle and be a warrior-god again that Destruction can respect. I think another Destruction god-beast is definitely on the table. And though people joke about Silent People I’m kinda betting them for an end of edition surprise. We keep moving towards Lendu where Beastgrave was at until they migrated from it and now we’re in two seasons that are underground insect tunnel themed. We already have so much stuff on the Ur-grub and Silent People race that it feels like a build-up(remember they have done so in the past like 2015’s starter book “Steamhead Duardin” being the 2017 Kharadron, 2018’s Corebook Sons of Behemat origins being the 2020 release, 2016 Beastclaw Raider’s tome mentioned the NightHaunt that released in 2018. Bugs might’ve gotten delayed from when they got their 2020 and 2021 cards and were set to be a 2022 thing since we didn’t get a new race that year as usual)
  21. Goonhammer review on the new tome: https://www.goonhammer.com/battletome-gloomspite-gitz-2023/ Yeah Squigs & Troggs are gonna be kings of this change. Pleasant changes on Gobbapalooza too with them just being a singular unit now like a UnderWorlds Warband. That and their buffs should see them get a lot more play now rather than being a beautiful shelf filler. And pretty much was on point about Snarlfangs. 135 points(with Rippa’s rising to 110) for a elite skirmish cavalry cost since they’re big and can do a bit of everything. Might be moot though since Squigs are the mobility masters now. Though fittingly spiderclans could use the Snarlfangs as forward troops while they ambush. Venom buddies.
  22. Love the energy in the article! Feels like a massive glow-up is coming for the Gitz ala how much love the NightHaunt & Sylvaneth got. (Also happy they keep pointing out the Snarlfangs temporary truce, they really do feel like foreign mercenaries and deserve their own Frazzleflare Gitmobs battletome in the future. Sun vs Moon themes and all) Also summary of the battle report: Dreadnautilus 39m “Okay, some news from the Warhammer+ Battle report: *Kings Gitz faction ability is a reroll on the Loonshrine respawn ability. *Loonshrine respawn much more convenient, now any non-hero unit with five or less wounds can respawn. No need to worry about general keywords. *Bad Moon still has random movement. *Bad Moon abilities same as in the Battlescroll. No unique ability for Gitmob Snarlfangs. *Squigboss has once per game ability that allows all nearby Squigs a free move. *Mangler Squigs get new Monstrous Rampage that allows them to move 3d6 so long as they end up within 3" of enemy unit. *Snarlfangs have an ability called "You can't catch me!" that allows them to reroll Redeploy and get a free round of shooting whenever they do it. They can't Redeploy and Unleash Hell in the same turn though.”
  23. Yeah definitely an elite scout unit. Just like the Snarlfang Warband was just three guys that were hunting Ogors and chasing down Stormcast & Vampires it’s pretty clear these guys aren’t a mass unit. I think that fits really well with the mercenary vibe they give. They’re self efficient and can do a bit of everything from deadly melee with their Snarlfangs armored in leathers, poison foes with venom bites and hound them as they weaken and pull out their bows for ranged attacks. It’s a far cry from the old smaller wolves that had to be massed because they were so mangy and under-equipped(didn’t even have saddles to support an actual spear charge) Point-wise I’m guessing somewhere between 115 to 150 points as Boingrots + Spider Riders as reliable small units that also have range and venom.
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