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Everything posted by PlasticCraic

  1. Yeah man! 80 points Orruks, use 'em while you can! Everyone went straight to the Warboss, and he is cool...but 1 wound junk chaff has its own niche and uses in the game. I've been running them in my list at the link that @Nezzhil shared above. And yeah as @Brakkus pointed out, Pebbles has his armour save, then his Warscroll 5++ ignore, then his Big Waaagh 6++ ignore (because he has the Orruk keyword). He can be a great anvil unit.
  2. I've bought this guy and he's awesome. Fits the scale nicely, and has a dual purpose. He's pictured doing his wardance (= Wardokk), but he could just as easily sit on the back of a boar and be a Weirdnob (which is what I did): https://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_blg_bnl_cha_050_000 I didn't buy this guy but he also looks OK, a bit less cartoonish than the standard Wardokk: https://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_blg_bnl_cha_011_000
  3. So has anyone figured out how to tackle OBR?
  4. Yeah it's such a good spot to be in if you already collected both armies, which a lot of us do. I'm finding Big Waaagh so much fun currently that I'm struggling to use any other Allegiance, but I'm really enjoying list building for Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz.
  5. And he can benefit from Mighty D too, if you build in access to that from your General (Brutish Cunning) or an Ironfist, which doubles the benefit of all your other buffs. So if he's got extra damage from the Warchanter, you can get it in the Hero phase pile in as well as the Combat phase. Or if you use it to move him instead, and you have cast Breath of Gork, he's on a 20" flying move...twice. So that's a 40" total flying move in one turn Even the Orruk keyword plays its part, because he gets the 6++ aftersave and +1" to charge. He really is awesome in Big Waaagh.
  6. Personally I'd ask the TO in advance if you could either bring a Realmgate to use, or make use of the Command Trait without needing a Realmgate. It's annoying that you even have to do that though.
  7. Big Waaagh review is live on the Blog: https://plasticcraic.blog/2019/11/11/battletome-orruk-warclans-big-waaagh-review/ It's the main army I've been playing since the book dropped, I just can't put it down because it's so much fun. Love it. (Link updated to take you straight there, thanks for pointing that out!)
  8. I believe Ben is running a Kunnin Rukk and Kopp Rukk in Bonegrinz. Rationale for the Kopp Rukk being to bundle your Wardokks into a Battalion, and get your drops right down (with minimum 2x 10 Morrboys).
  9. Agreed. But then you play them on Starstrike, where they can control the whole middle of the board and assume it will land there, which it probably will. So you get snake eyes and box cars, and they get everything else in between.
  10. The only thing in our favour is that the rerolls are Combat Phase only. So a Mighty Destroyers pile in would mean they get no rerolls - that could help us fight our way out of a grind. If you've got a way to run the numbers: how would a Maw Krusha with no offensive bonuses (assume tanky loadout) go across 2 turns (3 pile ins)? Charge - fight - Mighty D - fight? Is that with or withouth Metalrippa's klaw? If it's with, I don't think it does enough in the key matchup to be worth taking?
  11. How do you reckon we'd go against Mortek?
  12. So the list is actually reproduced in the blog (right above the YouTube link), you can see the whole thing in there. Worth noting that Leo has a Megaboss on Foot and a large volume of Ardboyz in an Ironfist, but no Maw Krusha. The army is Ironsunz and the neg 1 to hit didn't come into this game much (Slaanesh went first and just got onto the centre objectives), but the counter charging was really important. It looks like you're seeing the same video I am, which is weird. I don't know why @broche is seeing something different - I've followed the link a couple of times myself from different devices and I get the correct video. @broche can you maybe DM me the link you are following and a screenshot of what you see? It's really weird that you seem to get a different video than me.
  13. My Ironjawz review is live on the blog, check it out: https://plasticcraic.blog/2019/11/03/battletome-orruk-warclans-ironjawz-review/
  14. That's the trouble with Starstrike 2019 (which I'm guessing you played), armies like Hearthguard can just jam up the middle and assume it will probably land there. Which it usually does, and then it's a boring non-game with no real tactical decisions or ebb and flow. Starstrike 2018 was way more interesting and strategic (as well as exciting). If you committed to one third of the board, it was a genuine commitment - the risk / reward ratio seems to be off with SS19 imo.
  15. Well the good news is, Leo Rautonen recently beat Slaanesh to win Bloodshed (80+ player event) and you can watch how he beat them
  16. I don't disagree with how those kinds of games will play out @Overread, but I do think some people will still dislike that. Specifically I know from experience of playing BCR back in the day that if you can snipe their Heroes and win the punchup (but lose the match on what counts, i.e. objectives), people will merrily complain about how OP your army is while they are actually beating you (hence why I think the negative energy will be disproportionate to their achievements).
  17. Time shall tell where they sit in the meta - but I'd confidently predict that they'll cop a lot of heat. Their strengths are in areas that people often hate playing against: - Rerolling saves is boring / frustrating to play against, but also time-consuming and not "streamlined", and therefore easy to attack as a negative play experience. - Generally having awesome saves, complete Battleshock immunity and rezzing units (including unit leaders) will annoy opponents and give a feeling of frustration / "what am I supposed to do against this" for a lot of armies. Not a big problem for people with multiple armies or willing to churn, but people with a single / couple of armies who can't deal with it will get annoyed pretty quickly. - They have excellent Hero sniping with their artillery. This is the cherry on the cake for a grind army, and a powerful tool that a lot of similar armies just don't have. People will hate having their Heroes sniped whilst lacking a similar option in their armies to return the favour. - The terrain piece is huge and has janky placement rules. In a tournament context it is likely to mean rearranging existing terrain, which is outside the scope of what any other army can (currently) do and janky by nature (get rid of / displace terrain you don't want there). Slamming a huge phallus in the middle of the table and displacing everything else is a pretty confrontational way to start the game. All of these elements are likely to give rise to significant heat against the army. I personally believe that some of that is justified, because it arises from unnecessary design choices: rerolling saves seems like an odd one when Warclans moved away from all rerolls, and the terrain piece had no reason to be so large or to trump all other terrain. But rightly or wrongly, all the ingredients are there for this army to be hated out of all proportion to its achievements on the table (which FWIW I would estimate to be strong, but not meta-defining; it looks like a "good matchups and bad matchups" army to me).
  18. The good news is: you keep the full 10 Waaagh power. You don't "use them" to have access to things like Get 'Em. Once you've got the right number of Waaagh power you just accrue passive bonuses and keep them. The only things that can cause you to reduce your number of Waaagh points (and move back down the table) are using them to boost your spell casting (with Waaagh Magic) , and Da Big Waaagh Command Ability (depending on what you roll). Yes, you can use units of 5 in the Batallion, and if they die, you can potentially get units of 10 back. It obviously works the other way too (you could lost a unit of 30 and only get 10 back). It can be powerful, but remember that it costs a scarce CP for just a 50:50 chance at getting the "free" unit. Bear in mind also that units of 5 do not count towards your Battleline, if you are playing Matched Play. Onlu units of 10+ count towards your Battleline requirements.
  19. For this one specifically, Leo appeared on an episode of THWG shortly before the event where he talks through his thoughts on the new book, which should help. This event was also on TTO, so you can see the list, and two of Leo's games were on the stream, so you can watch him beat Slaanesh in Round 5
  20. Yeah, I think that's the limiting factor moreso than any sense of shame at winning games with a broken summoning mechanic. There are a percentage of people who will shy away from that, but plenty more who won't. Witness Nagash's long run with Grimghast Reapers, or the whole of Slaanesh, for evidence. It's also dicey as @tolstedt can testify. Miss a few 4+s (easily done) and your gameplan is shot.
  21. Yep. So many people (myself included) praised GW to the hilt for stripping virtually all rerolls out of the Warclans Battletome, which looked for all the world like a deliberate design philosophy. Whoever gave rerollable saves to OBR clearly didn't get the memo.
  22. Your opponent's view is the consensus. Command Abilities are spammable unless stated otherwise. It has a natural ceiling in that it costs effectively 2 CPs per unit rezzed; it costs you 120 points for the Batallion; those units cannot be in another Batallion (so no Ironfist, which is our only 5-0 list so far); anybody who can snipe your Warchanter shuts it down at the source. So it comes with costs and limitations. But yes, it can be strong if you roll hot. If you don't, you've basically given away Mighty Destroyers, which is a huge opportunity cost.
  23. Not sure if you guys are aware, but there was a big event over in the UK at the weekend: Bloodshed in the Shires, 80 players. Ironjawz (and the legendary Leo Rautonen) won it with a no-Krusha list: https://tabletop.to/bloodshed-in-the-shires-2019
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