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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. I think he meant that it slows down the game in terms of minutes played, not in terms of rounds played. I agree with your sentiment, though. AOS armies overall have became far too lethal and far too mobile, to the point where you can determine a winner with the dice roll for round 2 in almost every game.
  2. Attack its weak point for moderate damage!
  3. Sure but that could be accounted for in unit sizes, point costs, etc. Units would have to be designed with that rule in mind; it's not something you could just slap on top of the current ruleset. 40k does this really well with D3/D6 Blast weapons that automatically roll high when shooting at hordes.
  4. Lately I've been thinking that damage spillover shouldn't be a thing any more, 1 attack = 1 dead model like in 40k. Certain models (maybe MONSTER?) could still spill over damage with melee attacks. Requires a lot of work but a new edition is the perfect time to do it
  5. Cathay makes more sense than Bretonnia. They have astromancers that use Heavens magic, they fight Chaos and Hobgoblins, they summon meteors, they use dragons and lions in their iconography, and they ride gold dragons into battle.
  6. There's plenty of great human kingdoms. You just gotta go through the big mountain and take a left at the big hole in the ground. If you see the ocean you've gone too far!
  7. 3 out of 4 dentists agree this is a glib argument. There are so many factors that can introduce bias at every level of sampling that you are completely ignoring. Errors are inevitable, but is 5% error is acceptable? What's the standard deviation you are willing to accept? What confidence level are you willing to accept? What topic are you polling on and how do you minimize bias on that subject? Which people are selected? Are you taking a random sample? Are geographic and cultural differences adding bias? How do you account for those factors? 1000 people selecting which army they play on warhammer weekly is not definitive proof of anything except the warhammer weeklys audience that is also willing to answer the poll (and assuming they're not lying). I'm not going to derail the rumour thread any further with this topic
  8. 2 months of releases won't cover the 6+ months of delay they're currently struggling under. GW really likes to release new editions in the summer time so it's definitely possible they're going to go into turbo release mode for a few months to ensure AOS3 launches this summer. This could be one of the reasons they axed the Cursed City expansions... Between Gravelords, Kragnos, and 3rd edition the release schedule is packed and something had to be cut. Could go either way!
  9. If you think 500 respondents is inherently a representative sample of 300mil+ then you should consider taking a statistic analysis course
  10. I would strongly prefer they update factions like Fyreslayers with new kits than merge them back into boring racial soup books. They'll probably have to start designing sub-allegiance rules for each chamber, like they did with the Lumineth split between Vanari, Scinari, Alarith, and Hurakan. Certain Stormhosts could favour certain units - I could see Astral Templars leaning towards Vanguard Chamber units, or the Celestial Warbringers favouring Sacrosanct Chamber. It's a challenge but it's not impossible. If they can write so many rules for Space Marines they can definitely do it for any army in AOS.
  11. Funny enough you've got it backwards... There is zero reason to use Sequitors right now. As you stated this is a rules issue and not a model range issue. Most Stormcast units are still using their 2015/16 warscrolls. With a competently written battletome you could create niches for every unit. If two units are similar in stats you can differentiate them through allegiance abilities, battalions, exclusive hero buffs (eg. a Lord-Arcanum buffs Evocators while a Lord-Celestant buffs Paladins), etc. There are enough layers of rules that you can give two units with identical stats totally different roles.
  12. These polls are of a significant sample size such that they could be considered representative of global popularity...? Even if it somehow were the case, GW cares about revenue and not popularity (however you define that nebulous term). A handful of people voting in a forum is in no way indicative of any current faction not selling enough to justify being removed from the range.
  13. Where are you seeing faction sales? What's the threshold for "being canned"?
  14. Given how long the lead time is on drafting, approvals, editing, localization, printing, shipping, distribution, etc. I don't think it's possible they scrapped a Cursed City expansion and added the witch hunters to Broken Realms. The delays were sudden and unexpected, so it is unlikely there was enough time to change course for Broken Realms. Radukar 2.0 could definitely be a scrapped expansion, though. Adding a warscroll that probably already existed into battletome and modifying the pitched battle profile page is not nearly as difficult as adding new characters to a story book. I guess we will have more evidence once the Gravelords battletome is released. It should be easy to tell if Radukar was shoehorned into the book at the last minute.
  15. Seems I was on the right track! Im not sure the Kroak trailer "confirmed" anything but it certainly alluded to an alliance between Kroak and Morathi. BR: Belakor confirmed Kroak has a vested intest in the battle of Excelsis and today we learned Kragnos was trapped by Kroak eons ago. "That which we cannot kill, we must redirect" I wonder what Morathi meant by this
  16. Seems like a very random unit to include in the photo. Why show only a hydra/kharibdyss and not a single other Cities of Sigmar unit? Is Excelsis known for its use of hydras? Is it supposed to indicate Morathi being involved in the battle? It doesn't seem to be fighting alongside either army...
  17. They already have something that is half horse, half ghost
  18. Why is there a hydra in the corner of this photo?
  19. Did they ever release warscrolls/points for Ironsouls Condemners and The Storm of Celestus underworlds warbands ?
  20. All I want for WarhammerFest is 3 wound Stormcast
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