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Everything posted by Turragor

  1. Back to my roots as it were. Excited over new tome.
  2. Given the composition of the force and the fact it's "On a roll of 6" and IF it says 'restores to full strength', I think we're looking at free libs when you roll 6s. If it is points for the libs its only flavour in nonmatched.
  3. That they're starting cards is almost as exciting as the release itself
  4. They're beasts - animals - that skinned themselves but wear their own skins as furs.
  5. PS I think GW should publicly announce that all their models' furs are definitely fake, for publicity.
  6. I dont think theyve done their research. There's a real fur trade associated that theyve missed. But who is ever giving up kolinsky sable brushes at this point?
  7. Hmm I am thinking of spam in that sense I think, on reflection. Like 7 people posting the screenshot of the super cool chicken commander like "I know this has been posted already but look again!" So I guess yeah, more spam than just a comment about awesomeness. Basically, less negativity!
  8. I would just ignore the growing stench of sour grapes from some users. It's not reflective of anything other than a 'look at me, satisfy me' attitude. I don't think it should be allowed in a rumour thread for any release really. Same as repeated comments about how awesome the unit is. Or debates over how to use or not use them in game. I am working on Stormcast and Beastclaws and I have a few factions I want to see and some factions I don't like at all and if any of these get releases I'll think the releases are cool. Some will be better than others for me for personal reasons, but each release represents more options for more people. I get that people can be frustrated that something they want isn't yet released but unless they're 10 years old they can restrain their twitching fingers from incessant complaints on a rumour thread. Go make posts in the discussion area where it can be discussed at length, if it's a lengthy discussion you're after.
  9. A bit like, "Why are stormcast getting another release? Instead of more stormcast why not release nothing, put these stormcast on a shelf, and still release the thing I want when it was due to be released in the first place! Seems like a no brainer to me!" See I paint each scale like it's a small flat area. So fewer large flat areas work! I can only be happy drybrushing fur on mounts, not the scales really.
  10. There's a misplaced belief that the release of one thing has stopped work on another. In reality everything sits in its place in a long chain of releases in varying degrees of progress.
  11. These standard chargers should be easier than the Dracothian Guard to paint imo. Fewer scales and less armour on the mount. Big flat skin areas.
  12. So theyve hooves and taloned forelegs with vestigal wings. I just saw the hooves. I thought they'd only hind limbs.
  13. Different paint scheme I wager. Matches bottom right model - wing, bow, strap and cloth identically laid out
  14. Like the muted tones on rider contrasted with bright mount! Bit like my beastclaw idea.
  15. Yes, the zoom in was mystical. Punched card deal.
  16. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/01/25/rumour-engine/
  17. New warhammer community rumour tease image is terminator librarian hood (99% certain of that). Not for us boyz.
  18. Gws new name base stuff. Valhallan blizzard I wanna say?
  19. Was home over Christmas and getting back into paint flow slowly. Painted up anther mournfang. All the stormcast news got me excited and now I feel like beastclaws are firmly my side army again and not main focus.
  20. Saw that, sounds like a smart idea. Can't see why not, the other 2 active gods have 1 right? And it's not arcanites (I'd be suspicious of rumours of a tzaangor, skyfire and acolyte box for example)
  21. For me (and I'm no TO mind you) if you were to say "THIS chamber of the Hammers of Sigmar stormhost like PINK ARMOUR in fact they are nicknamed the pink hammers" just because there's some cool hammers of sigmar rules, I'd say well done sir, well done and clap.
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