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Everything posted by Sception

  1. Ooof, the point changes in the new battlescroll. Ouch. Not a huge hit to anything, but everything that was seeing regular play has gone up. The last tournament list I saw was hit for 170 points. The one posted by left fist would be up 110. And it's not like OBR had much depth to work with, not a lot of other builds to grab. Harvester's down 30 to 180, but even that might not be enough given how badly its rules were nerfed by the faq, and mortek guard didn't go down at all. Mortek crawlers didn't come down at all, either. Morghasts down a bit, and stalkers didn't change, so maybe there's still ~something~ workable in there mostly swapping immortis for stalkers, but I'm not sure.
  2. Harvester nerf is a significant hit. I was really excited for this army and pleased with their 3rd edition release, and knocking out that one tool in their kit did /so much damage/. Like, how much would points have to come down to acommodate that change. Would harvesters be worth running at 180? 160? Without harvesters, would morteks be viable at 130? 120? How many rounds of points adjustments will it take to get there, considering that GW doesn't like to push points by more than like 10 at a time? In the mean time, the faction seems to rely on hekatos, immortis in particular, for effective battleline. The subfactions felt remarkably balanced on release compared to 2nd edition where it was all-petrifex-all-the-time, but the harvester nerf skewing the entire faction heavily towards hekatos based armies puts us right back into all-petrifex territory, especially when then coming year-long competitive season will be pushing us to run mortisans as heroes & generals anyway. It's all very consolidating, and not in a good way.
  3. Endless Duty is a command ability on an OBR warscroll and is therefore an OBR command ability. OBR command abilities do not have the usual restriction of only being usable once per phase. HOWEVER, the restriction that a given unit can only issue one and only receive one command ability per phase still applies. So you can use Endless Duty on more than one unit, but each time you use the command ability in a given phase, it must be issued by a different Liege Kavalos or Katakros unit. so if you run Katakros and two liege kavalos then you can issue endless duty to up to three different units in the same hero phase. though keep in mind that Katakros can only issue one command ability per hero phase, so will probably set up his aura instead, unless he cannot do so due to being within 3" of an enemy unit.
  4. i mean, hatvester never returned anything above morteks iirc, but it could heal itself, use casualties on one unit to heal another, heal dofferent units in the same turn, heal based on wnemy casualties, heal on casualties suffered to shooting/magic, heal damage as it happened to stop a unit from being wiped out before it happened, etc. A lot of utility was lost,and I'm just not sure what's left justifies the points, which is a major problem since imo harvesters were doing a lot of work to justify morteks at their new higher points cost, and if morteks have trouble running then that's a major blow to the build variety & even overall viability of the faction as a whole. but we'll see. I'm often overly pessimistic in such assessments.
  5. FAQ's up on warcom. Highlights: Pack Alpha limited to summonable deadwalkers, as expected (no corpse carts, no zombie ogres) Neferata's redeploy nerfed to maintain battleplan deployment restrictions (ie, if the battleplan says you can't deploy within some distance of enemy models, then the redeployed units still can't do that) Neferata's spell nerfed to prevent any modifiers to saves to the target unit, both positive and negative. Blood Knight Riders of Ruin nerfed to only apply to normal, run, and charge moves - no longer works on retreat or pile in.
  6. FAQ is up on warcom. Highlights: Petrifex bonus changed from '-1 damage' to '-1 to wound' for attacks at hekatos & harvesters. Harvester's ability completely rewritten & significantly nerfed - activates at the end of combat phase only, targets nearby friendly obr unit, only rolls for models in that unit slain that phase. No longer lets you heal units based on nearby enemy casualties, no longer works on casualties in other phases, no longer triggers as wounds are caused, only all at once at the end of the phase - so if the unit you want to heal is entirely wiped out you can't heal them at all. Harvester and Crawler are 'single' My thoughts: I love the change to petrifex. -1 damage did nothing against many enemies, and was altogether too effective against a handful of others. I like the more broadly applicable alternative. If only they could change Null Myriad with a similar mindset. Harvester change is super disappointing. I appreciate that the new version works faster, isn't a constant disruption the way the old rule was, but why only in the combat phase - why not the shooting phase? The dead from the target unit are right there, regardless. And the fact that it can't harvest /enemy/ bones anymore feels like a lore fail, given the model is very clearly doing exactly that. Harvester was also the main thing propping up morteks at 15 ppm, I'm not sure this new harvester will continue to do that. Would have been much more comfortable with this change if morteks were dropped to 13ppm at the same time. No changes to Mir Kainan or Arch-Kavalos Zandtos makes me think this FAQ was not based on any actual feedback or questions asked by the community, and a second update might not be far away.
  7. best guess is no, aura spells centered on the caster like that are usually considered to be range zero / target the caster, and rhe effect area is not considered a spell range. but it's never very clear and faq could say otherwise.
  8. main suggestion is to not worry about wins & losses at 1000 points, and to push up to 2000 when you're able. the game is designed for 2k, & plays best at 2k. 1k games not so much, rock/paper/scissors gets much more extreme since you don't have enough points to diversify, double turn gets much more extreme since you don't have points for a second wave to punch back after your first wave is killed, elite armies have trouble fitting enough units to play the game, etc. 1k games can still be fun, and are a necessary stepping stone when building up your army, but they aren't balanced so you shouldn't worry too much about wins & losses.
  9. So how much longer do you all think we'll need to wait for the faq? The duration on Zandtos's buff needs errata, and Mir Kainan's spell is probably getting some, and I don't think too much more is likely, but I also don't want to get overly invested in any particular unit or build until it's passed the initial faq because you just never know.
  10. either? or, it ahouldn't matter, really? whether they roll all their attacks at once or one at a time, either way once you know how many wounds and or mortal wounds are dealt, those wounds and mortal wounds are applied one at a time, per core rule 14.1 & 14.2. So lets say, after all of the enemy's attacks, they deal 14 wounds to your mortek guard. You roll their ward save and get 2 6s, negatinf two of those wounds, leaving you with 12 wounds to allocate, one at a time. Let's say 3 of your mortek guard are in range of a harvester. you apply one wound to one of those three. It only has a wounds characteristic of 1, so it is slain and removed. the harvester's special rule kicks in, you roll a 5, and choose for the harvester to return a slain model to the mortek unit, putting it in the same place as the model you just removed. then you apply the next wound to the unit, to the same model you just returned, slaying it again. it is again within harvester range, so you roll for the harvester again and this time you roll a 2. the harvester's ability fails and no model is restored to the unit, leaving only two models in range of the harvester, and 10 wounds left to apply. the next two harvester rolls succeed, but the two after that both fail. now there are no more models left in the unit within range of the harvester's ability, so the remaining 6 wounds are applied normally. in the end you lost 9 morteks, instead of the 12 you would have lost without the harvester, but if you had kept more of the unit in range you probably would have lost fewer. positioning harvesters is very important. thankfully the new book gives the harvester's ability a larger range, so it's easier to keep more morteks in range, but watch out for situations that might separate your morteks & harvesters, like tricky charges or impassible terrain. saving time: there are a couple common practices with harvesters to save time without changing the effect. the first is to roll for the harvester before removing the slain model, and just leave it there if you successfully replace it. the one time you might not want to do this is if you're not worried about running out of models in range, and putting the returned model somewhere else offers a tactical advantage - more models in range of an objective, or bringing another unit into combat to restrict its movement next turn, etc. the second time saving method is to make harvester rolls in batches, but you must be careful when doing so to never make more harvester rolls at one time than the mortek unit has elligible models in range of the harvester's ability, and to only remove casualties after each batch from within that range. as shown in the example above, you can hit an unlucky streak and lose all the models in range before you've run out of wounds to allocate, and if you make harvester rolls when no models would be in range, that's cheating. Also, remember to roll for enemy models in range as well, as your harvester can turn them into more morteks too. The harvester can also use casualties, friendly or enemy, to heal itself. It's a very complicated unit.
  11. i mean, they're already also getting the way cry warband. but I honestly expect a pretty significant range expansion/overhaul. no other reason why they would have been delayed so long.
  12. not really much math needed. from 6+ to 2+ each +1 to a save is better than the one before, so all out defense is better unless at one or more of the following applies: 1. you already used all out defense this phase 2. your armor save is already going to be 2+ without using all out defense 3. you are taking mortal wounds in the same phase 4. you have enough other penalties to save and/or bonuses to ward that your death ward is equal to your armor save before using one of these commands i mean, you could do math to determine the exact ratio of mortal to regular wounds needed for the ward boost to be better at each armor save value, but that feels like a lot of work for not a lot of marginal utility.
  13. its a nice spell, procs army wide battleshock tests, puts pressure on small support heroes. not game deciding, but it adds up.
  14. healing depends on the category. big heroes with hunger - neferata, mannfred, vhordrai, vlozd; to a lesser extent lauka, vengo, & radubeast. these heroes are tough enough to take a hit & keep fighting, and when they do the hunger provides a significant heal, though the timing can be tricky. small heroes & units with hunger - sometimes useful but you'll often lose whole models at a time when these units take attacks, and the hunger can't fix that. summonable healing - these units are fragile & tend to collapse when attacked, so healing is typically only useful when units take chip damage. which does happen, so not worthless, but not a big deal. main exception is skeletons - they won't stand up to a real hammer, but with their extra healing they can grind it out with other tar pits & anvils. summonable recursion - unlike summonable healing, which is a bit niche, the recursion of half units via endless legions, gorslav, or nagash is a big deal. free units to block charges, contest objectives, threaten a few mortal wounds via black knight charges or zombie corose explosions, or even threaten some actual damage if bringing back 10 to 15 grave guard, that's all a big deal, and though i could be wrong i think summonable recursion will be a core part of the gravelord battle strategy in this book.
  15. by my understanding they don't even have to completely cross over the enemy models. in the movement phase, move up until you barely overlap their bases, then move back the way you came until you're at least 3" away. ror1. in the charge phase roll a 4" charge, move forward until you barely overlap the bases, then backwards until you're just b2b. ror2. in the combat phase, pile in forwards 1/2 an inch so you ovetlap the bases then backwards 1/2 an inch to exactly where you started. ror3.
  16. There's no need for errata, but I've seen enough people getting this wrong that I do think there's need for an FAQ answer. despite superficial similarities the ability is veru different from its previous version, and that's causing a lot of confusion.
  17. Harridans are very subfaction dependant: In emerald host, where you don't have any subfaction rules pushing you towards or away from any unit in particular, the various semi-elite melee 'infantry' nighthaunt units - bladegheists, grimghasts, and harridans - are largely interchangeable, so you could field a unit or two of harridans. In practic, though, you're kind of pushed towards grimghasts for melee ghosts since they're battleline and their 2" melee reach means you don't have to worry about the 3e coherency rules. In the end you maybe field one unit of harridans if you like how they look, but you probably don't take any. In Grieving Legion you want to outnumber, so you want to take chainghasts for their small bases or grimghasts for their 2" reach so you can still get most of them in combat even when fielding 20 or more in a unit. Harridans don't really fit in here. In Scarlet Doom you want to spam bladegheists. Harridans don't fit in here, either. In Quicksilver Dead you specifically want to spam harridans. 4+ units. So basically, you probably aren't fielding harridans unless you want to play quicksilver dead, in which case you need a bunch of them. Kind of frustrating that way, because there's not really any point to adding a unit or two to an existing army. ... Hexwraiths are a different story. No subfaction specifically encourages or discourages their use mechanically, and no other unit in the army really does the same thing they do in terms of being extremely fast to grab objectives or just body-block enemy movement lanes - especially if you get stuck with priority on the first turn. For this reason, pretty much any nighthaunt army would appreciate a 1 to 2 units of hexrwraiths, if they can afford them. But that's a pretty big if, since they're almost never the first priority for your army so you'll often find yourself running out of points before you can field any hexwraiths at all. So basically they're a 0-2 choice regardless of subfaction imo, though I suppose spamming all hexwraiths is an option for emerald host at least. Notably, while they're not currently associated with the emerald host mechanically, hexwraiths are tied to the emerald host in the narrative, so it's possible that future nighthaunt battletomes may introduce mechanical ties that could result in a situation like with the quicksilver dead and harridans, where you spam them in the associated subfaction and don't run them at all otherwise.
  18. No. Once per hero phase, not per hero. a nearby hero is necessary to make a summonable unit a valid target, but the heroes to not generate the ability. Mechanically it isn't something the heroes do, it's something you do as the player.
  19. OBR has a brand new book, most of which seems quite good. In particular the new battletome squared the circle of bringing the OBR's faction defining relentless discipline rule into alignment with 3rd edition, giving us faction rules that make the army feel and play like they're supposed to again. That alone is enough to call the book a triumph - that they also did a really good job with the warscrolls is just amazing. I'm so, so hype to play games with these rules. But it's never too soon to start wish listing for the future! So here's my own hopes & dreams: Points cost adjustments - these are noteworthy, in that we don't need to wait for a new book. OBR are in a weird position with points, in that the army relies heavily on buffs & synergies, which makes them hard to point accurately. 15 points seems like a lot to pay for a single mortek guard, but when they can have +1 to hit and save from katakros, +1 to wound & exploding 5s from a mason, +1 attack from a liege, +1 rend from Bludgeon, and a 4+++ save from a Harvester? Somewhere in there 15 points per model went from being kind of a lot to an outright steal. Most of our buffing & hero units are priced quite competitively for all they do, so while many of our units /feel/ like they cost a lot of points at first glance, there are only a few that I feel confident saying they're overpriced without first seeing them play out on competitive tables: Nagash. This one's easier to judge, since he's deliberately designed not to play into most faction abilities, so it's not a case of his gigantic points cost suddenly becoming reasonable after factoring in this or that synergy like it might be if he could be healed by boneshapers or take advantage of OBR command abilities. I love the new Nagash warscroll, it really feels like Nagash without being as oppressive as some of the pre-3rd edition takes tended to be, but he's /at least/ 100 points overpriced for what he does now, imo. I mean, compare him to Teclis, or Morathi, or or even Kragnos. Soulreaper. It's not so much that he can't survive in combat - immortis can keep a foot hero alive for a turn or two pretty reliably - albeit at a significant cost to their own durability. It's just that his conditional extra melee attacks just aren't contributing enough to ever take this guy over a boneshaper's healing or an ossifector's cartouche. I'd love to see this guy redesigned in a way to make him exciting, maybe literally harvesting souls of models he kills to power up his spellcasting? In the mean time, though, a 20 point drop at least is probably necessary for the reaper to be worth considering, because right now he's effectively a single cast foot wizard with no secondary ability, no signature spell, and no artefact to speak of. Morghasts. Shutting down CAs is very strong, and I understand the devs pricing that aggressively out the gate, but 240 points for 2 morghasts is way too much. Drop them down 20, maybe even 40 points. beyond that, I'm just not confident saying anything else is too expensive without extensive play data to go on. Again, mortek seem pricey at 150, but they soak up buffs so good. Crawler damage seems low, but with drain vitality + purple sun this army can pretty potentially throw out a -2 penalty to saves at range and maybe that damage isn't too low after all, etc. .... FAQ/Battlescroll updates - there's one specific warscroll rule change I'd like to see that is minor enough that I think the devs could get away making the change via errata or battlescroll update rather than having to wait for a new book. Mortisan Ossifector. I think this guy will see ~some~ play even as is just for the artefact + a lore spell, but his signature ability being limited to morghasts (overpriced, fast and maybe deep striking so they may never be in range), crawlers (low damage so the buff doesn't do much for them, back line so may not be in range to buff if you're up front to spread the cartouche aura), and harvesters (alright, but a single model second line support unit isn't making great use of those buffs) makes it just kind of hard to use. To fix that, I'd like to see the Ossifector's buffs extended to also target immortis & stalkers (ie, 'harvesters, crawlers, and hekatos units'). I think this simple change would take our new hero from a kind of disappointing unit that you maybe run sometimes just for the artefact to something many players will actively want to field, particularly in petrifex style lists. ... Future Book changes to subfactions - While I'm mostly happy with the core rules, and the current subfactions /are/ a step up from what we had before, I'd like to see further revisions here. Mortis Praetorians, Petrifex Elite, Crematorians - these are more or less fine as is Null Myriad: does almost nothing against most enemies, when it is relevant it's too strong, potentially shutting down the core offensive strategy of the entire enemy army. Neither makes for a fun game. Maybe a 12" aura of -1 to cast/dispel/unbind for enemy wizards? Works on more armies since it hits buffing spells, has counterplay options if your opponent can just keep his wizards out of the aura range, relevant to obr casting as it can make their spells harder to unbind once enemy units are in the aura? I don't know, just an example of the kind of direction they could take, exact effect/range/etc would need tinkering. Stalliarch: any benefit restricted to mounted units only is going to run into issues with the army not having many mounted units and arguably zero mounted hammers. Maybe extend the benefit to "and mounted stalliarch unit, plus any other stalliarch unit wholly within 9" of a mounted stalliarch hero", so that stalliarch soulmasons could extend the benefit to mortek guard, lieges to necropolis stalkers, etc? Keeps the subfaction ability mounted-themed while still making it relevant to non-mounted units. I dunno. Ivory host - the narrative concept of these guys - that they're all proud and disciplined until you crack their bones and the wild magic of ghur leaks out, causing them to lose their minds and become ravening beasts - is so, so good. But both takes on it so far have been weak, conditional, and imo failed to caputure their loss of discipline. Basing the ability on taking damage that turn is too awkward and unreliable. I'd rather see something like "Ivory host units gain a +1 bonus to wound rolls for melee attacks. However, when counting friendly OBR units for the Relentless Discipline battle trait, do not count any Ivory Host units that are within 3" of any enemy units". So basically they get a sort of pseudo free CA that always applies to all their units in melee and stacks with anything else, but it becomes harder to use other command abilities in a prolonged fight as their bestial instincts take over and discipline breaks down. That's potentially a pretty big penalty, though, so the bonus might have to be tinkered with. ... Future Book changes to existing warscrolls - most significant warscroll changes need to wait for a new book. I'm actually mostly quite happy with the current warscrolls, but there are a few I'd like to see get a serious rethink next time around. Soulreaper: As mentioned previously, this guy needs a better reason to put him in combat. I'd like to see some sort of soul-stealing ability, like maybe models he slays give him 'soul tokens' that he can use to re-roll casting or unbinding rolls in future hero phases. Crawler: IMO the damage is just too low in the current version. I'd like to see more damage, and a fair bit more range. Immortis Guard: I love their new scroll, but even limited to 1/game I think their double strike CA is too much of an offensive boost on what is supposed to be the kit's defensive build. I'd much rather they had a command ability that reflects their protective role. Maybe 'use this CA when a friendly OBR hero within 3" is targeted by an enemy attack, until the end of the turn when you roll a 5+ for this unit's soulbound bodyguard ability that wound or mortal wound is negated instead of applying it to the immortis unit'. Something like that would help with the current issue where immortis are good on their own but using them for their intended narrative purpose makes them weaker as a nearby hero effectively becomes a gap in their armor. Morghasts: first, 6 wounds just doesn't feel like enough for these guys. Bump them up to 7. Otherwise, the basic shared 'morghast' stuff of the current warscrolls is good, but the distinction between harbingers and archai still isn't quite right. First, I'd like to see different stats between the units (ie, give Archai -2 Move but +1 save). Second, I'd like the archai signature ability to be better. Maybe also give them extra attacks when near an obr hero (or friendly nagash), in addition to the 5+ ward? or replace the 5+ ward with a +1 bonus to ward saves, and make that also apply to the nearby obr heroes or friendly nagash? I don't know. Deep strike seems ok for harbingers, but the archai's conditional ward just doesn't feel on par in an army that already has a 6+ ward, or 5+ with a command point. Also I think the 'strike first on a big charge roll' rule can be dropped. Shutting off CAs is a big enough signature ability to give morghasts definition as a broader unit type, and ditching the lottery charge would help provide some slack to reduce their overall points cost and up the effectiveness of archai abilities. ... Future Book New Units/Model Kits - new units especially need to wait for a future book. OBR are such a fantastic concept, such a unique aesthetic, such a defining Age of Sigmar faction. The initial release wave was and remains really strong, but there's so much room left to expand on them. Sphinx: OBR are big and slow and tough and a centerpiece monster should share those traits - so not a fast flying dragon lord type monster, but a slow ponderous battering ram (un)living seige engine, like a Mumak in Lord of the Rings or, more pointedly, like a tomb kings warsphinx. Make it a dual kit buildable with either a leige on top turning it into leader/behemoth buffwagon or a howda with a crew of mortek guard (behemoth/battleline-if) as a straight battering ram, maybe with some shooting. Throw in an extra round base to field the hero on foot if you build the mortek crewed version, killing two birds with one stone. Give the infantry liege a ranged version of endless duty to support archers/crawlers, giving him a specialized niche and not just 'cheaper liege kavalos'. Archers: People have wanted this since the bow guy in the underworlds warband. Would do a lot for the army, adding some reach and a second viable option to support with harvesters. I wouldn't make them battleline, at least not by default, and would keep most of the army's buffs restricted to melee attacks, don't want to make the whole army a shooty army. But yeah, some halfway decent ranged support infantry would be great. Morghast Hero - named or otherwise: Morghasts are cool, a dedicated morghast hero as almost an undead daemon prince type unit would be super cool. Plus, while I don't think the current morghast models are dated enough to warrant replacement, I would very much like to see what the model studio could do with the concept using their modern tools and methods. Arkhan? - All three classic mortarchs had scenes in broken realms where their dread abyssal steeds were slain. between that and arkhan's death, there has been some speculation that GW were setting up for future releases separating the mortarchs out in order to get rid of a cross-faction kit. IF we see a new arkhan kit, I'd personally like to see him go back to his old flying four horse chariot, both because I personally think it's super cool and because it would make the model usable in both AoS and the returning Old World game. If the oval base stays the same, then the old model can stay playable for those who already have it. Walls/Gate/Tower: Every time I see the amazing OBR terrain pictured in GW studio images I die a little inside knowing I can't have it & couldn't really produce anything on that level if I tried to scratch build it. Please! Release these as kits to the public! Make them made to order forgeworld kits with long waiting lists and absurd prices, I don't care, I just want them! Please! This in particular wouldn't necessarily have to wait for a new battletome & could instead come alongside some campaign featuring seige battles against OBR - possibly a wrath of the everchosen followup. ..... Beyond that, obviously if battle tactics and grand strategies are still a thing in 4e, then I hope we'll get better ones then. I understand the idea that factions should have /some/ weakness, but narratively 'bad at battle tactics' doesn't feel like the right weakness for OBR.
  20. once per hero phase, heal up to three summonable units, the units must be near your heroes, & they heal a bit more if they're also near your gravesites.
  21. should nighthsunt & spulblight be reconsolidated then? i understand chaos or order forums being too hasslesome, but i liked the singular death board.
  22. you'll definitely want a liege and a boneshaper. if you prefer mortek guard battleline you'll def want a harvester & might want a soulmason. if you prefer big stiff battleline, then 2 to 4 boxes of stalkers/immortis in any combination. you'll prob want at least one unit of kavalos for pur only decent battle tactic, and maybe 1 unit of immortis for the only other battle tactic that isn't bad. (imo, take my suggestions w a grain of salt)
  23. I can still find the tithe echelon under "ossiarch bonereapers battleforce". either that or the vanguard would be a good next step, though probably not both. if you can find a copy of the obr broken realms box, "horrek's dreadlance" (2x kavalos deathriders 1x liege kavalos) still priced at a discount compared to getting those units separately, then that is a perfect complement to the tithe echelon battleforce, and a reason to pick the battleforce over the vanguard. if you can't find the broken realms box (or can't find it cheaper than buying those units separately), then i recommend the vanguard over the battleforce, since i think deathriders are probably more useful than the crawler to a new player right now. either is good, though.
  24. that's cool, though also potentially a mistake that might get errata'd. i still just don't see where it fits in lists or how it justifies its cost. but again, i hope I'm wrong.
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