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Everything posted by Xasz

  1. I somewhat expect another hard nerf for Khorne through a not so distant warscroll change or an FAQ update. If the prayers are somehow capped, Khorne will not happen within the competitive scene at all. (not like they looked particular enjoyable to begin with in AoS2.0) Prayers are what keeps Khorne and especially Khorne Mortals afloat atm. When I theorycrafted the blood factory I spent quite a lot of time thinking about blood tithe. It is ridiculously wasteful and conditional and there is not much you can do about it but it is important to understand its dynamics. You have to always remember that you can only summon at the end of your movement phase. Meaning you get only 5 chances to summon in one game. You will generally not be able to summon turn one and especially not with your lineup. If you go first on turn two, there is a good chance that you will not summon this turn either (exception might be a novice player or an unlikely aggressive game but even then you might not be able to summon something substantial). Summoning on turn 5 doesn't really matter, at least not in terms of WHAT you summon and more WHERE you summon it. This leaves us with turn 3 and 4 to summon something with a normal setup, that can somehow change the game. Remember that new units are summoned AFTER you could have buffed them and a 9" charge is still dicey(even with reroll from e.g. Violent Urgency ). So your new fancy unit you spent several turns to finally summon could just be standing about for another turn... Now to why this systems is so wasteful. The most important lesson here is, that the lower your static blood tithe gain is, the worse the system behaves. The reason for this is again that you can only summon a very limited amount of time and you will tend to save up points if you cannot summon something you'd like. A blood tithe spike in the rest of your turn and the opponents turn will most likely go over the cap and waste several points. You cannot use the normal blood tithe abilities either, as they would lessen the reliability of having enough points when your chance to summon finally arrives. As for the blood tithe specific items, I looked through them the first time I had the idea and they are not good. They just increase the spike but as outlined earlier you have only very limited control over blood tithe gain through combat. (the only one remotely worthwhile is the 8 wounds weapon for daemons) This outlines the reason why Khorne summoning is so 'meh' and why it would be so much better if the cap was gone. It would be a whole lot less awkward. (and maybe not all points could be gone when using abilities but that might be asking too much). The reason why the blood factory would work is that it can summon reliably EVERY turn. Turn one you'll get 2-6 blood tithe. If you've got less than 4, you'll save up or spend them to maybe a counter spell in your opponents phase (assuming you go first). Which you can do without a second thought because you have the luxury of knowing that you will generate enough points through your next hero phase that you'll be able to summon again. In the worst case scenario only a small amount of points will be wasted. If you got lucky in the first turn, you can get a Skull Cannon or something in the medium range and still be confident to summon following turn. The ability to fill up and use points reliably is what makes the blood factory concept good. Not the summoning itself. As a reminder, the idea behind my summoning list: And as another reminder, casual player will have as much fun with Khorne as they had in the previous iteration of AoS. You opponent just has to tweak his list a bit if it gets awkward but the models are still great and fluffy to play with. My perspective is a bit more competitive, so if this does not interest you in the slightest, you should happily ignore me.
  2. The possibility of a battletome iteration is nothing new. The problem is, there is nothing on the horizon for Khorne and even a year for the next GHB is an eternity in the competitive scene. (I do not expect non-SCE battletome revision before 2020 or late 2019) Yeah, that's the same conclusion I arrived at in the previous thread. It would be so much better and less clunky, it's not even funny
  3. Only the first part is confirmed, everything else is speculation afaik.
  4. There are several definitions for a Mary Sue or Marty Sue, I should have made clear that I meant the one when a character is so perfect that you get sick of him. To bring this to an end, I hate all SCE players regardless.
  5. I don't want to answer because this is delving further into off-topic but I feel I have to. If an all-rounder army would have access to every aspect of the game, and would then just be mediocre at each one of them, everything would be fine. This is not the case for SCE, their defense abilities are incredible, they have sniper tools and mediocre to good shooting, good melee and mediocre to good movement (compare that to Khorne... which only beats them slightly on melee). Considering the currently known casters, they'll get good wizards as well, while allying one in was always an option (from a gameplay and even narrative standpoint). Putting gameplay aside, that their model range (new models) is bigger than Death and Destruction combined is just ridiculous and GW is still pushing minis. One of our local players was rather confused when he looked through the Deepkin Battletome and realized what the rest of us has to deal with. Personally, I think SCE are losing their initial identity and are becoming the rule them all Space Marines with fantasy costumes (which was always used to poke fun at AoS but now the gameplay seemingly followed).
  6. Which is boring and lazy from a narrative standpoint. Would be way more interesting if they'd fight chaos within the limits of Sigmars original aspect and/or fight chaos their own way instead of just excelling at everything. (ergo being the Mary Sues of AoS) inb4 lightforged Bloodthirsters, because SCE players want some more monsters, but I guess this is getting off-topic.
  7. Maybe. But SCE being good in every aspect of the game gets old real fast. We're getting to the point were it is just one bland soup. I'm not to big on them getting caster either, for me they were more of a knightish priesthood or paladins. ( I could live, with just the ranged additions)
  8. For some reason I expected the new chamber to be stand-alone, which seems odd in retrospect.
  9. Really? I'd hate to see them pull a 40k with Battletomes. Almost as much as the suggestions that SCE should get summoning as well. (damn you ppl are greedy)
  10. I couldn't care less about what you play, I want the game to be the best it can possibly be and bringing the most questionable rules from 40k to AoS is most likely not the path.
  11. Even if that is the case for you, this change was not good for 40k and it will be even worse for AoS. Lets just hope GW didn't drop the ball.
  12. Please no. Would be terrible with current double turn and would render the I-go-you-go system (which I rather enjoy) pretty much useless. It's probably one of the top 5 rules I despise about the current 40k ruleset. (and can we stop suggesting AgeOf40k)
  13. We are two very different kind of players, we most likely enjoy different things about the hobby and the setting of our games most likely will be different as well. Therefore further discussion is pointless.
  14. You still need the tithe, which means two or more units have to be dead (ignoring blood sacrifice and some items, because they are unreasonable) and even then you can only unbind one spell tops. (plus all additional points are lost) Generating the points is the conditional part of this system. You start with zero points and cannot reliably generate new ones over and over again to really put a dent in someones hero phase. It might seem really cool and fancy on paper or in a vacuum but in a real game blood tithe is more a feature than an army defining mechanic. Point being, SCE getting Wizards and there being a magic supplement only furthers the gap and my depression playing Khorne. Maybe it's time for shelf.
  15. I've already covered the rune and similar items. Considering blood tithe, it's availability is very conditional. Just think about it for a while and you'll see the issues.
  16. Your comment came off differently. In short, they are not reliable. The issue itself is ingrained into AoS at the moment. While there are several ways to make your spells really reliable (DoT, LoN, character specific rules...) there are rarely boosts to unbind. Either way, you have to win the roll-off somehow and that can be really hard if your opponent has +2 to cast or can choose his dice. There are some automatic unbinds which have one use only, but when your opponent is pumping out 4-6 spells per turn... go figure. (there are some items and shields that give some protection from spells, but they tend to be very specific) I hope they thought about something to not let AoS devolve into even more of a magic fest as it is already.
  17. Good one, as if your opponent couldn't just out range them or manipulate his casting roll to make it really hard to unbind in the first place. That is probably the most questionable thing I've read today, and I've spent the last hour surfing 4chan.
  18. If they pump up magic even more, I guess it's time to ditch Khorne for good and finally have some fun.
  19. Any rumours about about "card upgrade" packs or the chance to buy only the game materials (meaning, board, tokens...)? I know several people which would play Shadespire but are reluctant because they have not intention of playing SCE or Reavers. Personally, I don't like being forced to buy warbands I'm not gonna build or play, only to gain access to 3-5 Cards...
  20. It is concerning but I would keep calm for now. Armies that heavily rely on weak heroes tend to be garbage (e.g. khorne mortals) but battalions, allegiance abilities n stuff play a huge roll as well. (luckily, death has some rather durable heroes and there might be legion synergies we are not expecting... the new focus on heroes is fluffy in Death although I understand the concerns going around)
  21. Haven't been paying attention the last couple days... Holy moly, the order herald seems broken as f. Knight of Shrouds seems okayish. Warqueen is worthless in every possible scenario. The price tag will be interesting.
  22. New Warscrolls but no new models as far as discord is concerned. (there has been a gigantic leak of warscrolls)
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