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Everything posted by Aelfric

  1. How about a gladitorial combat arena that they erect on the battlefield with rules for single combat between heroes (with some sort of compulsory element for enemy heroes within a certain range).
  2. Does a Webspinner Shaman go on a 25mm base or a 32mm? Only have a pre-gitz base size chart and can't find a newer one. Thanks
  3. I'm building a mainly Troggoth army, but possibly with some Stabbas (or Squigs if the new box set is good) and wizards. Beside one Fungoid, I've been considering the Webspinner Shaman with the "Curse of da Spider God" spell and Scuttletide. Just wondering whether anyone has tried it out in a non-spider army or has thoughts about it- it seems better than the Madcap with a 5+ extra save and +1 to cast Scuttletide (I know his own spell is useless but he can only cast one anyway).
  4. The problem is that Loonboss on Mangler does not make Boingrots battleline - only Squig Hoppers.
  5. I agree that the recent books have all been good and I have no issue with them, I'm working on my Gloomspites at the moment. I simply want them to continue in this vein, even if it means the roll out is a bit slower than we might want, that's all.
  6. I much prefer your first list and add a Loonboss and Snufflers to buff the Stabbas for 140 points, then possibly use the remaining 210 points to bring one Squig Herd up to 24, or take more spellcasters and an endless spell or two. To me, with regards the 2nd list, the Squigalanche is dependant on the Bad Moon and you end up with 3 artifacts and only one Hero to take one.
  7. I think you need to get two more battleline units.
  8. The tomes lasting longer is a good ambition, but that is why each tome needs to be thought through properly to begin with, as you will then have to live with it for a long time, for good or bad.
  9. If their agenda on Battletomes is that frenetic, it would make a Sylvaneth/Wanderers tome more likely - not sure how I feel about that as a Wanderers player. I personally would prefer them to slow down and ensure that each Battletome is created with care and keeps to the standard laid out by the more recent releases. I don't want them to do a rush job under pressure to satisfy everyone. I would prefer a good (and I don't necessarily mean powerful) Battletome later than a half-baked Battletome now.
  10. Well, I am a Dad, so I feel obliged to fulfil the role properly. You'll be glad to know that my next trick will NOT be dancing
  11. Yes, I bought the book assuming that, as he was on the cover, that Prince Maesa would feature fairly prominently inside as well; felt slightly conned in that respect. It was my first Black Library purchase. It probably won't be my last, but I shall certainly not be judging their books by their covers.
  12. I thought the general consensus that there would be a new sculpt for the Loonboss riding a Cave Squig. With regards to Greenskins, Aardboys are not "proppa" Ironjaws in the lore but sort of acceptable to Brutes and Megabosses, etc. I've always assumed that Aardboys still went recruiting to get the best of the Greenskins to replace losses as they did in the old world. If so, it's fairly easy to bring Greenskins in as a sort of recruit unit - any that survive get to become an Aardboy. Might give me a reason to put 90 of them on rounds
  13. Just to add that you can take the Arachnacauldron as an endless spell with a Gloomspite wizard in a mixed Destruction army, which will give you access to the Moonclan spell lore.
  14. I'd rather have a mechanism for destroying everyone else's special terrain.
  15. Perhaps She/He doesn't want to be released. Perhaps Slaanesh has never been imprisoned before and is fully savouring this exquisite dungeon experience.
  16. You may well be right and I'm under no illusions, but then Snotlings are such lovely critters, I'll be happy to have them sitting on my shelf if they become legendary. But for the moment they still have life in them and mine will fight alongside my Troggoths for the time being.
  17. For 320 points you can have 16 50mm Snotling bases with 64 wounds. In units of 6, 6 and 4, or 4x4, it should be possible to screen the first 20" of your side of the board all the way across and at bravery 10 they don't run away. I am halfway there, just need to buy more Snotlings.
  18. That would be in a Gloomspite v Idoneth Battlebox.
  19. Don't you mean merging Sylvaneth back into Wanderers?
  20. I'm hoping that they will release the rules for the Temple of Khelt Nar for DoK when they release the Slaanesh Battletome. Morathi established them to guard a powerful spiral of Shadow magic and something is keeping Slaanesh confined.
  21. Why is there an assumption by many that because no new Fireslayer units were revealed that there won't be any? GW rarely reveal everything in one go.
  22. I'll be interested to see which armies are chosen. In a previous Tale of Four Warlords Daughters of Khaine was picked as the Order army, then, hey presto!, the Battletome comes out a few months later.
  23. 3 Troggs and a Fungoid Cave Shaman with the Arachnacauldron for some teleporting - something Ironjaws can't do. As a bonus, you also get the use of Itchy Nuisance (other spells are also available).
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