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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. That is true. As a player of online games, mostly MMO's, since the early 2000's im fully aware of the never ending attempts to balance things. While its damn near impossible to achieve their are ways to at least put in some effort as you mentioned. The thing is GW isnt doing it at all. They just write stuff, release it, get angry internet feedback, then release band-aids instead of addressing the root issues..which is themselves.
  2. If there was actual beta testing of rules among the community then stuff like this wouldnt be necessary in the first place. The issue with that is its almost impossible to have a good sample size of beta testing among every faction for new rules.
  3. Everyone will be bummed which will only feed the current general unhappiness that is AoS right now
  4. Do they though? Or do they need warscroll changes?
  5. Thats a great point and a big oof...its like backing yourself into a corner then building a fortress in the corner to defend the position you forced yourself into and now cant leave. Thats some self-fulfilling prophecy stuff right there.
  6. So this Libooian just picks a hero and rolls a die each turn and has a chance to just pop him? No other requirements...he just sits there, points his finger and poof goes the hero. Thats kinda funny and slightly terrifying at the same time
  7. Thats because they are undercosted when compared to other factions. GHB doesnt change warscrolls, just points. So if they get hit by a points increase before they get a new book then they will dip back down into the 'oh these guys are still here?' tier. Of course when they get new book its entirely possible they will still be bad. That is also a trend
  8. Thats not how points work. GW changes them on a whim. Sometimes based on 'data' from tourneys and sometimes, most of the time, seemingly at random. It doesnt matter what you or I or anyone thinks about the points if they are good or balanced. GW will still change them. The current trend for 3.0 its to increase everything so BoC is 100% getting points increased. You want an example of points that dont make sense? Look at what they did to Fyreslayers
  9. Thats fair and makes more sense but there is definitely a failing going on somewhere in the chain. Somewhere between the writing stage, reading and QA stage, and the beta stages. Something needs to change cuz AoS isnt doing so hot lately. GW is still suffering from crazy leaks. More so now then ever before. Im currently reading the full rules and watching vids for the Nids codex.
  10. They also have to be in engagement range but not in engagement range
  11. No. How would I possibly know that? Do they have multiple locations across the town or something? Different offices, unless in separate buildings, isnt a good reason to not be able to collaborate with co-workers. I work and live in the USA but im still able to contact and collab with our other sites in Ireland or Israel if I need to via this fancy tencho-sorcery called 'the internet'. Theres no reason that someone cant send out an email and ask 'hey can I get some fresh eyes on this rule or ability?'
  12. This kinda ****** doesnt even surprise me at this point. Im actually more upset/shocked/whatever at how the 40k team is so completely different then the AoS team. If you could separate the two it almost looks like two different companies in their design and writing philosophies. I get that 40k and AoS are different and that AoS is supposed to run like a smaller faster skirmish style game compared to 40k but come on...they havent been doing anything right/good for a long while now. 40k isnt the gold standard of balance either but everything new for AoS lately is just...bad. Straight bad. Trying to charge a premium for garbage isnt working for me. I havent touched anything related to 3.0 yet and im not at all hopeful for the future.
  13. Thats pretty lame. For a faction that is supposed to be monster in combat they are very wet noodled
  14. Huh...why would they ditch a system like that so early?
  15. I just closed it and restarted and forced stop but its still not working edit: it just started working normally on its own lol wonky app
  16. Im messing around in the app and I can only reinforce HGB one time. Im guessing that a bug
  17. No wonder the Imperium is losing when each marine has to go through that long ritual to get armored up.
  18. I think its the other way around. At least it is in 40k. Rules that add attacks to the base profile are applied first then other stuff like items do their thing. So in 40k an Ork Warboss has Str6 and 5A. He is equipped with a Power Klaw that gives Str x2. Next a power gets cast on him that gives +2 Str and A. So his new base profile is Str8 and 7A. Now the Power Klaw kicks in giving him Str16. Same concept would apply to the attacks for the Runefather.
  19. I called Greyfyrd as probably being the best. It makes sense since it buffs up foot heroes for slightly better longevity vs being an easy squishy target like a monster. It buffs the death-star FatherHGB. Assuming you can keep them both within each others range while they charge... Thats pretty much the list. Everything else is filler. Or add more with SonHGB mini-stars Or Vostarg...flood the board with all the Vulkites in your collection and hope something sticks.
  20. Thats my problem with this...theres too many parts involved. First you have to pray that your opponent doesnt have any magic or any shooting. Flamekeeper and Battlesmith will almost always die in the 1st turn. And then a lot of abilities are one time use on one unit only. One unit will be okay for one fight phase and thats it.
  21. The only thing im seeing as being 'good' is the new standard deathstar of Runefather + HGB. They will be super hard to remove and murder in combat but thats if they ever get into combat due to how slow they are. But thats it. Every 'combo' requires stacking of mostly once per game effects onto a single unit. Sure your Vulkites can have 4 attacks but thats once per phase and only one unit while the rest of your list is completely neutered. The best part about the book might only be allies
  22. I could almost feel the sadness and confusion when reading the goonhammer review. This is how I feel exactly. How doe GW have such a completely different team/mentality when it comes to both systems rules? This was pretty much the final nail on the coffin for AoS for me. Ill be focusing on 40k for a while now until some new stuff comes out for AoS. Hopefully they dont totally ****** up Skaven, Nighthaunt, or Chorfs.
  23. I absolutely ****** hate once-per-battle stuff. And these points hikes are way to crazy to even believe if I didnt see them myself. I honestly dont like what im seeing outside of making Gotrek a full on god now. The lodge abilities are all meh at best. I feel Greyfyrd will win out to keep heroes alive for more buffs and keeping the Runefather/HGB death star alive. Lofnir would be okay if Droths werent waaaaaay overcosted. Like how did GW justify 360 when a Maw-krusha is 480. The Droths profile change, while an improvement, isnt that great overall compared to other hero monsters. Im legit disappointed
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