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Everything posted by hobgoblinclub

  1. Yes! This! Instead of GW releasing the inevitable Chaos Stormcast, the renegade chambers should decamp to Death. Maybe lots of them are weakened by too many reforgings and can't last much longer. Nagash offers them eternity in exchange for their allegiance. I think I'd be tempted by that range! The Lord Relictor is a great mini. Make them like that but in jet black armour.
  2. I don't like it either. Wait until we see it in the wild though. I'm sure it'll look way better. Lots of people saying it's a dual kit. It'd be a well built LoC if it is though.
  3. What if I just build five 'things'? Five bits of scatter terrain/obstacles that have no resemblance to GW kits?Like say...something built around the mouse trap from the game Mouse Trap?
  4. I don't like it either. Wait until we see it in the wild though. I'm sure it'll look way better.
  5. The Fantasy Regiments were my first plastic purchase (first purchase I ever made, I think). It contained a completely unusable mix of races. 'Ideal starter.' the man in the GW store said. Yep, if I wanted to start six armies simultaneously. I loved them!
  6. I just took it as wanting variety too. Think I'm gonna make up 5 different areas of skaven scatter terrain 'things'. If terrain warscrolls aren't used, it won't matter what they are as long as they look cool and you can stand models on them.
  7. I'm keeping it simple and sticking with the recommended GW recipes. I've got the chart I've attached here on my wall for reference. The blue is the one that starts with The Fang, Nuln Oil, etc. Their fur starts with Mournfang, Agrax etc. For most colours I've been applying another light layer of the base colour after washing, before the layer colours. It just makes things look a bit smoother. To be honest, I've switched to a more traditional red for the cloth. Half thinking about painting duardin next using the Fang recipe prominently and didn't want the armies to look too similar.
  8. I was convinced this would look daft but it works somehow.
  9. The language filter clearly needs some tweaking. Can I ask that posters try to refrain from swearing please? I'd be great if can enjoy TGA without fear of finding inappropriate content. Thanks.
  10. This is my suspicion too. It's pretty obvious big changes are coming, I just hope GW are brave, they go all the way and give us an AoS rule set for 40k. It'll be really interesting, having already been through the process ourselves, to watch the rage, and then the realisation that it's actually a better game. I'm also looking forward to buying some 40k minis for the first time in twenty years.
  11. We've had a bumper year. Looks like 40k is creeping back in (they must have been begging for stuff for a year). I imagine we'll settle back into pretty much half and half again next year. Until they bin 40k and reboot it...
  12. hobgoblinclub


    I'm finally painting! I have my army list written and a monthly plan to stick to. I've initially got one eye on making my tournament debut at SCGT next year (I know, I'm a slow painter) but I've made a solid start in the past week, so I may well revise my painting plan. I think I'll create a separate blog post for each unit type and add to them as I go, or I might just end up throwing it all in here. We'll see. Anyway, here's pics of my clanrats so far!
  13. Absolutely. I wasn't banging on them. They've made some amazing decisions recently. I never thought I'd see White Dwarf proper return, for example. It just seems like other major miniatures companies make their release schedule public and it current hurt them. I get the reasons not too, but I feel it's getting time to 'let us in'.
  14. I thought this had been confirmed. I find it strange that GW were so up front with the General's Handbook, and let us know it was coming way in advance, yet they make us wait for everything else. I'd love to see transparency when it comes to the release schedule. Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk
  15. It'd be nice to see this also happen to clanrats.
  16. hobgoblinclub

    Weirdnob Shaman

    He's looking great. Which mini are you using for the other shaman? The classic bons staff grumpy one?
  17. Getting lores again is great news. I had a moment earlier where I thought 'is it just reverting to the old ways' but then I remembered it's all optional. We can play with which bits suit us. More options has to be a good thing.
  18. This is my favourite AoS model release so far I think. In fact, it's my favourite GW release for a long time. Love Alarielle and the revenants (band name?). The Branchwych is lovely too. I bought a wood elf army when the 8th book came out but sold it soon afterwards, I only hung onto the dryads. This is tempting me back again.
  19. I can't imagine this will be true. Everything else we've seen about matched play seems to tightening up the balance. That'd just be daft.
  20. I'll be amazed if FW models weren't in @Shane. It'd be a step backward to remove them now. AoS has been so all inclusive! That said, I'm concerned we're about to get some sort of needless restrictions with these 'battlefield roles' or whatever it said.
  21. This sounds like everything that AoS has tried hard not to be thus far. Why can't I take all monsters if I want to? A year ago, I'd have hated the idea of an army without foot troops. Since AoS came out, GW have been training my brain to want more and more bigger and bigger stuff. Why would they now force me back the other way again? I won't do it, I tell you. I simply won't do it!
  22. Which we can all ignore. I think the community has enjoyed the freedom of picking armies without limiting structures too much. I'd imagine most people, in garages and in tournament comps, will ignore anything that stops them taking the cool stuff we're now used to.
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