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Everything posted by hobgoblinclub

  1. Would love to but we'll be off home. We're doing the drive to and from Newcastle for the day.
  2. I've got one last practice game on Thursday. The list will arrive soon afterwards!
  3. The top post needs a serious update. I'm fine time at some point! In the meantime, if anyone wants to copy the text and do/do some of it, it'd be greatly appreciated. If you get any done post it, here tag me in it, and I'll update the original post, with gracious thanks. Cheers.
  4. Have you heard confirmatory whispers? I mean it's obviously got to come. Why would GW give everyone a battletome but not Nurgle? Have you heard something more though?
  5. Did you get my payment for two? Cheers Edit: my real identity is Steve Sanderson. Hobgoblin isn't my birth name. And the one you have as Hobgoblin #3 is Mr Andy Burdis. Cheers.
  6. It's great to see. Remember the days when GW didn't go to conventions at all? Now they're sending studio staff with new games to playtest, the Warhammer TV team are streaming events, and they even host seminars revealing upcoming products well in advance. It's super exciting stuff! I'll probably buy Shadespire. I don't often buy the boxed games but this seems like such a new venture for GW I gonna try it out. It also seems like they're investing a lot in the game's success. A game like this has much wider appeal than the massed battle games (40k/AoS). GW are clearly looking to imitate some of the success of games like Magic: The Gathering and X-Wing. I know these are very different games, but it's the low cost of entry, quick set-up, competitive, one-vs-one, gaming market. It's obviously been designed to be the sort of game which works very well in the FLGS environment as well as in massive tournaments. Personally, I run a school club for my students. There's a few that are really interested in AoS. Unfortunately, it's not really practically designed to get it all set up, played and cleared down in a couple of hours after school. Shadespire, on the other hand, looks ideal. Can't wait!
  7. I'm getting tempted by a return to Brayherds. Sold my whole army a few months ago but they're looking pretty cool again. They're desperate for a reboxing though. Units of 20 ungor would be cool.
  8. Me too! And I've got all the Nurgle stuff up buy in the meantime! Snail riders!
  9. Hmn. I wonder who it is...Potential new club mates by the sounds of things. I'll join the Facebook group and keep an eye out. Cheers.
  10. Yep. There's five of us from Newcastle Warlords going to AGOM. We're all staying in my wife's auntie's caravan just outside Kendal. Who are you staying with? Do you have a Facebook group or somewhere that your/others events in Stirling are posted? I seem to have missed this until now. The interest in tournaments at our club has exploded this year so we'd probably bring a few along in the future.
  11. Rats! I'm a wedding reception in the evening, otherwise I'd have signed up for this one. Do you put on other AoS tournaments throughout the year?
  12. Not sure where I got this image but the only month left with a single codex release looks like September. Nurgle battletome release space?
  13. Can we tone it down a bit on this thread please? There's at least two comments on here that are completely unprovoked. I'll issue warning points if it continues. Enjoy the thread. Talk about rumours. Cheers. Steve.
  14. This thread is getting a little bit moany, and not particularly rumoury. The rule that's causing the issue is the one below but, as it's on Khul's warscroll, it surely wouldn't apply if you didn't take him in your army. The beauty of AoS is that you don't need books and rules from all over the place. If someone has the Bloodbound book but hasn't downloaded the Khul scroll they wouldn't know about this bolt-on rule. GW setting a precedent of scrolls which force you to play other scrolls in different ways would get very messy indeed. Granted, it's not 100% clear, however. If you'd like to continue the discussion further, could someone please open a thread in the chaos section of the forum. Thanks.
  15. Nice idea. I'm looking forward to finally trying out the underground / temple one.
  16. This is excellent news! On the other hand...it seems to me pretty pointless giving things like the jabberslythe new keywords unless they're planning to release a book for those factions. I doubt 'brayherds' will ever get a battletome because they're about as old-Warhammer as it gets. The whole faction is ancient (albeit great) models, it's heavily based in ancient mythology (which GW are eradicating), and we've already seen the AoS evolution of gor into the tzaangor, I'd be stunned if we get another beastmen based release. Besides, I just sold my beastmen army. They better not make them great!
  17. Had a mint day at Battle Bunker. My 'filthy' Tzeentch took home 1st place. Bagged myself the sexy Karl Franz Memorial Trophy! Finally, something to put in my cabinet! Cheers to Justin for putting it on. So chuffed! I'll be back for the next one!
  18. Wait...what did I miss? Where did that image come from?
  19. I've painted one of those before. Are they on the old chaos warriors?
  20. On that basis the bloodthirster head wouldn't look like that though.
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