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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. Notwithstanding that AOS might be better, i agree, AoS 2 was overall, brilliant! this interview video is ambiguous as to whether existing battalions remain in matched play
  2. These things have been present since the very birth of AOS so no jumping the shark here. AOS was born post-shark jump
  3. so far it's been people getting angry about dwarf soup
  4. by posting this i've just realised I have 87 pages of these genius insights/guff to catch up on 😁
  5. As soon as I heard a spoiler went up I have avoided TGA until I could read BR - had to stay off here for two weeks! Would have been gutted if I'd had BR Kragnos spoiled so really hope you managed to enjoy it anyway!
  6. IMO the quality of short stories and battletome lore writing is at an all time high for AoS (can't speak for oldhammer as well but don't see how this can be disputed 2015 onwards). as you surmise, this goes for the full length fiction too (particularly Richard Strachan's books) Overall i really enjoyed this whole series. The only thing missing for me was a map of pre-siege Excelsis. That would have been great. Reading everyone's comments now, I can see how the Slaanesh stuff was a bit anti-climactic but other than that, I thought the quality of writing was good enough that Gordrak and Kragnos et al came over really well
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/GoOdPej7qcXOKbTT.pdf answers what happened to Sigvald and Glutos!
  8. I suspect this is just flavour. We've already seen some of the new stormcast and they don't look particularly vanguard-y
  9. warhammer+ needs to include access to wahapedia
  10. completely understand that Warhammer+ as a separate subscription channel is pushing it, but also I'd much rather give my money to GW rather than our corporate overlords amazon, so will be quite disappointed if it was only a prime channel also perplexed by how they think they can generate enough content for a full channel but i hope they pull it off! want to watch new stormcast cartoons at 10am every saturday with some sugary cereal
  11. the Richard Strachan book "The End of Enlightenment" has some great insight into OBR too. highly recommend it - Strachan is now my clear favourite AoS author, even surpassing Josh Reynolds' stuff
  12. The flashpoints stuff is not only lore, but it's pretty good lore too. White Dwarf has become a bit of a must have for AOS lore seekers if you ask me, what with flashpoints and ongoing short story series etc
  13. As one of many representatives from the Aelven factions, let me offer my praise and welcome to Public Universal Trogg. Public Universal Duardin is dead! Long live Public Universal Trogg!
  14. Sounds like a whole bunch of different greenskins are joining the Great Waaagh to destroy Excelsis, and the starter box is going to feature multiple races of greenskins, inclusing a new hobgoblin style unit
  15. No doubt. But if it was enacted with a conscious ability to make the most powerful abilities cost command points (e.g. Teclis casting ability), it could be interesting
  16. Any rumours on new Warcry releases? Gone a bit quiet on that front. But they're always such good models!
  17. Maybe they can nerf the double turn by ruling that the player who takes the double cannot spend or generate command points during that turn
  18. no way is it Fimir because a) Fimir look a bit bland and b) have a history of really terrible lore and c) aren't brand new and d) aren't gobbos
  19. Want: AOS 3 full reveal/ AoS epic scale game/ Epic 40k tyranids / AOS TV show news Expect: only a vague teaser trailer for AOS 3 and some 40k TV show news Don't want: only a vague teaser trailer for AOS 3 and some 40k TV news
  20. DWEENCLAW is my new favourite AoS model and name
  21. I understand that one of the reasons why a small sample size can still be useful is to do with random samples: e.g. if all the samples are pulled completely randomly, then correlations even at small numbers can be really significant. Additionally, if the samples give you additional information that can allow them to be weighted (e.g. geographical location) towards some other greater body of data then a small sample can be usefully extrapolated. Conversely, that is why twitter and forum polls are generally quite useless at getting towards any real statistical insights that include offline opinion: the way responses to these polls are generated is the opposite of random = they are self selecting, based on who knows the user/follows that thread already etc. A poll on a TGA in say the destruction sub-forum is probably not necessarily that good at guaging the opinions of even all TGA users, let alone all GW hobbiers, for the reason that a TGA user might have really strong opinions on destruction but still never visit the destruction sub-forum. (I am not saying that polls like that are not fun or cannot generate insights, just that they're not really going to be good at guaging the entire hobby community)
  22. "Crime against humanity" might be a slight, teeny-weeny, exaggeration. Now not releasing any follow up to the Excelsior Warpriest - that's a crime against humanity!
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