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Everything posted by Xasz

  1. The other BTs are at 300 and 280, the abilities of WoK are still rather unique.
  2. Pretty much that, we can neither blast them with priests nor use Wrathmongers anymore and rend is a luxury for mortals... In my Goretide + Bloodmad drafts, the only thing remotely anti-monster is the mighty lord which is... insufficient.
  3. The logistics of those abilities sound a lot easier here than on the actual battlefield. .... and you pretty much described my problem with this setup, against SOME armies it doesn't matter, against other you do nothing. What I find funny about the new book, it seems like going wide/denying a flank is one of the better strategies against it as everything has to huddle together for the majority of abilities/battalions. So in a way, they ingrained how ****** Khorne fights in battletome fluff right into the gameplay. At least not battletome Khorne, which has always been a huge letdown to book/fluff Khorne.
  4. Bloodforged focuses (like many battalions) too much power on a single weak/slow model. It looks really powerful but is way too conditional to have any impact against an experienced player. Skullfiend Tribe is overall too conditional for my tastes but might be salvageable if you can use a WoK BT as general and get the goodies. (seemingly not all abilities check for mortal/daemon). It is a footslogging model with 6 wounds, go figure. Maybe in Goretide.
  5. I think it is still reasonable, even without abuse/loophole. My only problem is, that such a setup makes no secret about what it does.
  6. I think it refers to the model as entity and not the battalion setup, it's just there to prevent an endless attack loop. Writing rules is hard and GW usually writes global limits for an ability at the start of the text (e.g. can only be used once).
  7. I missed the Bloodmad Warband, I feel there could be something there with running 3-5 10 man units of Blood Warriors. Overall playing some kind of pseudo MSU trying to win the war of attrition. I like it. My other idea was running 3 pairs for Skullcrushers + Wrathmongers, getting or taking the charge with the former and using Wrathmongers as hammers the turn after. Doesn't seem bad but I feel there is not a whole lot of synergies with this setup. Either way, everything I come up with still has priests in it, the difference is that I feel 2 are enough now. Khorne seems really hungry for Command Points and Blood Sacrifice might help a ton in that regard (maybe there is some reason to field Archaon in Khorne now). One might even be enough, but I kinda like the buff prayers and as others already mentioned that +1 to save often helps. Bloodlords + Tyrant of Blood seem rather interesting to me. Skarbrand WoK BT of choice (all of them seem reasonable) Bloodsecrator 2x Priests (Sacrifice and Bronzed) 3x 5 Bloodhounds There should be about 200+ points left for some screening units and/or sacrifice targets. Bloodsecrator might be useless in this list and could be swapped for something better.
  8. Big units don't mix well with all the "wholly within jazz". The two things I could see working, is monster mash (Bloodlord, 3-4 Bloodthirsters) and MSU with multi wound units (Wrathmongers, Skullcrushers 1-2 Bloodthirsters as hammer and the usual mortal hero support). If you start building an infantry list (for a competitive setting) you should rather play BoC or something completely different altogether. Personally, I feel there is not a whole lot going on in the book if you filter the stuff a bit. Every artifact or ability that requires you to be around, hit, wound, kill or whatever an enemy monster or hero is pretty much unplayable except for a fun pickup game. These abilities were way too conditional beforehand and somehow they multiplied. Same goes for almost all the 5-6 wound heroes. The models are beautiful and it is nice getting some incentive to pick them, but they are just gonna die with their 4+ and abilities that force them too be where they don't wanna be as force-multiplier. The ones that we will see in lists, will be the same heroes we picked the last couple years for the exact same reason as before. The "wholly within rage" is often not practical either, as some already found out, it is REALLY hard and awkward to position certain/big units in those circles. Unit-wize, almost everything feels too expensive for what it does. Skull Reapers and Blood Warriors (my favorite models) feel especially trashy, I somewhat hoped that warriors would be in the limelight for once. Only a couple battalions are interesting because most feature more "stand in this small circle" or kill X stuff. On the bright side, Valkia might shine. She's on a 32mm base and can punish players for bad positioning. On the charge she "technically" hits like a Blood Thirster, for 120. Wrathmongers and Skullcrushers seem like something we can work with, the latter being rather tanky in this incarnation. The Blood Thirsters took some hits but they are still fast/flying monsters for ~300p and in absence of any other reasonable hammers... I kinda like the lasting Blood Tithe abilities and there is some interesting healing stuff here and there, that might be worth a try, especially considering MSU and monsters. I highly doubt canons will make it through the first round of FAQs.
  9. I wonder which one is wrong, in the review they said it is instead...
  10. Can priests still cast one warscroll player + one book prayer or is it one overall?
  11. While I pretty much agree with the general sentiment (streamlining is good and not being discouraged). I'd be pleasantly surprised to downright shocked if this book turns out to be more than non existent in the tournament meta.
  12. Khorne was more or less in need of a new book, due to outdated rules and an errata several pages long because of this. Adding to this issue, Khorne was not really relevant in the meta (for a long time). DoK (Daughters of Khaine) and some other army setups pretty much do what Khorne does but with more bodies (and usually more efficient and saver). As it stands, pretty much all of the book is known at this point and it seems like a strict downgrade. What GW seemingly did, is redistribute power away from a handful of models to the whole range. This means several small nerfs to a lot of models, so a lot of the range feels 'meh' or like one big 'soup' now. The big problem with this approach is, that while the power is not reeeeeeaaaallllly gone but just distributed differently (at least for the most part, some things are just strictly worse), that not all combinations of units make up for a meaningful setup. This will ultimately lead to setups that will lack something they usually had which feels somewhat bad from a player perspective, especially if your army is somewhat niche. EDIT: Khorne was and is probably not "bad" but was pretty much locked in a tier 2 to 3 loop for a long time. The new book is not gonna change that and the GHB19 is pretty far away. Hence, the frustration.
  13. Bululu did not write a whole lot about artifacts, command abilities and battalions. I've read everything in here and read the new warscrolls via app, if I missed something on like 4chan feel free to pm me.
  14. Battalions and interaction between several elements might be the saving grace of this book. I expected that the Bloodsecrator would lose one of its rules but I really hoped it would be the anti magic bubble. Not to mention all the little but impact-full warscroll changes, for better or worse. Considering what we know now, it all seems rather uninspiring. I'll surely get the book and scan it for something I can have fun with but there is a good chance it will end up as booklet to read when I take a dumb. Overall, I might be back on my "waiting for Slaves to Darkness update" plan again.
  15. They seem really unreliable but are rather cheap at the same time. I feel they'll end up as something you add if you have ~50 points open and cannot fill it with another unit. (instead of being something that lists are build around)
  16. meh (at least the rest seems more flexible than before)
  17. No and everyone who does is a liar. We currently know less than 5% of the book (think about Warscroll changes) and the deciding factor of things have always been points. Which we will see the earliest at the end of next week.
  18. That's right, but the original poster probably just mistook diameter with radius and calculated the latter with 18 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 42 under the impression that multiple priests still stack.
  19. That seems like a good guess, especially considering potential downgrades to his abilities. (for whatever reason, you know, GW and stuff)
  20. It seems power is more evenly distributed between units and elements from the book. At least through our limited knowledge. I wonder if they'll downgrade the Bloodsecrator. (e.g. no more immunity but a bonus of +X)
  21. No, with the new wording of "any" it is only added once. Doesn't matter if there is one or 30 priests in range.
  22. Tombcast and Chaoscast are two strict no-nos for AoS. Either of those would probably result in a community schism rivaling the End Times.
  23. I feel like they will be in the same state as before for the most part and blessings will have the rule of one written into them. The big questions will probably only be answered on release day, like what happens to bannerboi, how did the battalions change and what Slaughterhosts are there. (on top of a complete evaluation) As it stands now (with incomplete information), it feels like shift to the mortal side of Khorne.
  24. Hexgorger skulls seem interesting, assuming they cost ~40p. Interesting to note, only the owner of the prayers can move them. Which is a lot different from several endless spells. (might make the axe good, although 5+ seems unreliable) I wonder if the first shrine will be for free like other faction terrain. Either way, it seems like an auto-include for everything that even remotely thinks about including mortals.
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