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Everything posted by mhsellwood

  1. Agreed on it being from my point of view the best news. I really like Kill Team, and Underworlds so if we get something like that... I think the game will be Chaos focussed, but all alliances playable. Chaos as the kind of narrative driving force - champions and heroes trying to get to Varanspire and the favour of Archaon, Order trying to defeat important followers of the Chaos gods, Death trying to enact some dark plan of Nagash, Destruction... destroying. And I really hope we get terrain as good as the Kill Team stuff
  2. Personally I can see both sides. From a definitive this is something you are getting, there was only one reveal - Blades of Khorne (although as somebody said this is actually a big deal from the point of view of getting a new Battletome when there is an existing battletome in the 1.5 mode) but this is pretty well required at this point given the changes in the game. It was nice to see the Sylvaneth warband and I think pretty much a confirmation that we will see a new battletome, hopefully with a few new models. On the other hand. Warcry. That is where I am at. Underworlds is great, Kill Team has led to more 40K than any other game being played so I have high hopes for the core game. And then the images that we have seen are redolent of so much potential - new terrain, new models, a new aesthetic like the old Realms Of Chaos books. So much hype from me. (also from a purely personal point of view I have a gaming group that love the Age of Sigmar models but still can't get behind the fixed to wound rolls. If this bridges that gap, Age of Sigmar could easily replace 40K as the game I play the most)
  3. I really do hope so. I like bare chested barbarians as much as the next guy who has watched Conan The Barbarian endlessly, but I think some properly armoured soldiers would be great. Also, what I like about those guys look is that they look high fantasy, entirely in keeping with the foe they face, but also broad enough that with a few changes you could really make them your own. I.e. put on a Skitarii helmet, Khardron backpack and you have a Chamon army; give them mad flagellant heads and fur and you have a Ghur or Ghyran army; stick skulls all over them and you have a Shyish army.
  4. Looks really cool (puts 40K hat on for a mo) up the front is clearly poxwalkers but... mechanised, same with the nurglings, and the grotesques up the back ring with a combination of both nurgle, slaanesh, khorne and technology. The unusual imperial models, perhaps inquisition... but not clearly as such (hope those lasgun equipped models get a larger release). Is this a 40K expansion like Masque of Death or is this a board game like Silver Tower? Very interesting. From an AoS point of view, I can see some very easy conversions - all the Choas stuff basically looks like it could be put straight in with no work necessary bar maybe some conversion work to reduce the mechanical aspect. The imperial stuff will be harder as there are quite a few guns et al, but a few weapon swaps, some shields and voila you have a nice AoS28 collection. For Age of Sigmar, I have the following predictions for Warhammer Fest: Decent reveal on a new magic supplement, the next step of the Malign Portents storyline some more concrete reveals on the Soul War box set - maybe just a 30 second or so tiny thing, but enough to start the engines Very small reveal on the next army (I reckon Soul War will be Malignants/Nighthaunts vs Stomcast and Freeguild, so the one after that) - I feel that Slaanesh is the go here
  5. Thanks for the rumours. I am no rumour monger, but Slaanesh is being heavily rumoured, and given that Fulgrim is being talked about a lot for 40K I can see GW seeing this as a chance to get twice the bang for their buck with an updated range that both expands and builds on 40K and AoS. Interesting that you mention Moonclan as well as I saw on Twitter a post from Wayne Kemp (who does a lot of playtesting for GW) about his new project - a Troll Hag converted to be in a Moonclan army... In terms of Ironjawz have you got any hints about what fleshing out might mean?
  6. I have read the new battletome and find it really interesting. First, I was assuming that the Legends release would have rules for the specific models made available for order, i.e. the Manflayers, the dreadlords etc. but that was it, so essentially a sop to allow you to actually use the models that you have purchased. Instead GW have completely re-done the compendium rules - and by this I mean every single warscroll has been re-done, and even ones that have been subsequently re-worked (Witch Aelves) have a unique version in the Legends book. In many ways they have released a new edition army book for free. Second, the entries are in terms of clarity and layout the next step up from the current scrolls. The weapon options you have for your characters are really clearly laid out, what is an attack from a mount versus the character is explicit (for example look at the Dreadlord entry - you may have one of 3 weapon layouts, and you may have a repeater crossbow. The mount attacks are in a seperate block. Very clear to read and understand), there is a change in how War Machines work (much closer to the old 8th Edition approach of crew as tokens rather than independent units), some flavour loss by making certain weapon options consistent across units - compare the various Dark Elf Spears, Dark Elf Hand Weapons, Dark Elf Great Weapons. Third, the army as a whole is a lot harder hitting. Executioners have rend -2 and 2 damage (!!!!), Cold Ones get rend on the charge, chariots all do more impact damage, hydras and Kharibdyss both get much more damaging (also shout out for the improvement in the Kharibdyss's feast of bones - goes from 6+ on wounds caused by one attack, to all wounds inflicted heal a wound). Shooting is hard to call, as the reaper is both better (no crew sniping now) but also worse (less than half the damage output) and repeater crossbowmen have gone from a +1 to hit at 20 models to re-roll 1s at 20, so bit of an up and down. Where there is some overlap between Legends and current warscrolls I wonder whether there will be a move to harmonise the two? I doubt it, but an interesting thought.
  7. so, pre-order this weekend (according to the German AoS page it is the codex, the Namarti and the Eidolon), then pre-orders/release into May, or a bit of a gap between this weekend and next pre-order? Enquiring minds want to know!
  8. Very early days, so who know what the outcome will be. So, my reaction to the current rumours: I play a fair bit of 8th Edition 40K and do enjoy it, so not fussed about certain cross pollinations I actually prefer the chargers are all resolved first rule - gives a bit more oomph to the speed stat as getting the charge off can allow a line breaking mass attack with quick movers. This makes cavalry a much more different choice compared to infantry. In 40K the problem is often that many armies are able to mechanise to such an extent that if you can't move fast you are not a useful assault unit. In AoS I think in game it will do a lot to differentiate units. I don't have an issue with the roll for priority every turn - as others have said it does introduce a lot more uncertainty to the game, and a bit of uncertainty is a good thing. However from reading various forums it is probably one of the sticking points to a wider acceptance of the game, so it would be nice to see rolling for priority every turn as a core rule, and within Matched Play an advanced rule that basically switches it back to a first turn roll off. Command Points is an interesting idea. I wonder where these would come from? Somebody else mentioned Malign Portents which has a Command Point equivalent and you gain a D6 + fixed amounts from specific key words, so perhaps that? Or perhaps command points come from the army build part where Battleline gives +1 point etc, or a more detailed army building approach? Finally I see some people bewailing the fact AoS will turn into 40K, and we will have alpha strikes and first turn charges and games finished by turn 2. I do not see that happening. My reasons are as follows: Tough things in 40K are hugely tough compared to tough things in AoS. You think Nagash is tough? Compare him to Guilliman - you can't even shoot Guilliman, he has a 3+ save that cannot be modified, and he comes back from the dead! Or an AoS monster versus say a Land Raider... What this results in is weapons that can destroy a Land Raider are required, and these weapons then vaporise things like orc buggies so lots of firepower on the board. AoS does not do that as in general there is less of a binary - right weapon is success, wrong weapon is fail (eg. Witch Aelves will do good in your army whether you fight hordes of Skeletons or a small number of Stonehorns, while lascannons in 40K are good if your opponent has good targets for them). In 40K the result is that the game is over very quickly (and potentially before the game really starts), because you either have the tools and you do the job, or you do not and the job is done to you. A basic guy in 40K can mostly shoot you up to 24" away, and is likely to carry weapons that can hit at 36" - 48". So if you are a gun line you can not move and shoot cast firepower from one side of the board to the other. To counter this, close combat units are often able to charge turn 1 (turn 2 at the latest) and wipe out whole units. So you have really extreme units. In AoS most armies struggle to put down really serious firepower at any kind of range, so damage is overwhelmingly done in close combat meaning that games tend to go for more turns. I don't see this changing. Units move faster in 40K, or do not need to move at all. This builds up the tempo of the game, and again encourages a binary of units - units are fast (Death Company in a Blood Angels army can cover 24" + 3d6" on turn one, rhino mounted Berzerkers move 12" + d6" turn 1, charge 9" + 2d6" turn 2, Bloodletters drop in at 9.1" then charge 3d6" + 1" with a re-roll on turn one) or they do not move and shoot the other side of the board (Imperial Guard infantry with Mortars firing from behind cover at 48", devastator squads with quadruple lascannons, Dark Reapers always hitting on 3+ and able to shoot from behind cover, twin assault cannon razorbacks with re-rolls galore). So, on turn 1 you have access to tools that allow you to cripple your opponent. I don't see any real equivalent within AoS. To sum up, the issues that are being identified with 8th Edition 40K (and again, full disclosure I actually enjoy playing it, far more than any previous edition of 40K) are more a result of the whole setting being turned up to 11 rather than inherent issues with the rules
  9. Is it possible that the Deepkin will not of one of the four Grand Alliances, or able to ally outside of just Order? Like, we know that they can be allies with Daughters, but would there be any reason they may not also be able to ally with say Destruction?
  10. Looks great - how did you do the base?
  11. From my point of view I have no issue with say a five pound a month membership scheme.For me this cost is about supporting the production of content for the whole community to enjoy, rather than a transactional quid pro quo type arrangement. The only thing I would say is that if paid memberships were sufficient to cover the costs of running the site and additionally leave a surplus it would be great to see that reinvested in the creation of more content - maybe some short stories being commissioned, or art work, something like that we can all benefit from.
  12. My contribution to the pictures: The Sepulchral Guard
  13. Just saw on Facebook that the Start Collecting boxes will be going up for purchase this weekend, presumably with the Paths To Glory book. I would love to see a new unit for Fyreslayers (mini magmadroths plz) but expect something like Grimwrath, 5 Hearthguard, 10 Vulkite.
  14. Same approach as Disciples of Tzeentch - actual Khorne models in the book, those that can choose the Khorne keyword not.
  15. Cool thanks for that @Chikout - Hastings has always been a very reliable source so if he is saying end of March that gives me confidence.
  16. To my eye the aesthetically weak models are the warriors, the war machines and the quarellers / thunderers. Like you I don't actually have any of these models due to this so no loss if removed, so if I can put the 8th ed range in a new updated faction happy days.
  17. Sort of agree, sort of disagree. At the moment I actually feel that the older parts of the dispossessed range is a bit of low point - if the warriors and war machines disappeared and we got in return new high quality models that maintained the quality and aesthetic of the hammerers and irondrakes that would be a huge plus. However at the moment as you say they have not killed off anything to create a new faction so I don't know if I feel it is likely. On the subject of all these new sources, a bit salty yes but on the other hand if they are coming in about two weeks...
  18. Although it sounds reasonable I feel that it may be missing some parts (if true). To wit, look back at some of the recent release sizes: Disciples of Tzeentch. Boxed sets of Acolytes, Tzaangor, Enlightened/Skyfires, Tzaangor Shaman, Lord of Change, Blue Horrors / Brimstone Horrors. So four new box sets, a new monster and a new character (ignoring the re-boxing of the Thaumaturge and the Summoner) Stormcast Vanguard chamber. Lord Aquilor, Vanguard-Palladors, Vanguard-Hunters, Vanguard-Raptors, Gryph Hounds. Four box sets and a monstrous mount character. Sylvaneth. Alarielle, Drycha, Kurnoth Hunters, Revenant box, Branchwych. Two monsters, monstrous infantry, infantry, character. Ironjawz. Mawkrusha, Megaboss on foot, Weirdnob, War chanter, Gore-grunta, Brutes. A monster, 3 characters and two units. Compared to those releases, this leak suggests one character, one monster type unit and two units which would be less than any previous release. Hence, I am not necessarily going to suggest this information is wrong, just that it feels like kind of half the picture at this point.
  19. The Warhammer Community site has confirmed the revealed ones.
  20. The ward save trait appears to be a 6+ ward save for all units within 3", which is a pretty impressive force multiplier. Also, as @Sennyo says I think it is 5+ rather than 3+. Still, very interesting and quite potent. Wonder how much they will cost?
  21. Worth noting that there is a hint that tomorrow will see a reveal of a non Stormcast release. To be fair I feel that we will quite a significant number of AoS releases this year - we had a significant change in how battletomes were done and the game was played when the Generals Handbook was released, and then we had basically six months with no major releases. I think this probably indicates that there has been a bit of a re-think and re-work of some releases that we might otherwise have seen. GW had a massive success with Sylvaneth and the General Handbook. They will want to take the lessons from that success and use it make the whole experience of AoS better. On the Stormcast, I can completely understand why they are releasing this. The current starter set is intended to get new players in, so a fair number of noobs are going to be doing Stormcast. Previously though there was no nice easy 'second step'. The next step was two battletomes (eternals + extremis) and the generals handbook? That is a lot to buy. Now, if you want to continue there is a nice second step - buy the new battletome, buy the start collecting box. In addition, long run if you like Stormcast you can get a much more varied army which again provides a longer sales tail.
  22. Nope. You know the complaint was forged in those days because it is recalls ancient writings. "ye, the wolf of hunger known as Kirby fell on the flock in those times and much treasure was drained. Skies darkened, and some say a calf with two heads and eight legs and two bodies was born. And when prices went to 1 GBP the end times were upon us. Verily, since then the once great Games Workshop has been digging its own grave."
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