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Everything posted by Freejack02

  1. You seem to be missing an artefact - battalion allows for two and all you have is the required Hammers one.
  2. Bah, I had a long line-by-line answer for this and the forums ate it... but overall I like most of them. I'll just hit the cliffnotes: Evocators are a bit underpointed currently, but 240 for 15 wounds with a 4+ save is steep. I'd rather see their ludicrous mortal wound output curbed to 1 dice per model, or adjusting the target roll to a 5 or 6. Gavriel needs his CA nerfed, I'd rather he not get a points increase. Limit it to 1/turn, and maybe a bump to 120. Vandus is a good unit already, good offense with a great CA. Not sure he needs an adjustment. Dracothian Guard battleline? As cool as it would be to field, I think that gets a "hell no" from me. Love Castigators and Prosecutors being conditional battleline - I've wanted a winged melee Hero that made Prosecutors battleline for years now.
  3. If you're using Gavriel to cheese your charge rolls, really no reason to not use Fulminators over Concussors (assuming you can find a use for the points). I know you're running Hammers so you don't have a choice, but try using Ignax's Scales if you drop the stormhost at some point. I've been testing it, and it's amazing. 4+ ignore against all mortal wounds takes care of the biggest weakness SCE has, and you can confidently throw it anywhere it needs to be without fear of getting smashed.
  4. After reading the abilities again I stand behind the fact that it would be 1 Roused (as a result of the spell being successful) and 1 roll to check for Roused; but now I'm wondering on the timing of it. Does the roll-check happen immediately after the spell is successful, or after the spell's effects have been resolved? In this case, would the woods roll where it started the spell activation, or after the spell is completely resolved and has moved? I imagine that's part of the argument...
  5. Agreed, I believe it would be a shot at both.
  6. I should have clarified - the problem is that I don't want to take a Lord Aquilor as my general; but I have to if I don't want the Hunters being complete dead weight. Which means not only do I need to spend 240 on units I don't really want, but I have to invest another 200 in a general I don't particularly like. I like the idea of the battalion, but I wish it wasn't so clunky to build. If it required Judicators, great. Liberators, fine. Hunters.... ugh.
  7. Cleansing Phalanx is definitely the best of the lot, but I think Soulstrike can have a place as long as you are willing to load up on ~30 Castigators. The alpha strike shooting is pretty nice, and they should be able to delete their points or more on the first turn. The problem for me is that two Hunters units have to be taken, which means you want them to be battleline, which means no Sequitor battleline. If it only required 1 unit I would be willing to run it.
  8. I play Stormcast and my buddy plays Pestilens, and I can tell you it's a tough fight for the rats. I have a very good record against him, but here's the things that I would fear more if he brought them: 1. More plague monks. I feel like 4 blocks of 40 are what you should be running, they are terrifying and when fully buffed they will shred anything that isn't a 2+ rerollable save (some heroes and dracoth cavalry mostly). Keep an eye on those units and try to direct your mortal wounds on them. The number of attacks they can put out are terrifying, combined with the buffs/rerolls/pile-in on death they always makes me hesitant to engage them. Drown your friend in rats, it will also make objectives more difficult to take. 2. Ally in some mortal wounds. It's the SCE achilles heel, and skaven friends can bring plenty of them. Warp lightning cannon, warpfire weapon teams, Stormfiends, warlock engineers, whatever. Mortal wound the important/armored stuff, swarm everything else. 3. Always start your objectives with a LOT of bodies on them. SCE can teleport nearly anywhere, and can stack a lot of charge buffs on their units - so don't leave any objective undefended. Giving up a freebie early means you have to waste time taking the point back, and the toughness of SCE units can make that quite difficult to do. Make sure to keep track of what is deployed in the celestial realm and where it can come down. 4. Verminlord Corrupters are pretty efficient I feel like (did they get buffed in 2.0?). Sporting 2 casts and with the Sword of Judgement and various "Rend -3" artefacts able to be taken, their melee line goes from meh to absolutely terrifying. The problem is getting them into combat efficiently. If your friend is used to dismissing them as melee non-threats, you can definitely catch him by surprise with a SoJ deleting whatever hero is unlucky enough to draw the matchup. Once they catch on, this tactic might not work as effectively. 5. Ditch the Plagueclaw Catapults. I can't count the number of times these either had zero effect or just went ignored the majority of the game and never made back their points. On paper they aren't terrible, but in practice I've never been impressed by them. Save em for horde armies. Beyond that, trying to learn as much as you can about the units/battalions/stormhosts will always help. Knowledge is power!
  9. Also, I had a unit of 5 take the remaining 8 wounds off a Verminlord the other day self-buffed. Opponent was surprised to see my 5 man battleline unit putting out so much hurt, and it pretty much locked up the game. They are just too flexible and cost effective - I would rate units of 5, 10, and 20 very highly.
  10. I would question taking 2 endless spells with only a single 1-spell caster... I would probably try to find the points for another one. Everything else looks good.
  11. Not sure if the wording was changed, but the rules entry for Flying states "A flying model can pass across models and terrain features as if they were not there when it makes any type of move" (underlined emphasis added). With the Wyldwood warscroll stating "move across, or finishing on", I would agree with the above interpretation Tommm posted.
  12. I haven't used that many Ballistas yet, but if I were your opponent I would look to deep strike something into that bubble and take it out asap. That's over 25% of your army, if I can engage them and kill the LO while limiting your target selection I'm feeling pretty good. As far as the offensive output, I don't think anyone can argue that 4 Ballistas + LO isn't effective.
  13. I agree that I am very tired of seeing every theory-craft around here being built around him, but he doesn't need 2 CPs to be good, +3 to charge is good enough on it's own. It turns every 9" deployment into a 6" charge - or from 28% to 72%.
  14. I think they are rarely worth building towards - the exception would be elite, high-cost units with low bravery. Stormfiends are a perfect example, 100 points per model and a bravery of 6. Kill at least 1, debuff bravery, force a roll with a real shot at wiping out the rest. The Celestant Prime and Decimators combo can give a -4 bubble, that will make a lot of players sweat the battleshock roll. Likely works best on round 1 (before the enemy has command points), or if you can spread the tests around to several units it will make them spend what they have and leave the rest to chance. I've theory-crafted a couple lists, but have never tried them.
  15. No... this still isn't right. You're calculating 3+ reroll all failures instead of just reroll 1's. Like I said before, even if you assume you succeed on every single '1' reroll, you still are guaranteed to fail every '2' rolled - which is 1/6 or 16.67%. That means, even without diving into the reroll 1 specifics, your absolute best case average scenario would be 5/6 success, or 83.33%. When accounting for the reroll 1's, your success rate should be 77.78%, or 14/18.
  16. I'd like to see your math on this, because just off the top of my head the "1 in 12" is wrong. You're taking at least every 2 that is rolled, which is 1 in 6 - then you're taking 33% of all 1's rolled (the reroll kicks in, and only 1 in 3 fails the reroll). If I'm correct that's 4/18, or [1 in 4.5]. That's assuming a naked 3+ with reroll 1's, and ignoring modifiers. It's great against high rend units, but I think most of the time the traditional 2+ rr1's ignore -1 rend is superior (although it requires the extra command trait).
  17. Was the extra artefact put to good use? Did the lower unit drop allow you to go first? Was the extra CP needed early? I think 1500 is the lowest I would consider taking it - but I have yet to try at that point level.
  18. Quick note, you don't need to get all your 20 models into combat (although it would be nice) to be effective -mostly the 9 greatweapons are priority. Getting the horde discount to me means I would never run 15 of them, but between 10 and 20 I would probably go 20 if I have the points to spare. Have you considered a Cleansing Phalanx for your list? You have all the pieces to do it, and it's quite strong for the extra CP, artefact, and Sequitor buffs.
  19. Bingo, the precedent has been set - they know that people who want to run NH horde will still buy them.
  20. Yes, they are a valid target for Celestial Blades.
  21. If Wyldwoods weren't errata'd, it doesn't apply to them... surely they would knock out all the relevant terrain features at once.
  22. Just speculative, but do you think this could push Sylvaneth into the "tier 1" of competitive play? Terrain on demand that can block LoS I agree is huge, and combined with Alarielle/Summoning buffs I feel can make Sylvaneth catch a LOT of armies flat-footed with board control. This seems to make Sylvaneth quite a force to be reckoned with.
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