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Everything posted by PlayerJ

  1. My "Ten Spells" Vyrkos list: Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords- Lineage: Vyrkos Dynasty- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs: IndomitableLeadersBelladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos (200) in Command Entourage- Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions- Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mistRadukar the Beast (315) in Command EntourageVengorian Lord (280) in Warlord- Artefact: Sangsyron- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon- Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine PinionsVampire Lord (140) in Warlord- General- Command Trait: Pack Alpha- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon- Universal Spell Lore: LevitateNecromancer (125) in Warlord- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Lore of the Deathmages: Spectral Grasp- Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming DreadGorslav the Gravekeeper (85) in Command Entourage Battleline60 x Deadwalker Zombies (345)- Reinforced x 210 x Dire Wolves (135)10 x Dire Wolves (135)Units5 x Blood Knights (195)Endless Spells & InvocationsChronomantic Cogs (45)Core BattalionsWarlordCommand Entourage - MagnificentAdditional EnhancementsArtefactSpellTotal: 2000 / 2000Reinforced Units: 2 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 163
  2. Correct, since megas have the Battline role now
  3. Probably not in a faq but maybe in the Warclans book
  4. Them being skinnier than other orruks makes it stand out.
  5. Really, no ones posted this bad boy yet?
  6. They are the under enhancements section
  7. Kruleboyz are subpar in the vacuum of them not having a battletome, and Dominion not selling out could just be that GW made a ton more than they did for Indomitus
  8. Mega-Generals! I have a 1500 point tournament coming up in 2 weeks, and I'm bringing my Sons for a last hurrah of 2.0 before 3.0 officially starts. My list is: Gatebreaker - General - Louder than words - iridescent rage blade - Bossy Pants Warstomper 1x3 Mancrusher Extra command point 1500pts This will be my first games/tournament in a year, AND my first time running my big bois, so I'll need all the advice and wisdom you clever clogs can give me!
  9. I'll assuage some of your misgivings for the Murknob, his magic stopping ability says you CAN roll a d6 when a Kruleboyz unit is effect by a spell. So you don't have to roll when you cast mystic shield on your own unit.
  10. What I wanna try: -Warlord battalion- Megaboss on mawkrusha Killaboss on gnashtooth Swampcaller shaman Wardokk 30x arrowboys 6x manskewer bolt boys -Vanguard Battalion- Warchanter 3x gore gruntas 3x gore gruntas
  11. I cancelled my preorder of Kragnos when he was 760 pts with no Allegiances. BUT with him dropping points, under Warclans meaning he may gain benefits, we're looking at the potential for his star to rise.
  12. Long time Warboss here, love our Ironjawz and am looking forward to what the future holds. I just want to put it out there that, with our Warclans Book being one of the first new battletomes, our faction and subfaction enhancements, traits, warscrolls, etc., may (will probably) get changed or tweaked.
  13. When youtubers were flipping through the core rules, when they got to the Matched play section, it has an addendum rule stating whomever finishes setting up first gets the choice.
  14. I feel the warlord Battalion is the one I'll be taking more often (with other factions), extra enhancement and command point
  15. Keep in mind anything/everything could change with the coming of GHB2021
  16. Wording would actually mean we have access to only Battle Regiment, as mancrushers lose behemoth title in SoB army for battleline. One drop gargant armies!
  17. Yea the Killaboss on foot AND the Lord Imperatant from SC did not have a command ability on their cards. So you speculation is interesting.
  18. From todays preview: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/10/the-only-thing-scarier-than-dominions-killaboss-is-the-hungry-looking-mount-they-ride/ "As savage as the Great Gnashtoof is, it’s by no means the only monster lurking in the swamps of Ghur. We’ve seen the terrifying Mirebrute Troggoth already, but rumours that make it out of the darkness mention a fearsome beast known as the Sludgeraker and even a winged monstrosity that circles the murky skies above."
  19. I'll relieve your mental anguish. Zombies get added on a 2+ (5/6), and rally is on a 6 (1/6). So the guys that didnt turn have the opportunity to return to combat by resisting the zombie plague!
  20. I think it may be the new terrain they've been showing in pictures
  21. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/03/how-warhammer-age-of-sigmars-new-edition-turns-monsters-and-heroes-up-to-11/
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