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The Matorean Lodge of Greywater

Artobans Ghost


Came up with a proper name for the Duardin!



These are from the Skulls Pass starter set (?). I remember getting 2 sets of the dwarfs and I still can’t locate the mule train. 
it’s the next project and I’m waiting for 100  25 mm bases from China for the 80 stabbas and shootas and I just ordered 100 slotted 25 mm bases from Spain. Think I’ll be waiting awhile for both. Until then, it’s the square bases. 
Also, a squig ran from One the herd’s awhike back so I had to import a new one. The handler that let him run has been dealt with. 
Throwing in a continuation of the relocation orb objectives. An old Christmas light and a chandelier gem. 






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Continuing along with the Duardin component. One gray dude avoided being based 12 years ago. He will get his, don’t worry. 
Deamonslayer 2006 games day happening. 
and the long lost mule train finally arrived. 


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Another unit. And the rogue thunderer. 
been so busy I haven’t been able to proceed with Fort Stanley. Hoping for some time this week. 


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Just an update. Another unit of thunderers, a cannon,  a bolt thrower and a unit of miners/warriors that will substitute as longbeards with ancestral weapons. 
getting through the lot. Still another unit of miners , and some slayers to go. 
These are posted in the painting contract but I’m just loading this to keep in order






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I may have committed heresy but I wanted a unique Warden King and group of unforged with models I had. 

White dwarf 2007 will be the king. His shield bearers are awesome models as well so they will join my old thane and deamonslayer as new unforged. 

I will buy the runelord and cogsmith as I love the new models. That will be my command team. 


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So this puts paid to my new Duardin army that will occupy Fort Stanley. I will be adding a runelord and cogsmith and whatever other cool units show up. This saga started maybe 12,13 years ago possibly longer with the starter sets and the dwarves that came with it. They all need new bases of course and maybe some day this year they will show up. I’ve got 5 evocators and 200 bases floating around the world for more than 2 months now. Hopefully they will show up. 




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Love me some proper dwarfy dwarfs. I'm envious of your classic pewters, I never got my hands on most of the characters. Or a bolt thrower, for that matter.

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@NauticalSoup thanks very much! 
that bolt thrower actually had some parts missing when it showed up a few weeks ago so I had some fun putting it together. 
I also ordered a flame cannon at the same time at an awesome price. Only realizing later that I got a warmaster flame cannon lol. The army is an order army of 1720 points to fit in the war machines and I personally like the 2500 range sI I have room to grow with a proper flame and organ gun   

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7 hours ago, NauticalSoup said:

@Artobans Ghost I have an old metal flame cannon that I inherited from my late father, it's a big chunk of metal and it looks great. If you can get your hands on one I'd certainly recommend!

I would love to grab one plus the organ gun just to have them. Will probably nite the bullet and eBay them

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9 hours ago, Artobans Ghost said:

I would love to grab one plus the organ gun just to have them. Will probably nite the bullet and eBay them

Lol same reason I'm keen to find a pewter bolt thrower someday. Have at least one of all the others!

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