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Kaleb Daark

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Posts posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. For chaos characters I'd love to see something akin to the old realm of chaos character builder.

    There was a great thing on it where you could roll for the race of your hero, representing all fall to chaos' seduction.

    For my blades of khorne or slaves I'd love to have a minotaur or an ogroid myrmidon as the general, and I bet that any hedonite player would enjoy an elven or dark elf chaos lord.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    That would be perfect😂

    I mean that depends,

    if we are talking about new skaven releases, I’m pretty certain that my attention would be at buying a couple of these boxes.

    if they are just going to throw in some of the worst looking models that have existed for over 2 decades, theres a good chance I won’t even consider it worth looking at.

    Totally agree.

    I just remember back to the warriors fo chaos battalion box - two of those got you 40 marauders, 10 warhounds, 36 warriors and 10 knights. done.

    I think there's an argument especially with ToW coming around to just bin off all those old ex fantasy sculpts and consign them to history.  Give AoS their new aesthetic and be done with it.

    Like those plague monks- just give you a new box of more dynamic poses, and subtle tweaks, I mean look at chaos warriors and knights in the start collecting box - absolutely ace and proving you don't have to reinvent the wheel to refresh something so well known.

    Anything that came out in the last edition of whfb was such a departure in design that it was always intended for AoS anyway, just look at the Khorne farmers in iron dungarees, and the dwarf irondrake and gyrocopter releases, and also the skaven steampunk gattling gun rat ogres - all AoS ready models hidden in plain sight.

    I mean, for you guys to have a unit or two of island of blood skaven slaves to cheaply bulk out your armies would be great for you.


  3. I'd like them to be like the old battalion boxes in old fantasy.

    You basically got the framework to buildld an army on. The only thing missing was the hero, but otherwise there was your core troops and a chaff unit and a middle weight unit.

    iirc it was enough to field a legal 1000 point army or thereabouts.  I think the closest we get is the christmas battleforces, and even then they're not a one drop purchase, you'd still need to add to them.

    That would be nice to have again, but with a hero. buy, paint, and play in one box.  

    then again I suppose the clue is in the title, it's start collecting, not start playing..

    @Skreech Verminking what was it, a couple of battalion boxes of skaven and you were good to go if I remember?

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    I'm really holding my thumbs for you, my friend. Even if they're not quite my thing,

    you should attach them back onto your hands, they're very useful things thumbs.

    Admittedly you elfs don't get your hands dirty so you wouldn't know.  You probably use telekenisis and stuff to just peel and orange... sorry, Aeorange.

    Anyway, I agree.

    I think GW should just go through their ranges and look at finecast, and old metal and just say refresh or bin, and put people out fo their misery.  In the case of something like the Skaven its not like it's a fringe faction, as a major player in their sales charts and a hugely popular faction, so new plastics would pay for themselves  in droves.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    After decades of waiting the Squats we're prepared for the last bastion of Dwarfdom to be brought back.

    Hoping still with tall Hats and bovine features.


    thankfully I can go back to sleep.

    give me a nudge if you hear anything.

  6. 11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I am so damn excited to hopefully see some new Rat Daemons tomorrow!!

    they're not rat demons, they're having you on.

    It's rats trying to deceive you, being tricksy.

    Any fool can see that it's nothing more than rats with a bedsheet over their heads pretending to be ghosts.

  7. Regarding the male female thing as a last word, with my eyesight unless I've got my nose planted on the matt then I' won't be able to see what they are past thin blur, thicker blur, so honestly it doesn't bother me either way.  I don't play this game for existential and metaphysical philosophy and ruminating.  I mean, if you got a marauder or beastman army you'll be using a dustpan and brush to sweep up your casualties anyway, so what they are is of little point given how long they hang around!

    This also serves to highlight what a great army chaos dwarfs are.  When you have a hat that big, from the air nobody can see if you got chesticles or not. Simples.


    Anyhoo, firstly will a shadow daemon be as awesome as the original and best shadow demon from the D&D cartoons?


    Secondly, do we think that perhaps the pre teaser teasers are actually due to logistical difficulties and to by time?

    Reason I ask this is because I'm thinking to the blood bowl viking warband, and I get the feeling that was pushed forward perhaps because it hit the shores first.  The reason I say that is because it was only revealed at adepticon several weeks ago. Typically from reveal is several months to hitting the shelves. Much smaller window this time, hence my musings.


    Has anyone else thought that the new picture actually has a massive cthulhu style big thing with one eye and a thing on the right with a tentacle face  staring down at the lone figure with the torch in its hand on top of the obvious crouchy thing ?


    As a total left of field (and of course utterly wrong and more wrong) what if it's the grand army of the first prince? shadow daemons not aligned to any god?  "sworn enemies of the physical world."   It'll give our boy belakor a family of his own at last.

  8. 40 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Khornegors might be right on the money! I just read the spruesandbrews Thondia lore review. I'll spoil it if people prefer to read the book themselves, there is a BOMBSHELL about why the name is "Era of the Beast" though 👀

      Hide contents

    So, there’s some very exciting stuff that is revealed within the book. Firstly, it seems that exposure to the Incarnates turns both mortals and Stormcast into mindless frenzied beasts – we see some of the first people exposed to one look very similar to Beastmen – and speaking of Beastmen…

    One of the characters in the book is a Great Bray-Shamen named Ghorraghan Khai who claims to be the commanded by the spirit of Morghur the Shadowgave (Old school fans will recognise him from the World that Was!)

    Khai sees a kinship between the Beastmen and the Incarnates and wants to use that to bind them all to their will. And by using the combined power of the Incarnates Morghur through his puppet Khai wants to bring about the Era of the Beast. That’s right, the era is not named after Kragnos or the forces of Destruction – it looks like the Era of the Beast is all about the Beastmen! Could the Beastmen and Morghur himself be the main antagonist in this story arc? It would be very cool to get some updated Beastmen and a new battletome! Only time will tell!

    We also get multiple mentions of the Khorne Daemon General Doombreed, who I am now fairly sure will get a model when the Blades of Khorne get their next releases!


    If they give me a khorne Doombull and khornegors that work with my blades then I will literally do a wee!

    then i will make @Maogrim a lumineth chod headlords a bloodbowl team due to the sheer joy of it all.

    @sandlemad you have to forgive the lumineth groin chod, they’re like that is elfs.

    point if view as pointy as their ears and so far up in the sky they cant see the bigger world due to their stupidly large troosers and silly hats.

    lets face it, elfs make the bone mafia seem like reasonable businessmen at the best of times, and old longface elfs are even worse.

    wait till his brother shows up, imagine how miserable he’s going to be when he finds out his uncle is getting more airtime and some bat wings instead of a silly hat and annoying troosers.


    elfs, why the long face,

    its not the beastmans fault he’s caved it with his mace.

    A nice game of bloodbowl is what they wants,

    hes just upset that they’ll just look right pants.




    anyway… was there any mention of proper dwarfs in the book, you know the proper ones with the daemons hidden under their impressive and mighty and not in any way elf level of silly hats?

  9. 10 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Doubt it since DoK is literally getting a new tome in like a month from now and it still called Daughters of Khaine


    43 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I think its a bracer on a model's left arm actually. the cuff at the bottom flared out and the model extends downward, more fitting to a wrist than an ankle. And the upper end of the bracer would correspond with the elbow, with that hole in the bracer exposing the forearm. 


    Of course if I'm right, that's the worst design possible for an archer (where you'd want the forearm protected from the string), so whatever it is, I hope its for a swordsman or such. 

    Look you two, don’t start bringing your arguments of sound  logic and reasoning into this thread!

  10. 41 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Don't say that Snorri, you must keep on believing 😭😭😭

    Chorfs are just around the corner, yes just around the corner...

    *rocks back and forth*

    Indeed my bredrin in stature and beard.

    I'm thinking if the landtrain makes a comeback in league, then I can see it being a template model for how our true dwarfs will pan out hidden in plain sight.

    Here's a thought for you... maybe the golems that were talked about yonks and yonks ago were actually Kdaai fireborn and destroyers and were interpreted as golems of some kind?

    Anyhoo I heard they were coming out really soon, big reveal, full box release and all that jazz.

    Source: Hooded mysterious man in tavern, looking for adventurers, etc etc.

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  11. 2 hours ago, frostfire said:

    More info about a rumour engine published earlier has been revealed on a Chinese social media account running by GW (don't know if they did it on purpose or by mistake), indicating it is a part of the model from Order factions in AOS. Any thoughts?



    Forget silent people. It's kneeling people judging by those boots.

    Whoever it is attacks from a kneeling position, and can remain hidden deepstrike stylee whilst remaining kneeling.

  12. 10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:



    I'm torn between basing Critters for a FEC Character and a new Dragon Ogor Shaggoth!! If it's either I'll be more than happy.

    or a FEC mega gargant with critter in his matted massive beard prison lunch keep thing.

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  13. On 4/4/2022 at 3:31 PM, That Guy said:

    I can definitely see some use for the kharadrons and maybe even the dispossessed when it comes to conversions made out of squat vehicles. Possible Squat vehicles to look forward to:


    You took the words right out of their mouths...


    The FW termite definitely belongs with the League, and I can see many a thanatar being proxied for men of iron if they get their automata in the new book.

    I have to say, I do love me a thanatar.


    @Baron Klatz those helverin flyer conversions are all of the awesomeness, I really like what he's done with those.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Considering that the beast man don’t have any special character alive anymore, why not include Kholek sun eaters himself

    don't get me started!

    I can see kholek having some sort of artefact that pulled him into the realm of beasts last minute being the largest dragon ogre outside of the godbeast sized one that lifted the slayer of kings from.

    I'd see no good reason not to have Taurox back as well - a doombull who bit the head off a herald of khorne and then woke up with brass skin? - there's a daemon infused reason for not being permenantly dead if ever I saw it, after all, every one of the nurgle characters has managed to make it through end times, and that includes the nurgle chemist festus.

    As for malagor, same thing, some semi ethereal bray shaman can't mysteriously evaporate to safety, only to return in the new age?

    Oh and can we have Wulfric back please?  come off it, Seafang's prow was a realmgate in everything but name - it was the equivalent of jack Sparrow's compass crossed with a tardis. - That at Wulfric is a top bloke unlike Valkia who's a complete end of the bell.  If you haven't read it I wholly suggest the Wulfric novel as it's brillballs.

    • Like 1
  15. I'm thinking shaggoth as well.

    The biggest model evaaahhhh

    Taller than Archaon...

    based on the troggoth sized rock he'll be standing on to give him the height technicality of course.

    What I hope... really really hope is that if it is a shaggoth we get some god marked beastmen to complete the set by way of khornegors and pestigors, but that aside, a plastic shaggoth would be very welcome indeed, especially if it was a kholek suneater sized affair.

    • Like 2
  16. 12 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    Ah, my unwavering champion of hate against Aelves. Never change! :)

    In the meantime will be here, defending the Mountain Realm and doing hammers and bovine themed imagery and monsters better than Chaos Dwarfs ever could. ;)

    Quality not quantity my elongated teclian sock puppet.

    when the sons of hashut finally reveal themselves and unleash in all their glory there will be no floating polyhedral dice to cloud the mind.  Only fire, furnaces and a heathy dose of daemonbound weaponry and artillery to delight your eyeballs and exciteables.

    we may have big hats, but our troosers remain respectable.

    oh yes indeed. Indeedy yes.


    • Haha 1
  17. On 4/1/2022 at 2:10 PM, Public Universal Duardin said:





    Kharadrons with boltguns..

    As for the real dwarfs.. you wait till we hit the realm of fire edition. Yup. keep the faith brudder.

    Realm of fire = Choas Dwarfs and some khorne for sure.  yae it shall be so.


    Realm of fire for chaos dwarf rebirth

    Realm of fire for khorne based mirth

    With ears that long and faces that runny.

    Elves won't laugh as they won't find it funny.


    • Haha 2
  18. Anything from BOLS just leaves me feeling like I need a shower and a purification ritual.  I find it quite a hateful place.

    I really hope that FW bring back some incarnate models, anything has got to be better than that current mess.

    It looks like a craft fair make your own bead neclace effort.

    The empowered thing is interesting, they do it in Crisis Protocol, probably might be where GW designers ponced it from.

    Interesting times.

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  19. 22 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    In gunna assume a large skull piece of Scenery. Oooor new beast!!

    well put it this way, at first I thought ang about, what's the glottkin doing there, then I had a closer look.

    It look like a humanoid with spines crowning its back.  I'm  leaning twards that more than scenery.

    And if that's the case then it's a better incarnate of beasts than the piece of sticklebrick miss that they showed us.

    Sorry but it's pants.  Forgeworld incarnates - not pants,   GW skull, and some bits of wire to thread the spine parts on to - pants.

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  20. 44 minutes ago, Segersgia said:

    Just go to sleep. It is way more enjoyable to scroll over the reveals over breakfast than be sleep deprived and potentially dissapointed if the reveals don't meet your expectations.

    Any hopes or predictions this Adepticon?

    I’m reckoning on a primaris lieutenant, then a lieutenant primaris, so new primaris and maybe a lieutenant ancient primaris.

    Following this for AoS a nice new warband with maybe a stormcast lieutenant and a thunder strike lieutenant.  Oh, and a goblin and maybe a wet elf and a skinnydip dwarf. 

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