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Everything posted by Melcavuk

  1. The focus of RAW2020 is also cogforts with players assembling them over the course of the weekend which will be awesome. My own Cogfort is a Steamforged Class (Its known as part of the Iron Third as it forms part of the outer ring of defensive Cogforts of the Midnight City) which means it is smaller but more mobile than the traditional Ilk, serving more as mobile Watchtower than full fortress. And I have rules for fielding Cogforts but only as part of my Empires of Industry supplement, its in the allegiance rules section: https://artisansofsigmarhome.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/empiresofindustry.pdf
  2. Melcavuk

    The Midnight City so far

    After over a year on the project here is what the Midnight City looks like to date.
  3. Cheers guys, step one of painting is the basic wood across the torso and right arm, basic bone colours on the skulls and starting slowly on the leave (finished ones only on left forearm)
  4. Final tweaks to the build before priming, the right claw now added and dropped to two tusks on the lower jaw as I prefer the end result. Considering later versions mounting massive flowers on the midspine essentially as spore disperal carriers #Ageofsigmar
  5. With the new year dawning like many people i have been looking into the concept of a new hobby project to take me into the next decade, thoughout most of 2019 I have been working on my Midnight City first as a concept within my Ironweld Arsenal Fantome and then as an extension of the fantastic Cities of Sigmar battletome that arrived midway through the year. For me the Midnight City was about more than simply integrating proper human factions into the Age of Sigmar, I embrace a project from an emotive core, that is to say the army needs to have a feeling rooted into the very essense that I can spin out into new and diverse ways of modelling and playing the game. By using core emotions as the basis for a project it provides a rooted connection to something we can all understand outside of the fantastical settings, I might not be able to tell you how an Aelf feels when a Duardin took their place on the queue for a Realmgate atop a mountain of fire, but I can relate through feelings of indignation, insult, rage, and use these to extrapolate. The Midnight City then, at its core, is a story of defiance and loneliness as a single torch burning out against the darkness of Ulgu and the greater shadows that loom over the realms as a whole. They were alone for so long when the City of Heaven locked its doors abandoning them to their fate, though it was surely not personal that feeling of being abandoned, being considered unworthy perhaps or worse simply not having been thought of at all is something that many can relate to. As I have suffered depression on and off throughout my life those are core feelings that rise up from time to time, I can channel them artistically to really connect with the core of characters or in this circumstance a whole populace. But Midnight is not a story of Tragedy, they endured those long years of dark together and used that pain to harden themselves, they became pragmatic innovators able to channel it even into dark humour that took some dent off of the choking smogs that later filled their hidden workshops, through isolation and innovation to emerge anew stronger than they had ever been. That at its heart is the foundation of the Midnight City, very much an overly fantastical styilised approach to one of my prior depressive spirals, but a story of emerging out of the darkness stronger and able to look out at new things with a warmth and knowledge they would otherwise have lacked. Feral Sylvaneth, The Heart of Ghur As you can see above I invest a good deal of myself into every project I concieve, to have an emotional core to the project I must first pull upon an experience or emotion that I feel can be spun out into a whole creative web, I need to (for want of a better word) feel the project. So when looking for a new project there were some fantastic ideas put forward and certainly each lent itself to a myriad of concepts that could be explored but each felt a little alien, a little outside of my own personal experience and thus whilst I was certain i could make something I didnt neccessarily have a whole lot of faith it would be something worth seeing. Taking some time away to spend with family, and partly influenced by seeing my other halfs work in progress Sylvaneth sprues sat on my modelling desk I put my mind to finding something that would motivate me in the year to come of hobby. Midnight was industrious, cold steel and innovation and every human/duardin/aelf faction I concieved essentially ended up the same way, as I loved the original concept it was something that was hard to break away from. So mulling on this idea, the need to create something… that need itself could then become the project, the idea of creation in and of itself breaking away from the rules, the constraints, the status quo in order to be both involved and independant. I have in the past tried to write a number of “Other than” factions for Age of Sigmar, reclusive insectoid species lurking beneath the Realmplate, Fae that live in the infinite void preying upon the strands of fate and yet the true other than faction is already present in the Sylvaneth. But within the current models the Sylvaneth seek to fit in with the status quo, they are humanoid either by the will of their goddess or mimicry of the civilisations around them, even in their raw creation they are essentially imitations of humanity (or various humanoid ilk). But the core concept of this life, their wild nature and then exploring it in the context of the tapestry of Ghur, what would the Sylvaneth of this untamable realm be like? Ghur is hungry, predatory, feral and untamable, if the Sylvaneth of the greater realms are Noble Spirits then as a core concept my Sylvaneth would instead be Primal Spirits. Old souls, old forests, those who have spent centuries in the wild land, not fighting its very nature but as an integral part of the realm at large. If a prey beast escapes its predator beneath the boughs of the forest, the forest itself becomes the predator. If a woodsman seeks to cut down the forest, they themselves are instead cut down, and if a beast would seek to consume these Sylvaneth to make themselves stronger, they instead are consumed. As you can see despite a core of creation there is a string of defiance threaded through the project, it is about independance and what lengths these wild beasts would go to in order to stay free. As each project starts with but a single model I took to writing what would become the description for my first model: “Its twisted boughs have shaped a quadrupedal aspect, every vine forming muscle like sinew straining with potent energy to tear through the forest floor. Toughened thick ebony bark forms armoured carapace to its fore, its sternem a nigh impenetrable plate to solid Ironbark, its limb ending in thornlike talons ready to wrench steel plate asunder. To its head, if one might venture that name for it, lay the skull of the great beasts of the realms, seemingly entangled in the vines to bear cruse semblance to the predators of the forest that have been swallowed by these Wyldform sylvaneth. Its back is crested by a litany of barbs, each dripping with a myriad of insidious toxins of the forests flora, able to launch them defensively at enemies that stray too close to this near canid Treelord. Such an evolution of the oft regarded as Noble treelords of the Sylvaneth is a far flung relative to those that frequent the boughs of Ghyran, the primal nature of Ghur seemingly having bled into its very soul (if one were to attribute such creatures as having a soul). There is perhaps crude intellect to the beast, seemingly picking its prey from the strongest elements to venture within its territories, seeking out those qualities that the forest needs to survive and grow. It is in my observations their primary purpose, to absorb these great beasts and integrate their characteristics into the forest itself, on occasion I have been blessed enough to witness such a rapid digestion of snared foe manifest in bonelike exoskeletons forming across the ironbark armour of the Wyldforms before discarding the drains husk of their snared prey.” And here is what my initial conversion looks like, hopefully close to the brief! QBQT1862.MOV
  6. This does seem like one of those things that are simple to convert, but in a buisness sense would be illogical to dedicate casting time for sprues for. The components are out there for making the models your own but I doubt you'll influence anything with the petition.
  7. @NinjaBadger7 Cheers, mostly I use Microsoft Publisher, some of it is drafted over as jpg or png files from GIMP but thats mostly just the head from warscrolls and some of the art.
  8. The “slap a bolt storm” mechanic as you succinctly put it is me, so atleast your rant found it’s target audience which means it served atleast some purpose. AoS incarnation Stormcast are “factory fresh” they all have the exact armour and weapon and new car smell they left azyr with. However we know whilst they are deployed by the storm they have to make their own way back. Weapons break, men die, armour takes a beating. The ability to customise a unit away from factory fresh, to encapsulate individuality and fighting styles beyond the norm is the point. Stormcast are no robots, they don’t all perform or approach a situation the same way. that said if you do not like what I wrote then you simply don’t have to, I know I can’t please everyone but I will atleast take on board the feedback. I apologise for having clearly not loved the lore enough to form the same opinion.
  9. Cheers, it’s those “moments for greatness” I want to capture, the old duelling mechanic for characters, the vehicle damage table instead translated for heroic deeds etc. There is a beauty to the design of AoS but there is also a depth to those old mechanics I enjoy
  10. Cheers, I hadn’t considered using the old fantasy unit qualifiers but that’s mostly due to my lack of exposure to them, fantasy as it was is not a game I had picked up so would involve learning that gametogo backwards. Initially the plan was for this to be used as an overlay for those with the HH or 40k 7th book does changing terminology as little as possible would make rules references easier. using 8th edition rules sounds interesting, I’m less a fan of 40k 8th than AoS as it strippped away things like vehicle damage and firing arcs and instead put a load of wounds on everything, again that’s likely just my exposure to it and there’s a good chance if I grab the books I’ll find elements that can do wonders for the project
  11. For concept models in order to represent the broader approach to unit composition, wargear and character design I have been converting units to match the game, mostly to playtest with a friend. Knight Azyros on Dracoline with Tempest Blade Knight Zephyros with Prosecutor wings and a pair of Zephyros Axes Lord Aquillor with Celestial Hammer, Zephyros Axe and Dracoline Vanguard Hunter Prime with Sigmarite Shield:
  12. After having a debate with a friend who loves the Stormcast lore but struggles to engage with the lack of customisation options in the current AoS we've been playing around with the Horus Heresy rules system, currently just accomodating Stormcast vs Stormcast battles and early in its inception but with the intent of allowing hero and unit customisation on a level currently not accomodated for in AoS to better allow unit conversions. Its in its early stages, and obviously wont be to everyones tastes but hopefully some will appreciate the intent behind it. Feedback and C&C always welcome, current PDF design is here: https://artisansofsigmarhome.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/gladiatorum.pdf Photos for reference (lower quality due to upload but full quality on PDF for ease of reading:
  13. Just the metals to do on his left side, Jannik posed on the WIP Galvorak
  14. With an hour or so before work I've managed to add some colour to the lion skin over the models left shoulder and complete the metal work on the left arm. I'm aiming to keep shades of brown for "living" aspects like fur and wings. #Ageofsigmar #Paintingwarhammer
  15. So this christmas I'm setting to work on possibly my most expensive conversion to date (The Cogfort might come close but I havent totalled its cost recently). For a new addition to my Midnight City I wanted something suitably legendary, something that myths would have been written around to help round out the story of the Midnight Queen. So for starters I've been working on the rider Jannik Veilwarden, a unique Stormcast bearing a relic that Sigmar long since hid deep in the bowels of a Stormvault, liberated in the midsts of a Chaos assault on the vault its Warden now bears the Staff of Subjugation, able to break the will of even a god (or so its legend would have you believe). Jannik is unique in nature even amongst his own kind, though his connection to the Queen of Midnight is buried beneath many layers of history, ill grudges and rumour.
  16. Ithink its important to remember that in local playgroups providing you have consent from your opponents there is no reason you cant run a fantome army. As for how GW do things it is usually Model led design rather than rules led, the sculptors and designers produce the models and the rules and lore grow out of that.
  17. So how does one gather fuel for the Cogfort, here is the first Veteran of the Underwar. A Mite Warden who spends months at a time in a warren of tunnels beneath the realmplate, in total darkness with only his tunnelling crew for company, steeling himself against the Skaven menace to find hope, combat but ultimately the ores needed to fuel and construct the Midnight Cities armoury
  18. It'll get more full when the attendants are added Two of the four attendants of the Midnight Queen now added to the base. Alexandria, Matriarch of the Gunnery School Petra, Testifier of the Lost C&C always welcome
  19. Proper base size to be a Loonboss on Giant Cave squig added, trinkets and adornments for the more magpie nature of the Grotbags looting.
  20. After three days of work he's table ready, one Nurgle flavoured but Slaves to Darkness Sorcerer on Fell Tauralon (Manticore). Comments and critique welcome as always!
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