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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. Skaven (Pestilens) and Flesheater Courts are up for preorder in 2 days, both have allegiance in GHB
  2. Huge threat ranges on those spells. Guaranteed +1 cast and +1 to prayers AND a teleport? Amazing. I think the Skaven Spells and scenery are probably the best ones we've seen in any faction so far.
  3. I love that they're putting Mount Traits in more armies
  4. Battleplans typically put the frontlines 24" apart, but others shift the frontlines to 18" apart. Astral Templars gives you a 6" move at the start of the game. With a Heraldor to run & charge and Chronomantic cogs the Evocators can move 6 + 5 + run + charge + 4 (cogs) = 14-19" move and a +2 charge. Don't forget that you can also use a command point to run6 or reroll charges In my testing so far I have managed to get a turn 1 charge with Evocators in every game that I wanted. Very few people expect that kind of mobility from Evocators (most people will just laugh when you put them on the table and ask if you forgot to bring Gavriel). Even when they do expect it, not many lists want to deploy out of this threat range and give up total board control to a ballista deep strike list. The only lists I have found that can consistently stay back are shooting focused lists with teleporting abilities, like the Thunderquake. All of these lists seem to be based on big monsters... and that's where the Ballista drop comes in to delete key targets reliably.
  5. That's why I like the Astral Templars lists the most right now. They can reliably kill Nagash, GUOs, Engine of the Gods, etc. with a ballista drop, but then they also have 10-15 Evocators or 4-6 Desolators (usually getting a turn 1 charge!) and points left over for support pieces/spells. It feels like a fusion of Anvilstrike and Gavriel bombs, with the best of both worlds and very few of their weaknesses. Which units in particular? Mortal Wounds can be a very useful tool, but I dont think Mortal Wound spam is a great strategy overall right now. While some armies are very weak to MWs (Stormcast, Seraphon, Idoneth, Sylvaneth) there are loads of popular and powerful armies that can shrug or mitigate them (DOK, LON, NH, Khorne, Tzeentch) and you would be better off doing damage through standard attacking.
  6. The problem with all shooting is that you can be hard countered by certain lists (6+ fulminators, immortal Stardrake, sylvaneth, thunderquake, plaguebringer spam, ballista cores), sometimes you get the Realm of Shadow or the Realm of Fire, and sometimes your table has woods which restrict LOS. The all-in shooting lists are extremely powerful but most events will have 1 or more of these elements that can hinder your ability to go 5-0 so I don't find it a reliable enough choice for tournaments. For that reason I think adding 10 Evocators to the list as a secondary threat is almost necessary so that you have a backup plan in case you play a game in Ulgu vs Sylvaneth with 6 wood tiles. However, if you know the event won't have the realm of Shadows then I think it's fine to go all-in with 12 Longstrikes. I don't think 840 for the Dracoline package (6 Cats + Pride Leader) is a worthwhile investment in a list with 9x Longstrike or 20x Judicators - I think you're better spending 400 on 10x Evocators and then picking up some defensive options like Incantors (dispel scroll) and Aetherwings (deny charges). The Dracoline package is great in other kinds of lists, like Celestial Vindicators.
  7. Order Battletome: Seraphon I expect to see Chaos marines and darkoath
  8. After a weekend full of lengthy play sessions and a 16 player tournament, I think that Aggro Mollog is too unreliable to be viable. I'm going to start experimenting with a Control/Defensive Mollog playstyle instead.
  9. The Grots description mentions Moonclan, Spiderfang, and Troggoths working together.
  10. I don't know many people that are happy with the unit variety in Ironjawz and Beastclaw Raiders (or Fyreslayers, for that matter)
  11. All releases for the foreseeable future are based on the Factions section of ageofsigmar.com Currently Gutbusters don't have enough units to justify a Battletome, so it stands to reason they will get some new models
  12. Retreating and charging isn't a very useful tactic for Judicators...
  13. It can be in certain armies. Anvilstrike (Stormcast) and Thunderquake (Seraphon) are devastating shooting lists.
  14. Yes, it can be an effective use of a battleline unit They tend to die or get stuck in combat immediately afterwards
  15. Again, I don't see where this is stated in the rules. To the contrary, the passage I am referencing seems to imply that Driven Back is done at the same time as placing wound tokens. Let's assume that a fatal attack means you do not get to apply Driven Back. What happens if you roll a draw with a fatal attack (with at least one success) but your enemy is Trapped? The attack would typically be a success, but since you would deal fatal damage you are not able to Drive Back your target, which means they are not actually Trapped, which means the attack is no longer successful... So either fatal attacks do not trigger Trapped, or fighters are Driven Back at the same time as wound tokens are placed, as suggested on Page 19.
  16. You have made an assumption with this claim, and I don't think it is supported in the rules. The rules for a successful attack say: "Resolve the action - take a number of wound tokens equal to the Damage characteristic of the Attack action and place them on the target fighter's card. The target can also be driven back" Checking for Driven Back is part of resolving the action. It doesn't specify any condition on surviving the attack like, or a timing clause such as "Then, the target can also be driven back", so my interpretation is that Driven Back is checked at the same time as placing the wound tokens.
  17. Here's the list currently: 1x9 Longstrike 3x5 Liberators 1x10 Evocators 2x3 Aetherwings Incantor (Celestial Blades) Incantor (Azyrite Halo) Veritant (Translocation) Azyros Everblaze Comet Geminids 1980/2000 I am considering cutting the Comet for a Heraldor (+Quicksilver Swords) Heraldor Pros: Another hero for objective control that doesn't need to sit back with the Longstrikes Can still do D3 mortal wounds if my opponent is near scenery. Sylvaneth, Idoneth, Moonclan, Beasts of Chaos - lots of armies like to place scenery down these days. Run & Charge can be the difference between an engagement or not, and can let me steal objectives with an unexpected long charge Retreat & Charge lets me pull Evocators out of combat and avoid getting stuck in bad engagements, and sometimes unexpectedly steal objectives Comet takes up a spell, and I can only cast 2 per turn More wounds on the table Heraldor Cons: Another deployment (unlikely to make a difference) Comet is very reliable damage output no matter the situation, and is easy to cast Comet is great when facing other shooting lists that like to turtle Comet is great against enemy wizards. -1 can be brutal when trying to cast spells that go off on 7+. It's a hard choice!
  18. Can a fighter be Driven Back if they take fatal damage from the same attack? The rules say: "If you rolled more successes than your opponent, your fighter's Attack action is successful... Resolve the action - take a number of wound tokens equal to the Damage characteristic of the Attack action and place them on the target's fighter card. The target can also be driven back". The FAQ says: Q: When a fighter is driven back, is that part of the Attack action, or is it a new action? A: When a fighter is driven back by an Attack action, that happens within that Attack action (the Attack action is not over until after the fighter has been driven back). This seems to imply that you resolve the entire attack (including Driven Back) before you check if the fighter is slain, since it is part of the Attack action. However, also in the FAQ: Q: If an enemy fighter would be taken out of action by my fighter’s Attack action, but my opponent uses Soultrap or Last Chance so that they are not taken out of action, can I still drive that fighter back? A: Yes. This seems to imply that the fighter is slain during the attack action, not after, and thatDriven Back is checked after you check if somebody is slain or not. What do you guys think?
  19. I would cut Bag of Tricks for Potion of Rage. You can also swap Fired Up for Shining Example and give yourself another Restricted slot.
  20. In an Anvilstrike with 9 Longstrikes + 10 Evocators would you rather have an Everblaze Comet or a Knight-Heraldor?
  21. That comes after the all-plastic Chaos Dwarf release, right?
  22. The Balewind is good because it allows you to cast another spell right away. The problem with the Dais is that you spend your 1 spell getting on the Dais, which has no real impact on the game. Since we have lots of great spells in our Lore and other Endless Spells to cast, I can't see many scenarios where I would pay 40 points to do effectively nothing with my 140pt wizard. I may consider the Dais if the Lord-Arcanum could ride it, or if we had a wizard with 2 spells besides the Tauralon. I would consider casting it if it didn't cost any points... but even at 20pt I would rather bring the Quicksilver Swords.
  23. 7 wounds seems like a lot, but it's doable in 2 activations for most warbands, or sometimes just 1 with the right Ploy cards. Against warbands with big hitters (Magores, Steelhearts, Cursebreakers, inspired Chosen Axes) you generally want to be going 2nd in each round to ensure you don't get chumped by your opponent getting 2 activations back-to-back. Against warbands with weaker but more numerous fighters it could be the right call to go first and smash some gitz/skeletons for an early glory snowball. The ideal Mollog round is something like: Activation 1: Draw or Guard Activation 2: Use ploys to push yourself into range with Commanding Stride/Centre of Attention/etc. then use an Attack action Activation 3: Charge (scoring Change of Tactics!), brace for enemy riposte Activation 4: Charge This is why I think Acrobatic is very good in this deck since I find myself spending the early activations in each round on Guard, and using ploys like Cautious Commander.
  24. It says "the damage characteristic of that attack" so it would effect all d6 hits from the Shockbolt Bow. You have to roll a 6 to hit, and then you still need to wound (66%) and they need to fail the save roll (only Rend-1)... it is a very minor boost to your damage. I'm not sure spending 440 points on Prosecutors + Battalion is a worthwhile investment to slightly boost the damage of your Judicators in an Anvilstrike, and the extra artifact + CP don't add much in this kind of list.
  25. Does anyone have an up to date rumour engine compilation?
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