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Posts posted by zedatkinszed

  1. 3 hours ago, Kramer said:

    That’s an interesting thought. Were the answers ever made public? 

    No not yet anyway.

    1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Games Workshop have gotten very good at building hype for these kind of events, and communities like this one have a tendency to play right into their hands. We reinforce the hype, and in some cases greatly exaggerate it. Its definitely better to recognise that, and make a conscious decision not to pay as much attention, rather than trying to keep up with everything, when you just don't care as much as you used to. Taking a break from that aspect of the hobby, and focusing on other strands might be just what you need to remember why you used to enjoy engaging with it all in that way. Even if it doesn't you might end up saving money on stuff, which is always a plus!

    Well said. Uncle Adam has a video about hobby burnout that's worth a watch too.


    *Back to rumours*

    Have to say though I am happy to see (more than it seems others are) the War Cry expansion. It's literally something that I though the game was screaming out for: Heroes, Monsters and Demons. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Haha no, sorry perhaps I explained myself badly. The point was that even if they released my dream faction today. (Dispossessed reinmagined just for the record) That wouldn’t get me as excited as a release two years ago did. 

    The release rate is so high that I’m not capable of spending time on everything I would want to and as a result I’m following everything that creates hype less and less.  

    Case and point: we prefer 1 to 1,5K games in our group and have a fondness for Skirmish games. So ghb19 announces meeting engagements and I buy into that as it mixes things up for us. But between holidays and work we haven’t had much meeting engagements yet. So Warcry, which would be perfect for us, is on the back burner. So that an expansion is dropped is cool and eventually i reckon I’m going to get it so I can play the war queen (really like that model). 

    But if something between now and when I get around to Warcry which grabs our attention more comes... we’ll sadly end up skipping it. And that knowledge means that I’m losing interest in new releases fast. Because what’s the point? I’m not doing anything with them until later and it’s probably outdated by then anyway. 

    *again it works so it’s a valid strategy but I do wonder a bit how big the target audience is that can keep up or if it’s more shooting buckshot and seeing what sticks. 

    This is a "it's not you, it's me" problem.  And TBH I get it. I don't fully agree but I get it. I got my War Cry on release day and cracked it open imemdiately. Within a couple of days my energy for painting and building disappeared completely for weeks.  There was too much in the box. So I've been using the Terrain and the rules with my DOK and NH models and the warbands are sitting on the sprue.

    This happens in every hobby. I lost all interest in watching football (soccer) for years because there so much of it on TV. I needed a break. 

    The last GW survey I took had a really interesting question it asks how often to you check warhammer community. It had the option "multiple times a day". So many of us probably fit into that category. We probably should dial that back or we will loose interest. Too much of a good thing and all that.

    *And yes I've already checked WC multiple times today :( even though I know its 40K season so I'm not preaching*

    • Like 1
  3. On 8/28/2019 at 9:18 PM, Lucentia said:

    Could be waiting a fair while for that!  But then again we're almost up to date on most armies having battletomes, so I guess it could be sooner than expected!

    It's interesting cos to me the easy faction terrain options are already represented in the army in the form of the Cauldron of Blood and Avatar of Khaine, like, you could just tweak the avatar warscroll a bit and have it function as an allegiance terrain piece.  I'd suspect some sort of big, immobile avatar statue which can swing it nearby enemies for a few mortal wounds coupled with some sort of weak buff to friendly units nearby would be appropriate.

    For endless spells I would quite like to see models which can function as either spells of Khorne style judgements depending on whether a priest of wizard summons them into battle, with the spell versions being harder to cast but having stronger effects representing Morathi's magic underpinning the whole cult.

    This is my pov too. Re: terrian/spells the avatar is an easy win. Even if GW don't want to make another alternate model that could be sold separately, the cauldron Avatar still could acts as an Endless spell. I haven't seen any one using the avatar on foot outside pick-up games or for fun, so it wouldn't be a huge loss. 

    Alternatively for terrain what I'd love to see is an altar of Khaine kinda like the FEC throne or Fyreslayer forge. 

    But IMHO what DOK needs are sold separately Hags and a replacement for the Doomfire Warlocks. The Doomfires have a limited life expectancy due to being a dual kit with what will be a defunct alternate build eventually. So my guess is that in a new DOK tome (whenever that happpens) they won't make the cut. I'd love another new unit but I can live without one - heroes (named and unnamed) are what we lack. 

  4. 21 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

    Because if they gave you everything now, you’d still be unhappy.

    Hold on, I'm not unhappy. Quite the contrary. I just don't understand the design decision. I like the game (heck I bought 2 of the warbands as well as the starter kit), I'm not a disgruntled customer in anyway. 

    However, with Kill Team there was a clear pathway that everyone could see whereby certain units from all (or almost of the) armies were usable in that system. Warcry has the potential to match Kill Team's success. But we have whole swaths of the AOS community with new battletomes are locked out (i.e Sylvaneth, KO, Beastmen and Fyreslayers) while others (ppl like me who play LON, Nighthaunt, and DOK) are in. It just seems rather random which army was in and which wasn't.

    We also have a weird position whereby once GW opened it up to groups beyond the 8 warbands why not open it to preexisting Chaos units (and even if they wanted to stay way from allowing other mortal chaos units they could have let Tzaangors or Skavens or Gors or Daemons play).  I just seems to me the more factions you allow in, the bigger the potential gaming base and the bigger the potential long-term profit.

    • Like 1
  5. Personally I don't understand why the design team included so few warbands. Honestly they gave us the whole DOK range, an assortment of the Nighthuant range, the bulk of the IDK, Iron Jaws and Gitz ranges  all of which are relatively new. But they left out all the new and newish Chaos mortals and models i.e Kairic Acolytes, Tzaangors, Blood Warriors, Blood Reavers, and Blight Kings. Not to mention leaving out *all* the daemons. These are frankly low hanging fruit (and smaller number of all of them are available via Underworlds). So in the very least I expect rules for *all* of the above chaos minis plus skaven. I'll also eat my hat if they don't add Fyreslayers (or KO) and Sylvaneth soon.


    • Like 1
  6. What I'd like to see over the next year:

    • More rules for existing Chaos units i.e Gors, Tzangors, Daemons (all 4 battleline types) , Kairic Acolytes, Skaven, Blood Warriors, Blood Reavers, & Blightkings.
    • A Heroes supplement with a way to integrate Path to Glory.
    • A mechanic for more than 3 rounds. 
    • Rules for existing magical scenery (Realmgates, balewind vortexes etc).
    • Ways to use Underworlds warbands (yeah probably not going to happen beyond conversions but I can wish).
    • (I can't believe I'm going to say this but ...) More Stormcast options.
    • Rules for Fyreslayers, KO, Sylvaneth, Ogurs & Chaos Dwarves.
    • Rules for other beasts (direwolves, lions, cold ones, etc) and bigger targets like Gargants, Trolls, Manticores.
    • Head swaps for the 6 Chaos warbands.
    • A Rogue Trader-like supplement for Warcry.
    • And oh yeah a second phase with the same realm based treatment for 8 free peoples warbands.
    • Like 3
  7. DOK: I starte dcollecting Warhammer in the very early 2000s. I saw an image of Witch Elves, with a Sorceress and some of the old Furies (not the harpies). I was hooked then and there with Warhammer.

    I've got about 11 armies in Fantasy & 2 in 40K but it all comes down to the Witch Elves and the Sorceress. I just loved the aesthetic, the vibe and the feeling that the Dark Elves (specifically the females) had. It took more than a decade to get plastic Witch Elves but it was worth the wait. And it the new Morathi is stunning. And the fact that GW gave me an army of the models I loved and then expanded it with the drop dead gorgeous Khinerai and Melusai kits is just fantastic!

    All my other forces (ok maybe not the Darklings and Scourge runners but the rest) are mainly for the lore and rules. Mixed Chaos, Mixed Death and Mixed Order are great fun to think about and play with the models are cool too. But when in comes to Warhammer the truth is I'm all about those Witches 😛


  8. 25 minutes ago, Landohammer said:


    Yes but this would have filled the "later publication" clause since FAQ's are definitely  publications. Additionally this very specifically applies to the Errant Questor and wouldn't necessarily apply to other models. 

    Hopefully the incoming FAQ in July will address this (and all other) issues. 

    I for one am kind of hoping they retire the GS w Familiars. Its in nearly every Tzeentch list and the model is difficult to procure.  Also the model itself is a bit confusing since its 5 models that effectively act as 1 and its OP to boot. So its just a lot of trouble altogether lol. 


    RAI: Warscrolls including pitched battle profiles can be used. 

    Mind you it annoys me that GW don't include the limited, one of or Warhammer World models in the GHBs. 

    13 hours ago, sorokyl said:

    The video they released states:
    "When one country and another country has a bilateral shipping arrangement, and one of these countries can,  with very little notice, delays the import of goods" 

    So it has nothing to do with America (the flow of goods from China to America has not stopped, or slowed, at any point), and I suspect they would not delay the release for any country other than UK or USA (too small of their global market).  It also doesn't sound like the shipment went overboard.

    Their explanation points to one country preventing imports (maybe they mispoke and meant exports) to/from another country. If that was true, even for a specific class of goods, It would be public knowledge, something that someone here knew about. 

    It sounds to me like GW's explanation was not really accurate then, since no one knows of such a thing. 

    From what I've heard IN GENERAL about this kind of issue (not this one specifically) is that if the Ts aren't crossed and Is aren't dotted on manifests and customs forms aren't perfect this (delays and red tape) will happen.

    I had tea shipped from China through Holland and it got delayed in Customs. Eventually, it came to me with a big yellow sticker telling me that the vendor had sent it via the wrong system (that it was liable for customs charges).

    The reason GW can't/won't release it is because it's an asset tied-up in legal limbo. Let's say they released it digitally only or with a softback print run in the UK - they'd lose all the money in the hard copies. And without insurance, they have no comeback. So as a business decision the delay is the only viable option (mind you this is why we all take-out insurance)

    • Like 1
  10. The point changes don't fix the issue with Hagg Narr. They're just a sop to the ravening hordes on the web demanding points changes - but until GW fix the Hagg Narr battalion (which they could fix with an errata) things won't actually change.

    For everyone's sake they need to encourage us DoK players to use other temples competitively.

  11. 3 hours ago, hughwyeth said:

    Yeah people who think it breaks narrative has never read an AoS novel. Hell even in forbidden power, fyreslayers betray SC for Nighthaunt. 


    3 hours ago, Overread said:

    I think its important to remember a lot of people are drawn into the game through the artwork and depiction of a single unified army and the stories within that armies codex/battletome. Like it or not the bulk of any armies major engagements are going to be with that army being "pure". Even when they take allies in many of the lore stories the allies are either one or two heroes added in (eg like Gotrek and Felix turning up to a fight) and thus are basically lost in the sea; or they are whole companies/armies of their own so its not like your'e adding a few units its a whole second army appearing. 

    There's a niceness to uniform armies that people enjoy. 

    Absolutely & TBH this was the same attitude to Dogs of War back in the day in WHFB. It's a crazy attitude. Who cares if your opponent has Skeletons and Giants in an army of ratmen as long as it's legal. If one wants to have a purist army that's AOK but let other people have fun their way too.

    3 hours ago, Overread said:

    That said GW is doing well with AoS. Keeping mercenaries to specific blocks; keeping allies to blocks and also keeping both to limited point values and even adding in an additional cost of 1 command point to mercenaries. This all helps give the mercs limits and costs which helps keep balance front and foremost and also keeps them from dominating the meta (both casual and competitive). What we ideally want is mercenaries as an optional tool in the bag rather than a near mandated requirement. 

    Agreed but I think GW has mishandled the allies system. It feels very arbitrary (especially in Order) and relies on too many World That Was associations that should  no longer apply.

    • Like 2
  12. On 6/7/2019 at 9:22 PM, warhammernerd said:

    This in spades. 

    Bottom line is, they are a gamer as all we are. They want the play the game, but they are clearly not well schooled in etiquette. As someone who has a brother with paranoid schizophrenia, I know just how hard it is to deal with or watch others deal with someone who is inherently hard to get on with. This is a bit of a tangent, but point is, tolerance, rising above it, politely educating them. Messaging them privately to offer support, assistance, tuition etc. Run a back to basics club night where everyone is run through the basics. Thing is, this ISN'T taught, it’s herd mentality, we all know it because for the most part we are well adjusted people who fit into a community. This person is clearly having a tough time as is, and they probably want more than anything to fit in. They’re guard is up, understandably, being trans in this day and age is ****** tough, like something we can’t possibly understand unless we’ve been through it. So, perhaps, as a community (and btw I’m not saying your not doing this already) we need to accept a more diverse player base, and with that accept that some of these people might not come with the tacit knowledge we all do. And again, that ****** really isn’t taught anywhere, it’s certainly not in the books. Also this kind of play etiquette is something most of us pick up at school, even just through mucking about as lads or girls. Moving from one dominant gendered community to another might reduce what little experience someone has of ‘playing fair’ to ****** all. Again, I’m not preaching. Just saying, we as the custodians and gatekeepers of this proud hobby and community need to go above and beyond sometimes. After all, weren’t we all the odd one out at one point or another? Like I say, run a club etiquette night / print off a flyer with this on / send round a whatsapp pdf etc. Make what is tacit, explicit and you’ll probably find you all become best mates. X

    Well said. Running back to basics is a good call for everyone. Having smaller games (skirmish level) with the basics of basic play is a great idea and gives everyone a chance to refresh their basic etiquette. Things like declaring rolls is something we've all learned socially not from the rulebooks. There's actually a gap in the market for an Honest Wargamer style workbook on "How to be a Great Warhammer Opponent".

    And as @svnvaldez says a playerbook is essential (even if it's one page) as is the club rules that  @warhammernerd mentioned.

    Dealing with ppl who have social anxiety or social issues is hard. But becoming a member of what generally is quite a cliquey thing like Warhammer is REALLY hard. Even for ppl without such issues, something as simple as moving from one gaming group to another is not always easy/smooth. So some ppl do need a break and some tolerance. In the OP's specific case, like @JackStreicher said, technically speaking what your mentioning is not 100% a toxic player. Just somebody who is massively socially awkward. I've taught a lot of guys in their early 20s with ASD. Sometimes you need to set boundaries. Such as , being socially awkward is fine but cheating is not. That said there is no need to attack someone for it. I know lots of great guys who on one or other occasion I've seen nudge things, sulk over bad dice, take Comp lists (hell some ppl think that's the ONLY way to play warhammer) - lambasting them for it is no good for anyone. 

    Also from experience you will get all sorts of bad behaviour at any free event. If you want to control behaviour make tournaments ticketed. That way if somebody is being toxic - give them their money back and tell them to get out. In my ideal world you'd use part of the Tourney fee to pay a roving TO/GM/referee to walk around the room and make sure everything is kosher in each game (I know a lot of ppl have a problem with referees but srsly it works).

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  13. 31 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Fyreslayer Battlesmith is on last chance to buy...

    Its listing is weird - it's not listed in the last chance to buy section (for me at least) but it has the icon for "last chance" under it in search and on the Fyreslayer page. Maybe a mistake?

  14. 6 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    My only issue with so many new side game sculpts is how bad a state many of the main-line AoS sculpts remain.

    Skaven, Seraphon, LoN, BCR, BoC, Bonesplittas (etc.) all have big issues with old, derpy or even absent models, and FEC - while, Vargulf aside, are technically OK sculpts - don't really match their lore.

    I don't want another Silver Tower situation, where loads of cool new moulds and sculpts are usable in AoS for a while, and then disappear from sale/AoS if/when the game disappears.

    Oh please. 

    1. GW don't make models on a rota ("this faction hasn't had a  update in while let's fix it"). They go by 'rule of cool' and sales. It would be an inane business decision to update forces that aren't selling until a saleable / cool concept has been achieved in GW.

    2. The silver tower models are perfectly usable. Sure the spider grots aren't but get over that please. Who exactly was planning a whole force around them?

    3. What is with the whining about cool new stuff? Get some perspective. StD haven't had new model kits in aeons. Warcry or not these warbands all give unique flavours to mortal chaos factions. And this new one even references the Crow tribe from the mid 2000s Whfb Chaos book.


    Giving a force with many cultures multiple core kits is a damn good idea. They did this with IG in 40k years ago. I only hope they do it for free people's too.

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 4
  15. My guess is that they do very little. Maybe a points change for Death Hags but I'll be surprised if it as extreme as 60 to 120. And maybe Witches and Sisters loose the 30 model discount. But TBH I expect GW will realize the problem is Hagg Narr and either errata it or leave it till the next DOK book.

    My dream is that the GHB gives us Khelt Narr temple rules. Something that would stop people playing Hagg Narr but it's unlikely.

  16. 22 minutes ago, Elmir said:

    I don't think any existing ranges will have new models released, so only new chaos models and terrain for now is my guess. 

    Ditto. I wouldn't read anything about new minis for the other 9 factions from the reveal. And given that this IS based off Killteam then I would say it'll be a new way to use existing models and probably batteline units (at least at first).

  17. 3 hours ago, exliontamer said:

    Yeah, this is undoubtedly more of the same watered-down/dumbed-down skirmish stuff we've seen from them in recent years...with monopose boring models to boot. 

    These don't all look to necessarily be monopose. First look at the bases. All the monopose AOS stuff has modelled bases (i.e the Underworlds and Easy to build stuff) - these aren't. In fact the minis with any kind of molded bases are the furies/harpies. Also the red masked guys look way too static to be monopose. I'm thinking this might be a hint that GW are going full on I.G for Slaves to Darkness with different models for different clans.

  18. 22 minutes ago, Belakor said:

    @Turin Turambar Probably! At least I wish they sell conversion kits like helmets, weapons, shoulderpads,... There could be one for each realm 🤤

    This way we could still use old empire models but with a AoS style.

    TBH I think this is the solution medium term. Free peoples for each realm can be made with judicious conversion already. Kairic Acolytes make good Swordsmen and Spearmen. Witch Aelves do too. Phoenix Guard and Black Guard and Sisters of Silence from 40K are all easily repurposed with Headswaps (this is where Forgeworld's Stormcast heads are useful).

    I'd love to see more diversity in the human Order offering and I do think Freeguild will be taken a) in a Guild (or chapter)  direction with the possibility of imperial guard style duplicate / cultural variant units with apposite rules (i.e Catachans,  Elysians, Steel Legion etc etc). But this will take years upon years. Honestly though it would be a better route than more and more SCE chambers :P 

    I'd be all in on a Ghyran amazon warrior freeguild army! Or a Ghur living city army. Or ... I can keep going as I'm sure we all can! But for the moment I'm converting my unit of Sisters of Silence :) 

    • Like 1
  19. On 2/27/2019 at 10:44 AM, Xil said:

    Has anyone changed Gorgais up to differentiate them from among themselves? If yes how? 

    Because I want the option to play 2 squads of 5 or 1 squad of 10. This means I need 2 Gorgais, but they need to be distinct in a squad of 10 to declare one to be the 'true' Gorgai. 


    Use a different body and head. There are some great conversions using Melusai tails and Khinerai bodies or Hag Queen bodies in the old DoK thread.


  20. 8 hours ago, Klamm said:

    Are those the easy-to-build boxes of Banshees and Sequitors that they're appropriating? If so, cool, I've got a half painted trio I never finished. 


    8 hours ago, Skyeline said:

    Those are indeed the easy to builds that have been snuck into Underworlds.

    Quite an odd reveal, can't say I expected anything like this. Looking forward to more details.

    Honestly I thought the easy to build sequitors looked an awful lot like Steelheart's champions.  My guess is that it was teh other way around. That the Ironsoul’s Condemnors were co-opted as easy to build sequitors.

  21. 3 hours ago, Overread said:

    I'd be dubious about them casting new heroes for every faction for it. That's a big investment in plastic - doubly so if they are thinking even modest long term (ergo each one is its own casting rather than on a single mould with them all) and for use outside of the product range. 

    No magic at launch sounds odd too if just because magic is pretty big in AoS and holding it off for an expansion seems just a little odd; though on the other hand that would fast create a big market demand for it as an expansion content. 

    Totally agree. Another thing that makes me skeptical is if all the Underworlds warbands have rules how can there be no magic in the game? All the Nightvault warbands are based around wizards.

    It'd be great if this was true but some of it doesn't make sense (Exiles and Highborn) and the rest does smell of wishlisting.

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