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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. It's a lot easier to believe that GW is just making mistakes constantly instead of believing that they purposefully write bad rules for brand new models in some kind of plot to shift powergamer focus across different units over time. GW is great at making miniatures and paints, and until the virus of undetermined origin arrived they were also really good at getting those items to their customers. Everything else surrounding those miniatures - such as the rules writing - has always been questionable at best.
  2. If grimdarklive is right then preorder 19th, release on July 3 I already had July 1 to July 11 booked off work 😁
  3. They confirmed GHB 2021 in the video posted today
  4. No more Cauldrons, Kroak, Kragnos, or Eidolonns with -1 to hit. I'm okay with that Maybe one of the core battalions will boost LOS to -2?
  5. I don't disagree - my point was just that rules have an impact on sales. We'll never know the extent, but that they are certainly a consideration. If they had a tremendous impact on models sales then GW would probably be putting more effort into writing rules and QA... or maybe they just don't care?
  6. That's just objectively false. Every Tzeentch army has at least one Lord of Change and every Seraphon army has Kroak, and that's not just because the models look cool. It's not a 1:1 correlation but rules definitely have an impact on sales.
  7. I think the mortal wounds from magic are also an issue with the range and reliability of spellcasting. Arcane Bolt doing d3mw from 18" away cast by +0 wizards is not the issue, it's wizards like Kroak and Teclis auto-casting tons of mortal wounds from long range.
  8. It has never been shooting in general that was a problem, it has always been key units shooting very far and very accurately that has been the problem. There has been a lot of power creep in both the range and reliability of ranged units. Nobody seemed to mind when Judicators were firing off one damage shots from 24" away for 160 points, but now we have lumineth archers doing a billion mortal wounds from the other side of the table with no line of sight required. The issue isnt necessarily the damage per point, it's that certain units do significant damage and some armies just can't do anything about it. I think KO are well designed because their guns are short enough range that it gives your opponent a chance to react after they shoot, even if you have the option to pack up in your zeppelin and fly away later. It's fun to try to predict where they are going to land their gunships and catch them before they zip off again. Stormcast, Seraphon, Tzeentch, and Lumineth shooting is non-interactive and not fun to play against.
  9. I wonder if it's going to be like how Nighthaunt units in the starter box were usable by Legions of Nagash, but also had their own battletome.
  10. It will likely be what we saw in Broken Realms, where you can pick Stormkeeps to get defensive bonuses and Cities units, or Scions of the Storm to be more aggressive and teleport into battle.
  11. GW really likes to release a new army in late Q3 in time for the holiday sales, so theres a good chance we see chorfs in October
  12. I have a feeling that Vindictors will have axes and spears as weapon options in the full kit released after Dominion.
  13. Looks like a mix of Warrior chamber (Lord-Imperetant, Yndrasta, Knight-Vexillor, Knight-Judicator, Vindictors, Annihilators, etc.), Sacrosanct chamber (Knight-Arcanum) and Vanguard chamber (gryph hounds) units being rebooted so far, along with a few new things (Praetors, chariot) We still haven't seen the new DRAKE unit foreshadowed in Kragnos warscroll so I expect we will see at least one new/reboot Extremis unit with that keyword.
  14. Endless Spells moving in every hero phase makes the Lord-Arcanum much better (assuming he keeps his command ability)
  15. Gonna run a whole army of chariots I don't care if they're good
  16. With those rules they better come in squads of 5 for 150, or a squad of 3 for 100 points
  17. They've never duplicated names across ranks like this, so why start now? Why make another Vexillor but not another Veritant? It's just a little weird
  18. I called the name Lord-Imperetant and the chariots Those warscrolls might be for 2nd edition. The 3rd edition battletome could update everything in the Dominion box - they did that exact thing with the Necrons in Indomitus It's interesting that we are getting another Knight-Vexillor, a Knight-Judicator when we have Judicators, and a Knight-Arcanum when we have many different Lord-Arcanums... Feels like they are rebooting Stormcast as a whole
  19. We already have Templars in the Extremis Chamber so probably not that Just spitballing some ideas here.... Lord-Nihilum, -Invictus, -Dominus, -Turris, -Castellum, -Caelum, -Caelestis , -Caelestum, -Aethrus, -Edictus, -Imperius, -Mandatum, -Fatalis, -Clarus Lord-Reclaimer?
  20. Lord-Commander is like the Stormcast equivalent of a Primarch. This guy doesn't look powerful enough to be the Lord-Commander of the Hammers of Sigmar
  21. Most units in the game aren't "competitive" vv Desolators are a good unit but theyre not meta defining. With a Castellant for +1 to saves they become a very good anvil & hammer unit simultaneously, which is something Stormcast otherwise lack
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