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Everything posted by PlasticCraic

  1. @mcbrain looks good mate, I've been looking at similar lists myself. One thing that potenitally could be a little bit of fat to trim is the Big Boss? I just feel like there is some overlap there with the Warboss (both are there to pop CPs on extra attacks), unless that is deliberate (for redundancy)? How did you find you went against "tough nuts to crack"? The Batallions are so expensive that there's not much wiggle room, but you could fit in 4x Big Stabbas (if you dropped the Big Boss and Shackles), or bypass rend entirely and include some damage-based Endless Spells? Or was the gameplan to go first and swarm the board against unkillable opponents, in which case how is that working for you in practice?
  2. I'd love a big centrepiece, but I'd prefer something without the Monster keyword, for two reasons: 1) Fits the lore. 2) Exploits some very patchy rules writing in this game, where some definitions of "Big Thing" trigger off Wounds characteristic. and some trigger off the Monster keyword. Examples of the former: whether you can fit on a Balewind, whether you can be one-shotted by Purple Sun. Examples of the latter: whether you gain a cover save, whether you benefit from "Lookout Sir". Meaning that large units like the Eidolon of Mathalan and Cauldron of Blood enjoy signifcant defensive bonuses intended for small units. It is only ever a disadvantage to have the Monster keyword, and it fits our narrative to swerve it, so let's go with that. So a couple of things that could fit that role: - Morkite Hurricanum, a buff wagon with a Shrine of Mork on the back that spits out Mortal Wound and Battleshock Immunity auras - Gorkite Hurricanum. alternative build to the above which spits out extra attack and Rend buff auras - Wurggog Prophet on Savage Boar Chariot, a big centrepiece Chariot with a Wurggog and his chosen Wardokks on the back, pulled by a team of 6 Boars. Has a kickass Warscroll spell, and comes with a Command Ability that gives Boarboys mortal wounds and / or rend on the charge All of the above would give you a durable Hero / Wizard for those missions too. Edit: or maybe the Morkite Hurricanum could improve your Warpaint save and DP to a 5+ instead of pumping out Mortal Wounds.
  3. Thanks guys! Sloppy rulebook reading on my part there. Appreciate the help.
  4. Question on Catching Up - do you score all "End Phase" cards simultaneously? What happens if you go into the End Phase behind but score some Objectives in the End Phase, are you behind for the purposes of Catching Up at the start of the End Phase? And vice versa, if you go into the End Phase ahead, but finish up behind due to your opponent scoring some cards - can you score Catching Up at the end of the End Phase? I'm just not sure at what precise moment in time you measure whether you are behind or not. My gut feel is that it's a snapshot of where you stand at the start of the End Phase (because all "In the End Phase" cards are then scored simultaneously after that), but I'm not 100% certain.
  5. If it's the post I saw on Twitter, it was someone talking about it like it's a done deal, (jokingly) attempting to goad Ben Johnson into confirming or denying. He did not blink!
  6. I'm actually astonished at that, but you are right. The Tzeentch on and the Death one still up there too. I think the 2016 ones sold out pretty much instantly? I'm really surprised to see that 3 of the 4 did not sell out last year. Maybe they produced more of them, but still. That Tzeentch one could be a good pickup for BOC players, if you offload the Acolytes. I still think the Death one looks interesting too.
  7. So how is everyone setting up? Who is at the front, and who is at the back?
  8. I've got the app on Android, I've had it since Bonesplitterz dropped in fact for that very reason! Doesn't seem to be in the Play Store now though...Maybe if you are tech savvy there is a way to get the file from a friend who already has it? I've never used it at a tournament personally, I think some opponents wouldn't like it. If someone thought dice rolling was part of the experience I couldn't force them to accept it.
  9. I agree with what you're saying @broche, and it is a good army. A couple of things: - Agreed on the Morr Boys, the only reason you'd ever take SOs is a single unit to fill out the Kunnin Rukk requirements - IMO Maniak Weirdnob is essential for the reroll casts. That's more valuable in this build that a 1/3 chance of another +1 to cast, becuase you can cast from outside of unbind range (HOG is infinite range, you can tail back to BBS). I would be cautious about building a list without 2 MWNs (1 for each key spell), but I agree that 1 is a lot better than 0 - Just a heads up @Gobsmakka, the rerolls are very powerful but IMO they are the main culprit of slowing down the game with Kunnin Rukk. The shooting goes a lot faster withouth them so I tend to only use it in emergencies. Might not be as big a problem with only 1 big block of Arrow Boys, how are you finding it? - My own take on it would be this (but I think all the variations are viable): Balanced Version: Extreme Version:
  10. You know what I'm not looking forward to... Shardgale -> Sorcerous Insight -> Shardgale Goodbye 5 Warband members!
  11. Yeah...I noticed that a lot of the "immediatelies" are aggro-based? i.e. Kill people in a certain way (by surrounding them, by taking multiple attacks to do so, by doing the correct amount of damage etc). I quite like the one just for blocking them in too. surround and pound, scoring Glory at every stage! Maybe sneaky aggro is the way to go...it's good that you've had some early success with that.
  12. That's a really good point, it could be really useful in both of those matchups for the reasons you've outlined.
  13. The other one I'm thinking about is Infestation...if you can get Abasoth's Unmaking to remove one of them, that's potentially a lot of glory for holding 4 Objectives (especially if you double up with Supremacy). Cards like Faneway Crystal can help you get there.
  14. Yep...it could save your skin against an "attack all adjacent enemy fighters" lunge. You'd still rather kill them and avoid the blowback that way, but it'll come in handy occasionally. It could also be useful for allowing you to chain attacks together, if you are going for combo kills to trigger things like Vicious Killers, Finish Them and Scragged. One thing I like the look of in the new decks is the "Positiong Objectives that aren't Objectives" style of cards...things like Extreme Flank and Loner. These seem geared specifically to high bodycount Warbands which is good to see.
  15. So how do we think Prog's Net works? Reduce the number of attack dice by 2 (to a minimum of 1) "in the next activation". Presumably this means that if that targetted fighter does not activate next, the bonus expires and you get no benefit?
  16. @Tohshi Ydithe I think you have touched on the main issue, which is their fragility. They evaporate incredibly quickly. They only seem cheap because you get so few in a unit. That doesn't take into account the exorbitant taxes that go with them, of a terrible Hero and a chronically overcosted Batallion. To put it in context, the Batallion alone costs 150 points, versus 180 points for Dreadwood AND Outcasts: So although a Skaal is a useful tool to have, building an army around it will put you at a massive disadvantage compared to the power level and utility that other Factions will be putting across the table from you. 40 points looks cheap but it's only because you only get 2 models. Multiply them up to a viable size to start killing things and keeping hold of objectives, and they quickly stop looking cheap. Your own example of Sequitors is a good one, 6 Cats vs 5 Sequitors is no contest whatsoever. The Sequitors are a fairly durable unit, you can slap them on an objective and they will hold their own. The Cats...not so much. After 1 Battle Round you'd probably be left with something like 0 Cats and 4 Sequitors. Plus the Sequitors are Wizards for capturing Objectives. TLDR: I think the reason that nobody has had success with Cat spam is that they aren't that cheap to start with, they come with very heavy tax, they are incredibly easy to kill and do not put out enough damage to make up for that fragility. Their bases are too large to swarm an objective, they do not have the punch to clear out an objective, and they certainly don't have the durability to grind it out. They do have utility as a fast throwaway unit, whose only purpose is to cap an uncontested objective. A unit here or there is quite good for that specific role. But they are not powerful or efficient enough to spam and build an army around.
  17. @froo I'm at the stage where I've got so many boxes lying around the house, that my other half has given up trying to keep track. I've reached escape velocity.
  18. So what are people doing with this warband in a wider sense? How are you playing them, and where is your glory coming from?
  19. Congrats! What was your deck and gameplan?
  20. I ordered mine via the website because I knew I wouldn't get into a store this weekend, so I'm still waiting for them to arrive. Do we know when the Card Library is usually updated? Is it the Monday after release? Please say it's the Monday after release!
  21. Don't you roll 4 dice, but then choose only 3 of them? (You also roll the dice first then choose which ones and in which order - so unless you get the same symbol 4 times, you always have some control over him).
  22. Those "targets all adjacent enemy fighters" cards are going to be so ugly! I'm excited to see what the unique cards are...especially magic. The magic so far has not exactly been OP (which is a good thing), but I want to see what we get, because it's new and shiny! What can that sneaky Level 2 wizard do?
  23. That's a really good shout, I'd love to see a Braggoth's style batallion.
  24. @froo well you have more than convinced me, let's see Battletome Spiderfang Grots asap! Sounds awesome...you could also have the Web Flinga as its own warcsroll (just put in an extra oval base in the Arachnarok kit, loads of people used to do that as a kit bashed Rock Lobba under GH17 anyway). With debuffs instead of damage (e.g. roll one dice to charge?). There is also the opportunity for half spider / half gobbo mutants. I'm not the biggest fan of the models from Silver Tower but that's basically what they were. And they were in that cartoon recently so they are still on the radar. If their warscrolls get updated, hopefully the Venom would trigger on an unmodified 6, or an unmodified 5 with the CA. I don't think it'll happen any time soon (sorry) but it definitely could. Sounds awesome. PS I take it you are the same Froo who had planned on taking Spiderfang to Blue Dragon GT in Melbourne? I'm sure I'll be seeing you around the traps!
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