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Everything posted by Erdemo86

  1. So scions of the storm confirmed. No roll needed but have to arrive turn 1,2 or 3. also -1 to hit when they arrive. So why not deploying everything in the realm then.
  2. is there not a maximum of cp you can have at a time? I think i heard something like that
  3. Oh i didnt knew that about idoneth. How do they do that? why you have to use gavriels ability in the hero phase? Once More, For Sigmar, Charge!: If you use this command ability, then until your next hero phase add 3 to charge rolls for friendly Stormcast Eternal units that are within 9" of this model at the start of the charge phase.
  4. I think that would be very op. Combined with chronomatic coggs+ gavriel you only would need a charge of 4 with both. 7 with coggs, 6 with gavriel only. Imagine 4 fulminators comin from the back and charging in your forces+ Celestial vindicators. if thats the case no heraldor is needed.
  5. Can someone explain me what the second part of stormrage blade does? It gives you +2 attacks and then? Dont understand the part with substract 1 from save rolls?
  6. every hit roll of 6 do 2 wound rolls of 4 dmg and reroll 1s on charge. or a Stormlance does 5 attacks, on 6 do d6+1 on monsters is nice too.
  7. I hope they will make a rule that let you use a command ability only ones per turn. Else a lot of games will be over turn one. even with celestial vindicators you could give a unit +4 attacks?
  8. Omg that sounds very op. Oo You could even buy some command points and shoot 4 times turn one. Imagine a unit of 12 Raptors shooting 4 or 5 times in turn one. But only if you can use the same command ability more than one time what it looks like now.
  9. I think the Celestial Vindicators look very good atm. Reroll hits of 1 when they charge and command ability that gives +1 attack to a unit is more worth than taking staunch defender in my opinion. Imagine 4 charging Fulminators with +1 A and reroll 1s to hit. also you get a 6 do 1 extra dmg for your general and +2 attacks. or think about anvils of heldenhammer+ balistas and ordinator.
  10. You are able to make your own stormhost. Does that mean you can choose your command ability, traits, ability and artifact from a list? I think it will be very strong. A welcome buff to our sce.
  11. I was thinking of taking 2 of them in a Stardrake list with 4 fulminators somethink like : Drakesworn Templer Castellant Heraldor 2x lord arcannum on foot 2x Sequitors 1x Judicators 1x 4 Fulminators Chronomatig Cogs Pendulum but ithink cutting 1 and adding 2 balistas is better.
  12. Not over 18 inch. Under 18 inch the balistas are better.
  13. 220 for Solbright, 360 for Aventis, 140 for Lord Exorcist I really like the Sacrosant models, but feel like the only models who will be worth it for competitive are Sequitors.(with lord arcanum as general) Think the only things i will pick up are 2 units of 5 Sequitors with swords and a Arcanum on foot or Dracoline. Maybe a balista, but i feel like Judicators are more consistent and better.
  14. I think the Arcanum on Dracoline will get the same spell, only diffrent mount.
  15. Compared to a Lord Arkanum i think Aventis is bad. For 120 points more we get: +3 wounds heal 1 every Hero Phase +4 Move A Couple of low Mortal wound throws +1 to hit missile weapons if we fly over 2nd Spell and Bann Command Ability +1 wound for a Unit( missile too) good Spell better Combat stats
  16. Looks like Arkanum on Dracoline will be better than on gryph charger. Do they have the same point cost? Both Heroes have that Lord Arcanum keyword. So Sequitors Battleline?!?!
  17. I would add a heraldor instead of gavriel and castellant instead of veritant.
  18. I think the chambers will be like kharadron overlords.
  19. What did you used for that bases of the fyreslayer?
  20. Yeah, thank you. Im searching for a way to paint my 30 vulkites fast. And i think thats the way to go. I will only change the goldparts to retributor armor and violet to kantor blue. Did you used any wash for that rakarth flesh?
  21. Hey turragor, very nice job with that vulkites. Can you post a picture of a model from 1-2 inches away please?
  22. Think he will get his own warscroll. Because the normal lord celestant dont have a shield. ?
  23. I dont understand the allies thing. So if i play 2000 points match i can take 400 points of allies. Do the allies have the same allegiance ability then? Do they get the keyword of my main faction? Can i still build a grand alliance chaos army like now or im i only allowed to pay 400 points in other factions?
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