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Everything posted by Yokai

  1. Maggots falling out of a dirty armpit. You may not like it, but this is what peak Nurgle looks like.
  2. The only inkling of a hint in that direction I know of is a certain grot in Roll Models. Interesting for sure, but not much to build a rumour on.
  3. It's tuesday! So that means Rumour Engine time. Looks dark elvish, innit? Or Slaaneshy, possibly.
  4. Next week's preorders are up for your perusal. I say, the "alternative" Executioner looks wayyy better than the rather derpy Soul wars one.
  5. AoS Core Book, p40: (my emphasis added) So they seem to be not completely forgotten by GW.
  6. So I was thinking, Morghast allies for an additional bravery debuff and some more punch to boot. Should stack nicely with Lady O and her banshee minions. Worth it? Discuss.
  7. Just noticed it is available on the US site still. Don't know what to make of it but here's to hoping, at least.
  8. Don't know if it has been mentioned already, but the "Spiderfang Grots Venom Clan" boxed set is gone from the UK GW site. Maybe another sign of a major Grot update soonish?
  9. I am shocked - shocked, I say - that no one has mentioned the return of Lokhir Fellheart as a "made to order" model:
  10. Today's Malign Portents story is an interesting little glimpse of the hunt for Slaanesh by his/her disciples. Another clue pointing towards Slaanesh getting revealed and possibly set free at the end of the story arc? Ties in nicely with the return of the aelves and Slaanesh is next in line among the Chaos gods to get attention, I figure.
  11. Not really, considering the very bad weather conditions around Nottingham this weekend. GW employees might not have been able to get to their job.
  12. Aaand it's here! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/19/daughters-khaine-part-1-daughters-khainegw-homepage-post-3/ Morathi feeding on her follower's hopeless prayers. Pretty grimdark, innit?
  13. I think players tend to gravitate towards the Grand Alliance with the most armies, because there you will have the most choices available. And with the Sigmarines being the poster boys of the game, able to ally with each and every other Order faction on top, it's a rather obvious choice for someone who makes a little research before investing in AoS. Order is just bloated with choices already, at least compared with Destruction for example.
  14. Mathlann sea elves? Probably yet another Order faction then. Not entirely convinced that is what is most needed right now.
  15. ...and here be the Ironskull's Boyz! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/10/13/the-warbands-of-shadespire-ironskulls-boyzgw-homepage-post-2/ Kunnin' But Brutal and Brutal But Kunnin' seem to be a deadly combo indeed:
  16. The preview for the Sepulchral Guard Warband is up: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/10/12/the-warbands-of-shadespire-the-sepulchral-guard-oct-12gw-homepage-post-2/ Lots of nice new cards!
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