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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. The kind of changes I would like to see for Stormcast (and Seraphon, but that's another topic) are significant enough to warrant an entirely new battletome.
  2. It's probably a very unpopular opinion but I would be glad if Stormcast are getting a new battletome. Half the units in the battletome are rubbish and only a handful of the battalions are worth using. It feels like the warscrolls just have a random assortment of rules - the army lacks a cohesive vision of what they are supposed to be doing.
  3. I would be shocked, impressed, and disappointed if it was only a Shadespire warband and not a full chamber release
  4. This one is definitely related to the new stormcast chamber
  5. I'm not sure they are wizards but it's a fair guess We can say that new Stormcast are definitely coming, and probably in a new box set with the new Nighthaunt models
  6. Who runs Shardfall? Yes you can build a deck that will be able to prevent the Chosen Axes from inspiring. However, doing so requires building a deck that will lose to the other warbands (most notably Skaven, which are insanely popular). Their narrow scope is the hidden strength of the Chosen Axes because if you build to counter them you'll lose to other warbands.
  7. We know that Slaneesh is being kept between Hysh and Ghur Ulgu, and we know that the Idoneth are a failed creation from the soul reclaiming process. It's possible that the Idoneth exist between the realms and regularly come into reality hunting for souls - which is literally the dark eldar in 40k, but with a deep sea creature twist. Typo
  8. KO have 6 boxes and multiple hero clampacks
  9. Really disappointed with the new warbands, they lack any character and personality
  10. That stormcast rumour engine is still unresolved...
  11. It's almost certainly for 40k, but if it's AOS I could see it being some Devoted to Sigmar or a mortal Nagash cult.
  12. Based on the curve, it looks like it is strapped to somebody's bare back. It's probably something for Necromunda?
  13. I think it's fair to assume that the new scenery resembles the pillar/column found on Morathi's base
  14. It seems that Fyreslayers are the best warband for sitting on objectives, which was previously the niche that Stormcast filled. If you build a deck with lots of pushing and objective swapping, and keep enemies out of your face for the first turn, then you can do very well. I don't think I've enjoyed this game more than when Fjul charged 6 spaces past 2 bodyguards and killed Spiteclaw in a single strike. Ironjawz seem to be the easiest matchup. You can comfortably sit back on objectives for one turn then pound them in combat. Skaven have been the toughest matchup for this style of Fyreslayers, since it's very hard to be out of range of turn 1 charges. Daemonic Weapon and Heroslayer attached to a suicide rat are risky gambits, but they can basically end the game if they work. If you push them out of range you also inspire them for free.
  15. Her elf form has 6 wounds and her snake form has 12. I think it's fair to assume that the wounds she has suffered before transforming carry over into her snake form.
  16. 1. Sea elves 2. Ghost pirates 3. Some combination of the above 4. Water Duardin that go spelunking 5. Battletome: Fishmen
  17. This is a great point but doesn't this also railroad them into a single playstyle? They could be a very strong warband but a one-dimensional approach to the game that is very "feast or famine" doesn't seem like a lot of fun.
  18. First impression is that this warband seems really... bad. Seems like you want to spend the first turn inspiring and then try to kill your opponent over the next two, but their low movement makes this very difficult to accomplish. Are they good enough in combat if they don't inspire? Are they just meant to play as objective sitters? That playstyle is very easy to disrupt. Not impressed.
  19. HERO and Leader are not necessarily the same thing, just like MONSTER and Behemoth.
  20. Temple? Temple Guard? New Saurus Guard models confirmed!!
  21. Not sure how tattered cloth (leather?) and some chainmail looks Aelvish It looks like the details we would see on the Blightkings
  22. Stormcast are getting a new SC box soon, so maybe they didn't want to cannibalize sales from that release?
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