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Artobans Ghost

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Blog Entries posted by Artobans Ghost

  1. Artobans Ghost
    Came up with a proper name for the Duardin!
    These are from the Skulls Pass starter set (?). I remember getting 2 sets of the dwarfs and I still can’t locate the mule train. 
    it’s the next project and I’m waiting for 100  25 mm bases from China for the 80 stabbas and shootas and I just ordered 100 slotted 25 mm bases from Spain. Think I’ll be waiting awhile for both. Until then, it’s the square bases. 
    Also, a squig ran from One the herd’s awhike back so I had to import a new one. The handler that let him run has been dealt with. 
    Throwing in a continuation of the relocation orb objectives. An old Christmas light and a chandelier gem. 



  2. Artobans Ghost
    Seeing as Rubyville to the east got some buildings and a ruby, the west is starting to cry favouritism. The beginnings of Fort Stanley. The roofer left behind some blue sm. Didn’t quite make it to the dumpster. The walls have got a start with ideas about a front gate and a tower I made/had from awhile back. 


  3. Artobans Ghost
    This is my second round with AoS and also my first AoS blog. I hope I can match the greatness that exists here. Not that I wanted to stop but my hobby adventures came to an abrupt halt a year and a few months ago. 
    Im starting with the continuation of my idea of a state called Matorea in Ghyran. The realease of CoS has allowed me to expand the  idea to a proper Greywater Fastness affiliated city state and surrounding areas. A Stormcast chamber will be present as well. 
     A start in the right direction I hope.

    So we will start with a new hobby area and the first addition is the work table. Hopefully to be followed quickly by a set of shelving. 2 tables as well if I can get there. 

  4. Artobans Ghost
    A force of 2000 each of Matorean Disciples  and Shivertooths Headbangers  are taking a chance to bash each other up. I have very little terrain, all of it homemade and I need. A lot more. 
    first round, Matoreans don’t like to run, but the guns were doing some damage. Tank with commander managed I kill with the repeater handgun, 2 with the steam cannon and 7 with a 3rack hellblaster. 4 more ran after but there are a lot of them. The other hellblaster doubled and wounded itself. Other tank missed. 
    30 after boys took out 5 flagellants. Would have been more but I moved them. Round 2 tomorrow. 
    since I play both sides, I will not have my ass handed to me. Had another player show up but left soon after. 

  5. Artobans Ghost
    My fledgling Stormcast. 

    Lord Aquilor - general
    Lord Arcanum 
    Lord Exorcist 
    Lord Relictor
    why? Cause I like them
    3 Liberators x 5
    1 castigators x 5
    The Looncurse will fill out my gloomspite and add a few allies from the woods near the city.
    Krasbog’s Gitz are most of my old night gobbo’s repurposed plus the looncurse will give me a gobbo army of 2480 points  
    Shivertooth’s HeadBangers are my old ork army repurposed to the big waagh. 2480 points of green hell to be unleashed 
    And the Matorean Disciples of Sigmar my Greywater Fastness City of 2430 points of zealots, hellblasters and steam tanks  
    These army’s are made up of what I want legally but will never play in a tournament. They are totally  fluff inspired and thanks to AoS, I can actually field them as real armies. 
    I think my playing games with other gamersis over for now anyways. 
    I’ll put up a pic of my zealot tank as well. Have another one that needs to be brought over to proper colours with a commander.

  6. Artobans Ghost
    A more urbanized area. Decided that since it was Duardin’s defending, it may as well be defending the steam powered generator 
    This is an actual steam engine. It used to take water in the boiler, heated by a tray with fuel oil in it and it powered a type of anvil with a conveyor belt that is now lost. This was the type of toy from my childhood (where it showed up for Christmas one year years ago (!). Yes , a toy with oil fire and steam. What could go wrong?
    Anyways, it’s now scenery on a table top. That large 40K type of building is a sub for ‘Fluffy LaTouche’s Tavern and Inn. Owned by the mother of General LaTouche that appeared in the last battle. That makes up the 3 names of my bloody cats that have shown up in the fluff. 
    In descending order, fluffy LaTouche (aka mittens) , ruby (as in Rubyville) and Stanley (as in Fort Stanley). Original? Not very but I was desperate for fluff names. 

  7. Artobans Ghost
    The first AoS army I started was a mixture of skaven and beastmen. Since acquiring Warcry, I can now add a chaos contingent. 
    Matorea requires nothing less than many antagonists to test its metal over and over. Here will be 2490  pts of angry creatures ready to wallop the order forces and then each other when it’s done. 


  8. Artobans Ghost
    The army so far. True AoS miniatures are the 40 scuttlings (acting as shootas), 10 spider riders, (I lost 10 others and 2 Scuttlebosses in my move + my gryphound!) 5 Boingrots, Loonboss on a Giant Squig. I just hauled over the 19 squig herd (lost 1guy as well), 10 squig hoppers, 3 rockgut trolls and the puny Giant From my old night goblin army. 
    40 more shootas and 40 stabbas still need to cross the isle. The Looncurse box still has to offer up a squig herd and 5 more bounders. 
    The night goblin army was my favourite WFB army and I’m so super pleased AoS did such a magnificent job on the new Gloomspite. I already know these will be my favourites. I can wait to put them up against my Matorean Disciples of Sigmar
    An d Krasbog himself has landed  


  9. Artobans Ghost
    The table is in. Very high just as I want it. The old GW tables were a lot lower and my back was nearly broken after each game. As a new rule that just came to me, only finished models are worthy of being on the table. A self imposed rule to finish my units. 
    Next on the agenda is an ikea wardrobe thingy that will be for books. After that, wall mounted shelving, 8’ x 16”, 5 rows to hold terrain and unused army’s. The final piece will be an 8’ table. Definitely no urgency on that.  
    Also of course, the mad hobbyist’s laboratory. 

  10. Artobans Ghost
    Here is the General of this group. 
    since the vanguard hunters are battleline with him, he’s it. Never mind the fact that I don’t own any hunters...,yet. 
    Most assuredly, this army will look good as a group and seen 4 ft away. What I imagined and what the reality is, is very different. 
    Also, the last of the leaders  
    the Lord Exorcist is next on the line


  11. Artobans Ghost
    My first Matorean Knight Excelsior Chamber hero. 
    This model is the one that put the Stormcast hooks into me. Loved the model and the fluff. Very much the same way the 40K Librarian started my whole 40k adventure. 
    I still need to touch him up and base him but I am very happy to see him battleworthy. Next up is the Lord Arcanum. 
  12. Artobans Ghost
    I had planned for an 8’ table to complete the scene but I’ll hold off till I get the feel for this layout. Some shelves for armies and terrain and a cabinet for my much reduced book collection. 
    Very economical shelves - painted aspenite and cut up old cabinet doors for braces. Cost me in total $22 and my time. 
    Now to unpack, build/paint models and delve into some much needed terrain. 

  13. Artobans Ghost
    Finally finished a project that had its roots in 2005 white dwarf 302. A devoted army. That became the calling card for my warhammer experience. When AoS came about, I could put all the units into an army. As it progressed, I converted all my units plus added some. 
    Today, this group can be a legitimate Order army (with altar and warrior priest) or a Grey Water Fastness army with some modifications. What other game can allow this to happen?
    This is the reason I became a fan and will support this system going forward. 

  14. Artobans Ghost
    I’ve been reading through the GH 2019 on the narrative campaign theme. A broader plan is forming. The Streets of Death sound amazingly good. I need more terrain. I have lots of 40K buildings and unbuilt boxes. Wondering if anyone has any ideas or seen conversions of this material to AoS. As I’m not playing 40k for the foreseeable future, I might be able to convert some of these buildings. some objectives will be needed as well. Made one and added a battlemage, a madcap shaman and an unmounted. Loonboss our of some old models literally lying around gathering dust. 
    Plus a new unit of squig herd. 
    possibly the next army to cross the aisle. 
    my evocators and 100 25 mm bases for my 80 Gloomspite stabbas and archers hasn’t shown up yet. And my balance of castigators and liberators are out of base. I’m going with the new paint corax white and agrax earthshade ont the rest of the army so that’s stalled until GW opens again 😹. The grey pile is shrinking fast. 
    A new group of liberators and a Lord Exorcist 




  15. Artobans Ghost
    Decided to add some fluff to this would be city state. Props to @Baron Klatz for coming up with the realmgate ideas.  
    This also adds a future grievance between the Lumineth and the Deepkin as the difference between the high born and the failed experiment resulting in the Idoneth. 
    Located in the realm of Ghyran on the Northern Peninsula west of the The Battle of Pale Gorge and North of the festermere realmgate is the city/port of Matorea that has a Greywater Fastness affiliation.
    Long-standing treaties with the Duardin of the Maddening Whorl allows a duardin quarter in the port city of Matorea 
    Further out under the cold seas lies a Deepkin realmgate that is linked with Hysh and the idoneth allow the lumineth passage to Matorea and access to a crystal that is mined by the Duardin.
    As these trade links are long and required, there has been occasional military support offered to Matorea by the lumineth. 
    The Matorean Chamber of Knights Excelsior keep a chamber temple in the city to watch over the Festermere Realmgate to Azyr and the Idoneth realmgate and are ever ready to curb the incursions by the encroaching Orruk Waagh led by Shivertooth and the Gloomspite hoard of Krasbog. Skaven are apppearing in numbers in the deep mines and also combining forces with the local beastmen  which are plaguing the forest areas and raiding into the agricultural district. They are a disorganized lot still in need of a proper leader to galvanize their evil efforts.
    These antagonists can be normally contained and thrown back by the  Matorean League but since the Tzeentch Deamon Allmemnal has shown interest in the province, the work of the Stormcast is endless and merciless in its duty.  A fanatical cult called the Disciples of Sigmar are largely used and have the grudging trust of the Knights who don’t sell their loyalty easily amongst the morally weaker humans. 
  16. Artobans Ghost
    I feel the fluff flowing. There will be a town between the Duardin mountain deeps of the Maddening Whorl and the city of Matorea. It will be called Rubyville. Tentatively because the Duardin gifted the town for coming to their aid and saving the contents of a valuable caravan that was heading for the port. It was never discussed as to the contents but it had to be valuable as they gave them a mined ruby of incredible proportions. This has nothing’s to do with the fact my eldest cat is named Ruby. Also the soon to be built Fort Stanley on the northwest point of land has nothing to do with my other cat Stanley aka laser eyes. 
    The other other cat happens to be Mittens aka Fluffy LaTouche. Hard to name a town after that. Was thinking maybe a factory in Matorea that manufactures mittens and happens to be called the Fluff LaTouche Mitten Factory. Hmmm

  17. Artobans Ghost
    Just assembled 5 of them. First time with the new glue bottle and it saved what little sanity I have left. Don’t know what my fortes is but it’s not building. I find it a pain. Necessary but painful. My son used to build everything. He didn’t like painting and I loved it although I’m never really happy with the results. 
    havnt decided on colours yet but was wondering if there’s a hierarchy in colour. For the cavalry, maybe white?

  18. Artobans Ghost
    I had a meeting engagement with about 990 pts each of Gloomspite against CoS
    Krasbog is the Loonboss on a Squig and General LaTouche is the freeguild General on a griffon. 
    Time for a proper (if not smaller) bashin. Don’t feel like using the Fort just yet. This will be a vanguard of the mushroom popping squigs of Krasbog. I’ll call it his welcoming committee. 
    The Rubyville Auxiliaries are going out to meet them. Kind of on the outskirts of town. Some farms and what was a holy site that received the gentle attentions of our respectful local Gitz. 

    Protagonists: Rubyville Auxiliaries 
    Free guild General on a Griffon
    Hand gunners - 10
    Swordsman - 10
    Spear men - 10
    Flagellants - 10
    Longbeards - 10
    Shadow warriors- 10

    Antagonists : Krasbog’s Welcome Commitee
    Loonboss on a giant Squig
    Madcap Shaman
    Shootas - 20
    Stabbas - 20
    Squig herd - 6
    Squig herd - 6
    Squig herd - 6
    Boingrots - 5
    Boingrots - 5
    Rockgut Trolls - 3

    Both at 990 pts using the total conquest battle plan.

    The set up area of the field is divided from 0” to 24” on an angle along the 6’ length. Seeing as the Gitz have already renovated the holy building, they get to start in it. There are 4 objectives in roughly each corner. Time to fight it out. 

    Shadow warriors used their ability and showed up behind the ruins. Took out a Squig herd and then received a full on Boingrot charge. Those guys on the charge hurt little elflings! Between their stomp equivalent, charge attacks and battle shock, the unit evaporated. 
    The trolls came pounding out of the ruins into the swords men, reduced them to 2 guys. Overall, not a good start. 
    Used the hand of gork to move some more Boingrots to within charge radius of the longbeards but they failed their charge thankfully. Moved my grot shootas up to take possession of the objective. 

    GT 2
    Loonboss and the flagellants get into it. Both have taken major damage. Might retreat my boss outa there. 1 wound left. 
    Charged my free guild general into the trolls after shooting them up a bit with the hand rifles. Oh ya, they mopped up the swordsmen first and allowed me to shoot em. The trolls are down to one guy. No wounds on my general. That battle area’s perspective is changed again. 
    The Boingrots are coming up and that might change things.
    My shootas moved up to ping away at the longbeards but the hellblaster made the difference. Chancing 3 barrels, gave em 5 wounds. 
    The other Boingrots smashed into the longbeards but they are a heck of a lot tougher than those elves. Took shooting, stomping, charge by Squig and rider and still 2 of them standing. 
    Hand of gork went nowhere this time. It’s going to have to happen next turn though. 

    GT -3 - Freeguild General with the aid of the last 3 flagellants, take out the troll and Krasbog runs away. Still alive, he figured he’s worth more alive at this point. The Boingrots charge in but after inflicting 9 wounds are driven of by the General in a horrible case of battle shock.  Still not close enough to take possession of the objective yet. 
    The last of the longbeards are laid low. And the Squig herd hiding behind the middle house makes a run for the hand gunners / objective. I think their fate is sealed as well. 
    The madcap shaman having to use his ability, gets hand of gork off and teleports the other Squig herd behind the hellblaster. It’s torn between 3 targets but must choose the herd behind them. 3 barrels and a misfire later, it sits still on the field. The shootas knock off 3 wounds and the misfire counts for 4. Not good. The hand gunners wheel about and take a shot at the teleported squigs and down 2. Not enough even with battleshock. 
    Score is Gitz 5 CoS 3

    GT - 4 - Krasbog’s keeps running behind the scuttlings. Quite ok with them being tenderized by the flagellants. The shaman flubs his arcane bolt and the crew hides successfully behind the gun again but it will do them no good when the squigs rush in. Making them snacks, they redirect towards the well objective. The Boingrots slam into the spear men killing 4 and sending 4 packing. Thought that was it but the spearmen got one wound off, finished one Boingrot and the rest fled in battle shock by rolling a 6. You never know. 
    Free guild general retreated to the most contested objective to wait out the battle and think about his near death experience. 
    Going to call it there with both generals still living and getting a taste for the enemy. Solid victory for the smelly grots 7-4 bug Krasbog is near death as well. Time to recoup and regroup. 
    I like the smaller groups I think and more objectives spread out the units. Doesn’t quite look like a metal mosh pit this time😺

  19. Artobans Ghost
    Krasbog was really hurt. He was happy with the victory and thinking that he should expand his work. Time to bring in his good smashin buddy Shivertooth  and his heavier fist while he healed and waited for the bulk of his Squig army to muster. 
    His plan was dead cunnin. Let Shivertooth maul the Duardin force, bleed himself silly and maybe if he was lucky, find his head rolling down the gutter. Nottin simpler. The survivors of both armies would make a fine bbq while they moved in. 
    The target area was a more densely urbanized section of Rubyville on its way to the Fort. Streets of Death should work here. 
    I’m planning 1900 points each but also thinking that’s a bit much for this new scenario. May cut it to 1000-1500 instead. 
    Using the Shattered City battle plan. 5 objectives. 1st player to reach 10 VP wins. 1-2 pts ahead minor victory, 3+ major. Each turn add up the wounds. Whoever has more wins 2 vp, if majority of objectives are owned, another 3 vp’s per turn. 
    May not get to this until the weekend. 
    Streets of Death rules. 
    Duardin forces :
    Lodge of the Maddening Whorl  - Order - 1420 pts
    Warden King - 1
    Unforged - 1
    Longbeards - 10
    Longbeards - 10
    Longbeards - 10
    Longbeards - 10
    Flame Cannon - 1
    Thunderers - 10
    Miners - 10
    Doomseeker - 1
    Doomseeker - 1
    Doomseeker - 1
    Doomseeker - 1

    Shivertooth’s Streamroller  - Big Waagh - 1490 pts
    War boss on a Wyvern
    War boss 
    Orruks - 10
    Orruks - 10
    Orruks - 10
    Orruks - 10
    Ardboys - 10
    Ardboys - 10
    Ardfist Battalion 
  20. Artobans Ghost
    So I’ve dragged out the Cities of Sigmar Greywater Fastness army 2430 pts. 
    I figured with Stormcast like the Knights Exclesior sharing their city, there are no shades of grey so a Sigmar dedicated army would fit there judging eyes. I only have to convert the steamtank with commander to a more dedicated look. 
    As the Matorean Chamber grows, they will augment their army with worthy cannon fodder with these fanatics. 
    I really cheaped out on the basing for most of this army so now I have to go thru the horrible job of redoing them. 
    General - Freeguild general of a griffon 
    Steamtank with Comander
    Cogsmith - substitute engineer 
    Runelord - substitute Sister of Sigmar
    Battlemage - eithe the war priest or my mage on a steed

    20 Greatswords - Sisters of Sigmar
    30 flagellants 
    20 flagellants
    10 flagellants
    10 free-guild swords
    10 free guild spears
    10 free guild handgunners 
    2 Hellblasters 
    Steam tank


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