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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. On they latest S&Ws podcast there was mention of Ben Johnson stating there are more waves for Deepkin, Sylvaneth and someone else. They speculated the idea of using the beetle and swarm motif more in the range. If there was a mention of more waves for existing armies by a key person at GW the picture could align with the guess of a bug-like unit.
  2. Right. Even Winterleaf, you have Dryads which are combat punch. Trying to find a way to work my 30 Wardancers into my Sylvaneth
  3. Called it. GW does a good job making hints align with past references. Well... Glad you came around Back in they days of the Herdstone forum people joined pretty much to the end of 8th ed stating "the infantry models are really appealing and I started for the aesthetic", etc. The 2003 Gor sprue stands up fine as a classic plastic kit and the 2010 version still makes for purdy units.
  4. They can take Deepkin now (I missed that)? I guess that makes sense since they've written a short story to back date them.
  5. The claws add +2 DMG.; so on 5+s to wound a bonus attack is generated and that is 4 dmg. I wasn't aware of the Chaos GA item. It sounds like they are quite similar. I've found my Doombulls with Great Axes to be very destructive as well. Kudos yours is earning its fame as well The unit doesn't have much in the way of reach. If Great Weapons had a 2" reach, being on 50 mm bases, I would say 6 are good. If you throw 2 x 3 at an enemy unit the enemy has to split attacks. I tend to divide my army up into 3. Each has 3 Bullgors, a Doombull and a Ghorgon. I'll throw all of these at an enemy all at once. The enemy unit has to divide up its attacks and often leaves at least something holding up that enemy unit. Just an MSU throwback to 6th ed Khorne Beasts of Chaos lead by a Doombull
  6. I have little faith in the rumour. People are over-hyping it and even the OP has stepped back on it, a couple times now. However, Primal Fury was the rule for Beastmen in 8th and the news released used Primal which I feel is significant enough in drops with rare and subtle clues. And I 100% agree with you about GW not releasing a Chaos Dwarf endless spell for a FW army that isn't being converted to plastic any time soon. My money is on Beasts of Chaos (using the Path to Glory umbrella). I would suggest a Jabberslythe or two. IMO they are a missing key to that army which is reliable mortal wounds on something you can't deal with. You probably don't want to ambush the entire army. And it doesn't hurt to leave a cheap 40 ungor screen around a couple casters, particularly with Realm lores being known but all wizards. I don't recall who does the Mojogorox armies but he tweeted an interesting list. Realm of Beasts, use the Claws of Anrahier on a Doombull with 2 HWs. 5 attacks and 6+ is a bonus 2 dmg. Since he'll generate bonus attacks on a 5+, he seems like a good utility tool. Ghur has a couple other good options for artifacts for Warherds. The other thing about his list is MSU 3-bullgor units. I've been a fan of this for a while. I know people like 6-12 man units for bodies but lacking reach I feel 2 x 3 units vs the enemy is a better option than a single 6 man unit. Oh and he took Cogs. But, like Slaanesh, lacking a good option to get a +1 /+2 stacked in there it seems more like just gambling.
  7. After David Guymer tweeted about including Wardancers in a Deepkin army for his upcoming novel I've been thinking about allying 30 Namarti Thralls and using my Wardancer models. They wouldn't get the synergy but they would have nice offence.
  8. I found it easy to have on in the background. I found Vince's slang annoying as I am not overly familiar with the units they spoke of so hearing a nick name was useless and a detriment to the show.
  9. In 8th ed Beastmen had Primal Fury and Primal was a key word hint used in the GW release of the image. The face of the bull doesn't look too dissimilar to the Minotaur/Bullgor head either. And while the Oldhammer Chaos Dwarf spell fits, I can't see an Endless spell for a FW faction.
  10. oh for sure. I just don't recall it as well as you :) And yeah it would be nice to see him back, as a strong presence of Chaos driving the Brayherds
  11. I put both on. There are two sections of spites on the arm. Just half and half.
  12. Does Alarielle still do that? I thought Ariel did and that was in the Old World. Morghur would be nice. I used him in a tournament at the end of 6th ed with a bunch of Khorne stuff, and then someone terrorbombed me which I hadn't been prepared for. So not Morghurs best outing.
  13. No not Kholek. I was hoping the big kit that turned into the Mutalith had been KHolek. He could comeback now in a freak lightening storm and it could be a good release in AoS.
  14. Yes. It seems so. Winterleaf or Harvestboon have benefits to Dryad blobs (being based around the unit)
  15. I would like to see units like the Beastmaster return. And a large scale Orion. I think the idea of a fast cav unit akin to Glade Riders isn't very AoS-like. Sisters of the Thorn and those Dark Elf mage ones kinda work based on utility. pffft. I started my autumn army in 2005 before it was cool to do autumn; and then saw the copy cats come out like mad. Since then I've switched back cause I have some good recipes for green and brown. After seeing that I immediately got out my old one (the autumn theme ) to finish. I used to use the twins on an eagle in 8th. The most interesting thing to note there is the 60mm round base. Only have the wing membranes and horns and teeth left. I know they won't get the Wanderer keyword but it will be enough for me to just play the girls on the dragon for kicks. Oh GW you keep missing the boat on bridging those players with models they really love back into AoS.
  16. I see Shaggoths show up time to time. And with a "heal" spell for a caster. I've never made one work, but my experience was limited to Path to Glory. I feel Daemonic Power would really suit a Shaggoth well. Hastings had a rumour back in 8th that he saw CAD of a Monstrous Beast (old 8th ed classification) sized Centigors but never saw anything past that. My guess is they were shelved and I am wondering if this Brayherd rumour is true for Sept, that would be something GW could resurrect. From time to time I wonder about revisiting the Dakka Dakka rumour tracker again to see if stuff from Pre-AOS made it to AoS. I get the sense that Kurnoth Hunters may have been such a unit.
  17. I'll admit to being salty. The cynicism is GW will once again not get Beastmen, not give them marks and water down what players want. People went to the Herdstone monthly saying "I love the models" and got a fairly weak army GW neglected. but yes, Irrelevant what I think cause GW will indeed do what they do. I can't miss too much the old world as it is dead and AoS armies are indeed quite different (I don't miss Dwarf gunlines at all) and all for the better.
  18. Yes BLs site but I often just buy them through iTunes or iBooks on my phone. Guy Haley just admitted here Interview that there are 3 more parts to the Wanderer Nomad Prince planned/in the works, in addition to the digital short story and audio drama. He touches on the character. The love story revolving the outcast or wandering aelf.
  19. They pair very well with Sisters of the Thorn as the +2 save dance (and if in cover) means they are bouncing mortal wounds back on a 3+. Re-rolling saves too. The classic 1987 models alone mean that's an option worth looking at. Honestly hard to say but I would be more shocked if you didn't get a good 3-4 more years of playing them. GW is stocking stores with the kits. That alone is significant as shelf space is key in a retail store. Guardians of the Forest was a Graham MacNeil novel released in August 2005 for the reboot of the army. Guy Haley has done both a short story and audio drama on a Nomad Prince (who rides a great stag) set in the current time line that is quite good. Buy them both to support more Wanderer stuff (Guy has indicated he wants to continue with the character).
  20. I don't want that. It is a dumb idea. Beasts of Chaos a la Path to Glory was a better focus or grouping. It makes no sense to add two horde armies. "hey kids? did you want your favourite goat men to be the meat shield of marauders? here is some salt instead of ice cream." Brayherds needs a better merging of some heavy hitters or synergy and battalions, they don't need marauders. Oh they need marks back too.
  21. @Mirage8112 I've been looking at Ironbark for a bit and thinking about the viability of a 30-man Tree Revenant unit. A buddy takes 30-man thralls (while they have a fair bit that differs them) it was something I've been tempted to try. Or do you think this is just not wise?
  22. This is an overstatement of a declaration. There were a multiple people who knew about AoS. Both Hastings and Harry as well as lots of others knew AoS was coming. I'll stay skeptical given the rumour thread is mostly discussing stuff GW has released. In the end I would be pleasantly surprised for a Brayherd book but I'm not holding my breath. Also anyone can predict Slaanesh (early) 2019. Just look at the pattern of the other chaos armies.
  23. It totally baffled me people argued about this. Citadel woods block LOS and Sylvaneth Wildwoods are made of Citadel Woods. I saw it pretty logical. The FB groups are super heated over it
  24. Where did you guys read this? I've been to the dakka dakka rumour tracker thread and I've found things have pretty much dried up regarding rumours. Even if something is leaked (like Rogue Trader for kill team) GW does the official news an hour later.
  25. Exodites were an army in Epic. And I think there was a little tidbit in the sketchbook alluding to making them in 40k. I took some cold ones and guardians and made some "Wind riders". You could make an Exodite forest army playable in both games fairly easily Alarielle: Wraithknight Treelord: Wraithlord Spellweaver: Bonesinger/Spirit Seer Treekin/Hunters: Wraithguard (I own 15 Treekin and they are on 40 mm so that worked for me) Wardancers: Harlequin Troupe Shadowdancer: Shadowseer/Troupemaster Great Eagles: Venoms (can't recall the Harlequin transport) I own Alarielle and a Wraithknight anyway but it would mean you show up at the FLGS with one army playable in two games.
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