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Everything posted by adreal

  1. You could run 3 units of 3 spirit hosts, but you wont do much, if anything except for making wooOooO sounds when you move them
  2. Rumour engine just screams obliterator weapon
  3. @Espy85 spirit hosts with some grave stones would make cool objective markers
  4. Played a game last night, a 2v2 1k a player game. Not super serious as most of us were half cut by the time we started. Anyways I learnt that 10 grimghast unsupported, do not enjoy being charged by soul grinders. Blood reavers dont run when people say they have bravery 9 (I now know they are bravery 5......) Moonclan gobbos need to be in units larger then 20 Blobs of chainrasps, if left to be able to heal every turn, dont tend to die to only 1 damage attacks. Nagash should make you feel filthy in the hero phase (just casually throw out 8 spells) Bladeghiest are awesome, being able to retreat and charge is cool, plus near a spirit torment and guardian of souls is gross (hitting on 3s rerolling, wounding on 2s) Moonclan shamans doing mushrooms and dropping moons on people is both funny, and rude. Fantatics seem scary, but ethereal
  5. Was she the three armed snake model they had for a while?
  6. Just thought I would show off my happy little 1k army I'll be using on friday night
  7. Looks good, the blind look works for them
  8. I'm sorta sitting in the middle with my opinion of the bedsheets. I also play wanderers which while still fun and have some strong combos, are very lacking, so I see nighthaunt as better then them. But I also understand that while some things seem powerful, they are pretty easy to counter, kill the guardian of souls and our wheels come off pretty quickly, or fail some spells in a key turn and we are pushing it uphill so to speak. It's sad that in LON ghosts are better then in our own battletome, so competitively speaking, run ghosts out of LON and you will have a better chance, but for me, personally, based on my local meta and my own abilities (I'm a mid tier player at best), I'm happy with my bedsheets
  9. Would depend on what if anything he puts in the underworld. The buff to bladeghiests that spirit torments and chainghasts give would be why he has them I imagine, it's a 24" bubble of rerolling hits with 3 attacks on the charge, seems pretty good to me (shrugs)
  10. Pulled from the thread in general, this is the list that did well at the SoCal open
  11. Best part, I got a wave of terror charge with my knight of shrouds, almost killed volturnos, (he was down to 2 wounds) then whiffed all my attacks in the close combat phase and volturnous killed my knight next turn
  12. So I finally decided to play my ghosts after sitting on a (admittedly) non competitive list for about 4 months while I played wanderers. I played a eel deepkin list with the high king, which I had previously lost to with my wanderers. List I ran was Lady O Knight of shrouds on steed with ruler of spirit hosts and balefire blade Briar queen Lord executioner with heandsmen relic Spirit torment Guardian of souls with bacon of nagashizzar 2 units of 20 chainrasps 10 reapers 4 myrmourne banshees (which I left at home) 4 glavewraith stalkers 2 chainghasts Thorns of the briar queen 2 units of 5 bladeghiests Shroudguard and chainguard. So as you can see, wasnt the best list, and I forgot alot of what lady O brings to the table. Still I managed a win on points which was great and I killed his turtle, his king both units of sharks and two of his four eel units (one spear one shield).
  13. Yeah it's pretty clear that you cannot have further exploding hits from the fast shot ability, I know I had the same thoughts until i actually read the rules
  14. Yeah I could never see a reason for anything other then fast shots
  15. Wait wait wait, there is another wanderers player in Australia, wow. While I agree that wanderers are not top tier, I have had success in local environments (skyre mortal wound spam, legion of sacrament with a unit of 4 morghast and Arkhan, nuln aterilary with a hurricanium, stupid seraphon with massive rerolls on all monsters and a min of 11 summon points a turn) using the battalion where I feel I lost due to being newer to the game and not deploying to take objectives. Just food for thought but the battalion and 2 units of eternal guard can fit into 2k as a 3 drop list, might be worth considering
  16. It's an option, not one that I run with myself, as I like the battalion drop mechanism, but its there
  17. There is also the option of going general order (glade guard are battleline) and taking a hurricanium, which adds a +1 to hit for order units
  18. It depends on what charges really, but we also get reroll battleshock tests, which is nice
  19. It's not that we are hugely below the power curve, it's that we cannot hold up in the strait up fight. In 2.0 the waywatcher being your general means little, as with enough command points any hero can use thier command ability. That being said the waywatchers -1 to hit for all wanderer units within 18" is very good. I understand about only being able to field what you own, it sucks if you buy, paint and enjoy a model, and it's just not great (wayfinder, I'm looking at you) but there are options available to us. The battalion is a great option for picking your alpha strikes. Being able to fall back and still shoot is a huge boon for units of glade guard, granted they will most likly die in combat but it's a nice option
  20. Hidden paths is pretty average now, waystrider and finder are not waywatchers, who are awesome. As nice as bodkins is, sisters of the watch put out more consistant damage over a game. Outside of the battalion you have no way of choosing your alpha strike
  21. As others have said, if it's not a chaos space marine backpack, that will be a huge surprise, and there is a 40k warhammer quest coming out soon...... But its obviously a grot, right?
  22. Well they still have legal points from the first generals handbook, so you could use that, and ask your locals if they mind those models having the wanderer keyword (I really dont see how it would in any way be over powered). Avatar of the hunt would like the splinterbirch blade
  23. Well now I dont feel so bad about everything that I have.... Wanderers 1 Nomad Prince 1 Spellweaver 1 Waystrider 1 Wayfinder 3 Waywatchers 30 glade guard 30 sisters of the watch 20 eternal guard 5 sisters of the thorn 5 wild riders 5 'glade riders'. Stormcast eternals Lord arcanum on gryph charger 3 knight encantors 20 sequitors 5 evocators 12 castigators 3 balistas 1 gryph hound Nighthaunt Knight of shrouds on ethereal steed Guardian of souls Spirit of torment 10 grimghast reapers 16 glaivewraith stalkers Lord executioner Lady olynder 2 chainghasts 10 bladeghiest revenants 4 myrmorn banshees 40 chainrasps
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