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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. They seem to be following the same release schedule from the first season. Farstriders/Magore's were released around April, so it's fair to assume we'll see the Sylvaneth and KO around that time.
  2. Crossbow Judicators are shockingly underrated, assuming you can be in range and not move during the movement phase. Ballista with Ordinator (assuming you split the cost of the Ordinator across 4 ballista) is the most cost effective shooting against anything with a 4+ save or better, but against anything with worse than a 4+ save the Hurricanes are by far the best shooting unit we can take.
  3. In my Anvilstrike list I cut both Relictor and Castellant for a Veritant. I found that +1 save is not impactful, so instead of paying 200 points for a Prayer + Gryph-hound I paid 120 for the Veritant and got an unbind (sometimes at +3). Incantor is necessary, if only for the dispel scroll. Cancelling a 3d3 Plaguewind, Mirrors, Curse of Years, etc. is crucial to victory. Stacking the charge debuffs from Spirit Storm and Hurricanes is also great at stopping Gav bombs, eel deep strikes, and Brayherd ambushes, turning a 9" charge into an 11" charge. Have you tried Anvilstrike with 20x Judicator instead of Longstrikes? It seems to be stronger overall because it shores up the weaknesses of the list (low volume fire, low wounds).
  4. Re: Castigators I think their main problem is that they don't have a niche. They are the least cost effective shooting in our army, and Rend-2 shooting is also provided by the Ballista. Even at 60 points they would still be one of the worst shooting options we currently have. Here are the changes I would propose: Since they are firing grenades it would make sense for them to be the anti-horde shooters. Burst of Celestial Energy: Each time you make a successful hit roll with a Thunderhead Greatbow while targeting a unit with 5 or more models, it explodes and causes D3 hits instead. If you target a unit with 10 or more models, it causes D6 hits instead. Castigator Aetheric Channeling: At the start of the shooting phase you can choose one of these effects: increase the Rend to -2, or you can re-roll the dice to determine the number of hits from Burst of Celestial Energy. With these abilities the Castigators would still be a poor choice for shooting single models but they would become a good choice for shooting most battleline, and the most efficient unit we have when shooting a unit with 10+ models.
  5. It seems like you are correct. I thought one of them said "After", but they are both "During". Very unfortunate
  6. Mirror of Spite on the 'shroom is pretty hilarious. Chainghast, most of the gitz, and Skeletons simply cant attack him.
  7. Acrobatic seems like it would be useful on Mollog since I'm including Cautious Commander anyway, and it can also be put on the Batsquig to bring him up to 4 defense. I'm going to test it with Acrobatic, but I'll definitely try swapping in Blooming Spores.
  8. Yes, you resolve each spell on its own. If a unit is in range for each cast it would be effected each time.
  9. 1. Removing a unit from the table is not the same as moving. 2. You can only retreat in the movement phase - Lords of Space and Time is done in the hero phase. 3. Setting up a unit does not count as moving, as per the "Reserves" clause on page 227.
  10. Compare it to the Incantor which also costs 140. Incantor has a much better spell, Spirit Flasks, and a dispel scroll. The issue here is that the Relictor is overpriced. I haven't used him since they raised it to 100. If they dropped the Relictor back to 80 then an Exorcist with PRIEST keyword at 140 would be fine.
  11. Why would Longstrikes like +1 hit against Monsters? They already hit on 2+ and their mortal wounds happen on an unmodified 6+. Most armies these days have Monsters but Astral Templars are good even without Monsters on the board. The free 6" move at the start of the game is invaluable for getting slower units like Sequitors and Evocators into a turn 1 charge range, and +1 to wound rolls against HERO is a strong command ability. The problem is that Vanguard Hunters are not powerful enough to justify building a list around them, and they are only worth using when they are battleline. I would probably use them if they were "Battleline in a Stormcast Eternals army" like Judicators.
  12. That design overlaps too much with the Veritant. If the Exorcist was a Priest people would still use a Relictor because he is 40pt cheaper, fits into different battalions, and has his healing/-1hit prayers.
  13. Hamilcar really needs a model. He could be the first ASTRAL TEMPLARS special character.
  14. I'll be testing this Mollog deck right off the bat. I have Spoils for Battle listed, but I'm going to swap in Ghoulish Pact - I think GP has better synergy with My Turn and it can help get you inspired. Card synergies: Acrobatic, Change of Tactics, Cautious Commander, Cursed Artifact, Trusted Defender Centre of Attention, Horrific Stench Plant a Standard, Zealous Defender Ghoulish Pact, My Turn, Ready for Action Ready for Action + Faneway Crystal Longstrider and Get Thee Hence are just free scores in this deck. Extreme Flank should be an easy score with the Stalagsquig. What do you think?
  15. I don't think he would be used even at 100 points. Exorcist would be worth it if they added the PRIEST keyword. A wizard+priest for 140 points would be quite good.
  16. Sequitors are fine at 120. Personally I would like to see Liberators have their max unit size reduced from 30 to 20, and then either a) go down to 80 or 90 points; or b) have their warscroll updated to allow 2 in 5 models to equip a Grandhammer/Grandsword.
  17. I stopped caring about Sequitors a while back, for a number of reasons They're not worth using outside of Battleline, and sometimes you don't want a Lord Arcanum as your general The only models worth their points are the Greatmaces, but once you run out of shields you lose rerollable saves They're not really worth using in squads of 5. If you want a cheap battleline/screening unit you can just use Liberators; neither will survive a round of combat against any serious threat, they die the same to shooting and mortal wounds, but Liberators cost 20pt less In big squads of 15/20 the unit foot print is too large and can be exploited with flank attacks Squads of 10 are a good size. You can still get good value from buffs, have enough spare shields to weather a few losses, you're not too big to be exploited by fast cavalry and monsters... but for 240 points you can just take Evocators instead. Their niche is being able to reroll all saves in combat, and have the option to switch to putting out a respectable amount of melee damage for a battleline choice. I find it more effective to run disposable screens to absorb melee then counter with a stronger unit (like Evocators). Specialization is the key for me.
  18. You absolutely can retreat and run at the same time.
  19. I think the swing potential of an early game Inspiration Strikes is so powerful that it's worth 1 slot in the deck It's like equipping yourself with +1 damage on the makeshift club, +1 dice on your whirling club, and the ability to Charge with a Charge token. It also combos with Inspiring Leader, which seems to be an easy score in this warband. It's even more important to have Inspiration Strikes if you plan on running a lot of healing cards. There will also be times where you have 1-2 damage on you but are at risk of being killed (big swings + ploys/spells) or you just want to play the healing cards so you can cycle your hand at the end of a phase. Similar to the Chosen Axes, I just can't see how Mollog can win a game without getting inspired. Similar to Steelhearts Champions you are relying on your enemy to inspire your Mollog, so it seems like a no-brainer to put the control in your own hand instead of your opponent.
  20. I mean the Hammerstrike in the latest battletome
  21. The Thunderhead Brotherhood is much improved, although you have to run HAMMERS OF SIGMAR, Liberators still suck, and Judicators are still overpriced. Hammerstrike Force is probably much better than the original, but as long as Retributors and Prosecutors are overpriced it won't be worth running. It would be really interesting to run it with Decimators since they already want to hit big units. I haven't seen points for these - are they even legal in matched play?
  22. I didn't think that the armies previewed with Malign Portents (Nighthaunt, Darkoath, Gloomspite) would take 2 years to release... I wonder if that was their plan all along, or if their internal release schedule was shaken? It's very interesting that February White Dwarf doesn't mention genestealers at all on the cover. I assumed they would be the big hotness during February, but if they're not even mentioned on the cover then they are a late February release at the earliest, probably spilling over into March.
  23. If you are using Gavriel you should definitely drop Evocators into play instead of Liberators. Liberators don't really do anything except take up space. Trying to fit 30 of them on table so you are >9" from the enemy can be quite difficult.
  24. The BAR doesnt just include cards that were popular across achetypes - it also has cards that are overused within their own archetype. Cards like Loner and Perfect Planning were restricted to curb the power of control decks and had almost no impact on aggro and control decks. Similarly restricting the Shadeglass weapons was targeted at aggro warbands buffing up their weaker fighters (Skaven, Guard) and had little impact on warbands with good base attacks (Steelhearts, Fyreslayers).
  25. Any warband that relies on steamrolling with a single fighter (Fjul, Gurzag, Saek) is going to slamjam it into their decks right away. It's especially potent on fighters that can do damage outside of the standard action economy, like Mollog (multiple charges per turn) or Stormsire (kills with gambit spells). I think that Tome of Offerings is almost certainly going to be Restricted. If cards like "A Destiny To Meet" that passively score 1 glory at the end of the game are worth Restricted status then Tome of Offerings should end up on that list, too.
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