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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Well how I see it is that it’ll be a long time anyway before it will happen. First “Old World” which won’t touch the New World(and indeed at this point most of Lustria and Ulthuan are just myths to the Empire who even question if elves are real) so they’ll only have compendiums ready for old Lizard armies. They can’t use the new ones and stay to their “you can use your old armies” promise since they’re all much bigger to where the “new Cold Ones” are monstrous cavalry size. That’s like trying to pretend a demigryph is a regular horse. So I think they’ll stay with the old lizard armies with “Made to Orders” to spice up the nostalgia factor and a TOW lizard army will only happen in the future if the game proves profitable and can expand to the New World. Indeed and agreed. Another factor is trying to convince TWW players to get into it when so many iconic characters won’t be in it. Empire has the biggest player base and figures like Franz and Gelt won’t even be born yet so that’s already a huge chunk of players not likely to pick it up.
  2. Well it’ll depend on what aesthetic they want to go for. The tech stuff started happening in 7th edition because that’s when AoS was In it’s planning stages(so more tech and crazy monsters replacing classic ones) which culminated in the End Times spaceships which surprised everyone because the merest hint we got was the “Star-vessels of the Old Ones covered in greenskin spores flew through the void to the world” the 7th edition Big Red Rulebook had. Compare them to Cubicle7’s offerings and they could do a separate primitive line to work with the older timeline of the Three Emperors Civil War. I could see them making a seperate line like this specifically for TOW instead of Seraphon that’d be used for Seraphon too as Coalesced feral upgrades . Very much so. Though I usually detest 4chan someone did sum up the situation elegantly. ”TWW fans want to enjoy the hobby and talk with the old fans without the hobby. Old grognards want to enjoy the game and talk to the fans without actually playing the videogame. They want to interact without investing in the others way to enjoy warhammer so they found a common ground they both can do, hating on Age of Sigmar.” It’s a rather toxic friendship built on a hate bandwagon and much like Cathay and Nu-Kislev already caused a divide(because TWW don’t care about the setting’s norms when cool new stuff is on display) it’s bound for a rocky end when their interests do start to crash together and they end up not as invested as they thought they’d be.
  3. Indeed. I’ve seen at least 3,”will you be getting into TOW?” polls on the TWW Reddit and at best the majority say “it depends” or just “no” because of the prices & commitments. I mean just look at how the community flipped out at the $5 increase on a $20 dlc that gave them a full faction and map reworks. Apply that to $55+ Rulebooks & $200 army investments to a mass battle game likely to need Far more troops than what 40k or AoS need and you can hear the hard Nopes from here. Not that TWW hasn’t drawn in plenty of fans into all the Warhammer systems but expecting them to transplant seamlessly between the two is foolhardy. It’d be easier to argue TWW will hurt TOW in the long run as that gives you all the armies, battle scenarios and multiplayer experiences at a cheaper price and with no messy hobby work to get there.
  4. Haha, opens with “I don’t know how valid these rumors are”. Strong rumors without an actual leak source just means persistent wish-listing by an echo chamber. Just look at how recently the warhammer community was super certain the new Freeguild would be a stand-in for the Empire and we got (far better) Discworld Fable guards instead? And before that all the Fimir & Hobgoblin rumors about the Kruleboyz or that Chaurdin were certain for 2022-2023, etc. Also I love how he really started doubting his own “sources” once the $250 1000 point starter set rumors popped up like he was cherry picking the good parts from the bad. Was a fun listen but hilarious clickbait regardless. late 2024 to even 2026 expectations haven’t changed on my part. Just no youtubers want to say that and lose their hype trains.
  5. Well to my knowledge Whitefang hinted at City-Ogors in the ranks. I imagine a Ogroid-like unit and maybe if the giant bombard is really that big as centerpiece artillery then an Ogor loader too. People have also pointed out some of the armor has a more angular design fitting of duardin. Could be that they join the ranks with the new uniforms.
  6. They do have the Discworld guards vibe of being over-enthusiastic greenhorns. What’s interesting to me is that despite being basically militia fodder they’re still well armed and almost covered in plate mail with plenty of chainmail.(compared to say the Wfb troops which had professional state troops in just uniforms with some even barefoot or the sorry state of either Bret or Emp militia which were lucky to even get a chest plate) speaks well that they’re low tier troops can still be hardy defenders and also of the upscaled dangers of ye Mortal Realms that this is the bare-minimum to survive the eldritch dangers on the vast stretches of magic reality.
  7. Fully agreed(but maxed out my reacts because limited reacts after big reveals is a fair and balanced system…) but I admit to being still a little a surprised because between the halfway year to now it’s been mostly tome updates with StD and regiments of renown carrying most of the weight. I was expecting just a 3rd placing but this is a far better outcome especially with the bigger list they’re showing. And I can only imagine with this AoS jam packed year the Mortal Realms will continue to flourish in their cosmic fantasy glory! Bring on the space dinos, Discworld guards and noble knights Hungry for glory/flesh! 🍻 🤩 I suspect that will be the case. Cities for defensive builds and objective holding with Dawners focus on fast advances to hit key targets. I’m very excited to see how they’ll work out so many possible varieties of sub-factions with their new roster! I wish the battletome and Dawncrusade supplement was already here! 😆
  8. Pretty much. The city’s not at threat and can’t be attacked like the others are so there’s not much narrative there besides the origins of Azyrite colonists and base of operations for the Stormcast Eternals. At best it’s the secret 12th city(Sigmar’s holy number) that’s being represented by the Stormcast coalitions bolting across the Cosmos of the Realms to save the settlements & cities.
  9. If they don’t get a quick update or upgrade pack to fix that then they’re likely placeholders too for something much farther out. Like first wave the ground troops, fanatics & basic weaponry to hold a settlement. Second wave the big guns and steampunk goodness from the Ironweld awarded to start building up a surviving settlement into a major city. Then finally the full powers of the arcane grace the city to research what realmstone, ancient arcane forges, Stormvaults or nexus leylines it sits upon to raise it up into a flourishing magic metropolis with trade across races and realms With how far out the big crazy magic stuff might be it’s probably seen as acceptable to use holdovers for now.
  10. Makes sense the wizard wagons are okay. They show up in the latest tomes like in that Kharadron bit where they’re trying to monopolize on the Metaliths and sell them to the Dawners, that’s how the Vindicarum humans retaliate the daylight robbery by the Hysh luminarks shooting lasers at the Ironclad hulls until they start to overheat and are forced down to talk. I get the feeling we’ll see three main things right now Faith, Magic and Gunpowder. Steam and Steel come later. My condolences. Here’s hoping there’s enough cool new units to proxy them as. Like maybe if the new giant bombard can match the Steamtank you can add Tesla coils to their cannons and say they’re special Chamon/Azyr variants that shoot giant electro balls at the cost of movement. 🤔 Whitefang did hint at that vibe by comparing them to the Lumineth releases before(and heck look at how we went from slightly anime’d up vampires to werewolf-hybrids and the crazy Avengorii drake-centaurs) My guesses: Wheel cult will pull in metalith pieces with gargoyle heads that spew out boiling oil or fireballs. (Hoping the AoS RTS that Frontier is making will include the unit to yell “Sigmar Wheels it!” ) Living gargoyle monster beasts brought to life by the life flood and their Aqua Ghyranis wells that kinda act as their gryph-hounds but bigger and fast walls. Special cavalry composed of giant bugs from either the beetles of Ghyran or the swamp striders of Ghur. Airship or weaponized metalith with crossbows & bombs like some of that Dawnbringer art hinted at(and Kharadron were actually about to retaliate with back in that earlier “Metaliths for Sale” story. They filled them with bombs for an attack run if the talks came to blows) and then my ideas kinda trail off into various chimera mounts, more gargoyle concepts so they have basic stone beasts to exist in any realm and lots of wizards, mage-engineers from Broken Realms and even witch hunters upgraded to wizard status with rune powers & weapons.
  11. Not sure if it was brought up again here but on the two mystery books. I just recalled an old rumor from last year that CoS would launch alongside a campaign book for building their settlements and fighting across the Realms for them. You think that’s what the second one could be? It’d match up pretty nicely in that position and act as an expansion pack to their tome.
  12. Redditor made this to mark the cities. With Hammerhal counting for 2 that makes 12 cities. Sad to see Vindicarum not there to represent the Dawners in the Realm of Metal but I guess with Tempest’s Eye still around the Kharadron alliance angle is already taken so you can just Narratively say it represents Vindicarum instead and put in Celestial Vindicators with your mixed aerial forces. Edit: okay this guy’s off. Whitefang fixed it. starting from top-left and going clockwise: Living City Vindicarum(the gear is an iron collar) Excelsis(the spear of Mallus) Hammerhal Ghyra Misthavn Lethis Tempest’s Eye Greywater Fastness(the gate is keeping the encroaching forest out) Settler’s Gain Hallowheart Hammerhal Aqshy
  13. Really like the new design. Feels really new with a bit of Bret militia mixed in to show how ragtag these valiant defenders of the Realms are. They do indeed look like non-corrupt Legionnaires and echo that Sky Wars art with the wide brims and armored down style of desperate soldiers. Love the shields look both over-the-top but also like they were assembled from eccentric metal fences they had to break down and weld into defenses. And most exciting is we might get 12 Cities(Sigmar’s holy number ⚡️) for the tome.
  14. What an amazing showcase for the Mortal Realms!!! Seraphon rocked it! Freeguild look how I hoped!(wide brims from the Sky Portal art and distinct from the old stuff)! Ossiarch with spirit stream & werewolf huntress are badass and the UnderWorlds stuff was Kicking with the daemons and 90’s power metal Thunderstrike! 12/10! reveals! 😍 Ohhh, that’s a really good point. Gallet tome and then the next season maybe?
  15. My hope for Soulblights hero update is either a new Deathrattle commander to help “flesh” out that sub-faction for skeleton-only builds(if not a zombie commander choice at some time for Deadwalker) with maybe it’s bones made of monster parts or since we’re in Ghur it’d be awesome for some more Avengorii chimera madness. Just saw a replay of Castlevania and a locust-hybrid Avengorii like Abaddon would be aces for both their monster-body faction and the current Realm & Gallet theme.
  16. ……so it’s a Gorebeast then? I guess that’ll be the third use for it.
  17. If the next edition is Ulgu it could still fit by descending warbands finding the innards of the ship flooded with Shadow magic and portals to that realm. the ship spawned chameleons In it’s defense and they’re made from Ulgu’s cosmos. ”While the origin of the Chameleon Skink's abilities is unclear, there are potential explanations that have spread amongst skinkdom. It is rumoured that that the first temple-ships that spawned Chameleon Skinks did not sail through the light of Azyr, but rather in the penumbral gloom of Ulgu. This interaction allowed the shadows of the realm to seep into the temple fleet's spawning pools, resulting in the unique abilities of the Chameleon Skinks. Perhaps as a result of this, Chameleon Skinks find it easy to become Coalesced in the realm of Ulgu's swirling mists.” And in the Huanchi Skinks book they mention the Realm of Shadows is almost sacred to them as they believe the Old One Huanchi himself made themself into a part of the realm of Ulgu. It could tie-back to Harrowdeep & Nethermaze with the moon daemons if the ship was there first scoping out the moons and brought on unwelcomed visitors before it was later attacked and crashed in Ghur(maybe also preparing to look at Gnorl and other moons?)
  18. Could be. I imagine city-Ogors will be “gutless” to show they aren’t over-eating which would threaten their city allies compared to the Gutbusters “Might makes right so take what you want” attitude. Like Drekki’s Ogor crewmate actually eats his food properly and will set it all down neatly before diving into a bar fight. Same for the Iron Golem Ogor being much more lean.
  19. Indeed. Actually can be used to explain some of the copied legs too for a re-use handwave. In-lore Praetors Soulbond with their charges so closely, so they absorb all the damage instead, they slowly become clones of them to even their face, body features and even memories changing to match.(so if you want super loreful helmetless Praetors get copies of their commander’s head ) On Destruction, I wonder if it was intended to be Hedonites vs Destruction but it got scrapped last minute for reasons? Maybe we’ll see whatever they initially had planned to pop up at the edition’s end backing Gordrakk and the Slaanesh demigod twins?
  20. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. There’s no Warcry at Adepticon so this could end up being really far out. Nightmare Quest to complete the cycle and wrap up the season. Might and Madness to start the new season with extra packs and goes with the FEC big update later in the year. Hopefully, the latter(and not Nightmare Quest = M&M) since that means more love all round to the factions. Boy I hope so. Been wanting that Xandire’s warband but couldn’t justify the Harrowdeep set at the time, didn’t want the Kruleboyz packed with them later and can’t get ahold of the mini-Whq pack. So a Warcry starter pack like that would be perfect!
  21. Well Crypt of Blood seems to be seperate small expansion to the Warcry stuff is since it’s all Shyishian graveyard stuff vs the Gnarlwoods with the crashed Realmshaper
  22. Sounds likely but also crazy we’re seeing a Warcry expansion After the yet to be revealed one. Unless they’re all side-by-side? Tough times for the wallet. 😅💸
  23. Also the commander could be proxies for Sacrosanct commanders like the Exorcist Wouldn’t take much to put the soul-catcher on the halberd for the staff effect. I’m guessing these are filling out the Stormcast-Errant field since there’s such a mix of designs from Praetors, Vigilors, Vanquishers and the Vanguard & Sacrosanct chambers. There’s also seems to be a new Blood Crypts set coming that brings the original Stormcast-Errants from Harrowdeep vs the Bloodcourt. post here:
  24. And here I was about to cave in and buy the the new set before it went out to get those vampurai to go with my Lauka Vai model for my fledging Soulblights. Welp, looks like I’m waiting for Nightmare Quest for those Stormcasts and to jump into the FEC boom. ❤️ (very neat armor, some looks like Vigilors but there’s some with little chest shields like they’re dismounted Extremis Chamber) I’ll buy the Trueblades later when they’re seperate. Indeed. If they are close to Sky Portal’s design I hope we get the commander’s baroque helm with a little dragon piece on top. Very unique and goes with the gargoyle stuff we’ve seen.
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