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Kaleb Daark

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Everything posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. I actually will say that it has to be your knife ears as they're getting a new model. I'm happy to reveal that a new teclis model is coming out following community feedback that his trousers were far to voluminous and silly , and his animal companion was wearing a silly mask to hide his shame, so the new one will be based on his Broken Realms artwork and will be far more accurate. Behold: here it is:
  2. Silence silly hatted, over tall, knife eared non smiling faction distractathon. er... now close the thread.
  3. thermocycling and post curing affects the polymer matrix and alters the properties each melt/cure cycle. To recycle the plastic you'd have to decontaminate the plastics and then grind them into the base pellet state they come in to allow them to feed properly into the injection moulding hopper. This is simplistic but helps to explain the process. About the only thing you have now is preheated moulds, as it increases the output rate and minimises shrinkage when the part cures, but you generally design with the shrinkage rate taken into account. The linked videos also help to explain why they're loathed to update models unless there's a decent business case for it, a bit more complex than making silicon or rubber pour and centrifugal moulds for metals.
  4. We got this, just snuck down the side of the sofa. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/12/07/in-battletome-maggotkin-of-nurgle-the-diseased-rule-is-a-gift-that-just-keeps-on-giving/ The all units getting stinky tokens is interesting as it opens the question are they going to do something like that for khorne?
  5. I’d not listen to what people say as the man above your post has the facts.
  6. I’ll bow to your greater knowledge on that as you clearly are in the know.
  7. that's not old skeletons.. and yes, I always thought the halloween costume bone stuff, bat wings and coffin shields was utter dog log. These is old Skeletons and these is old skaven And some very old orcs and the mighty original Skragg the Slaughterer
  8. Until it's on the TV with a million pound prize money pot, I think I can live with that and not lose sleep over it.
  9. the polymer structure changes. You can't just melt it all down and put it back into the machine as if it was casting metal, it doesn't work like that. GW for a long time as many companies do, felt that sales and discounts devalued the brand. You gave discounts in other ways such as start collecting etc. where you paid for 2 units and got the third effectively free. Bundles are a way of hiding the fact you're discounting. Now, maybe someone has realised that actually people like an obvious bargain when they see one, and things like black friday et al. are the perfect vehicle to offer obvious discount without devaluing your brand because well, that's what those occasions are all about. No point if all your going to do is bang on about it on your website and then customers look at it and see that everything is still full RRP. As for dominion - I and a friend took advantage of the Weyland sales and now I have double cruelboyz, I'm really happy about that. From one angle if they'd not made enough, then we'd have had the outcry. my gut feeling was that they wanted a massive production run and there were lots left over as a result. They weren't a flop, probably just lots to go round with spares to boot. Add to that the fact that we all know what a tactile and visual hobby this is, the whole not being able to go into store and play with stuff and see it in the real has probably impacted all of the sales side of things in all aspects. (i'm leaving 40k way out of this in every way). If it were me how would I do it? If it's about lean production and manufacturing, you know what, I'd do it as a made to order - its what some of the book publishers do. Invite a pre-order window say of a month., two weeks whatever. The order then goes to the manufacturer and that number is made plus whatever margin for game stores etc. Everyone who wanted one gets one, and shops all get what the ask for. And you know that it all arrives in a month, two months, whatever. The price for you actually getting one is the wait. Everyone is happy, there's not warehouses full of surplus stock sitting there because the last time 90% of people that wanted it didn't get one. if weyland etc feel that they can shift a ton more at christmas they can order them all upfront and hold them back, and that way they have stock and the manufacturer has the money in the bank.
  10. Chaos dwarf’s daemonic bound delayed blast hand grenade! I love it.
  11. Nah, they just know the psychic reverberations from all the whining would be less than if they’d have used an elf head. See…skaven, even in death still grin-smiling.
  12. Ogre and chaos dwarf boxed set. ogres with a separate chaos ogres sprue with god specific enhancements like a six pack for khorngers and perfume bottles and pincers for slaangers and a great big even bigger-rer belly for Plaguegers. Plastic rhinox cavalry in the box with new thunderlord hero. Oh and maggotkin are getting a massive plastic toad dragon - era of the beast innit. You're welcome, you have a nice day now.
  13. look at the cutouts that you can see the gears through - it's all coffee beans and cups of brew and a pair of oval biscuits. The silent people are actually starbucks people, or is that Starkin Khoffeegrinds?
  14. What you mean 40k chaos squats as a concurrent chaos dwarf release? Well, colour me happy.
  15. puking toads - what like the forgeworld plague toads
  16. don't forget Floatae Duardin and Skynniidip Duardin
  17. I know, I totally agree with you both. It's the brets and beasts quandry again. You need someone with vision and also a real love for the faction to dream it forward, not just in models and rules but also in narrative. if you don't then what happens is that they get pidgeon holed and they become a one trick pony with no avenues of escape. That results in the vicious cycle of stagnancy, which leads to reduced sales, and reduced sales leads to lack of development of new stuff for them as all said and done the accountants spreadsheet just shows poor revenue for that faction for X years running and so no point investing in as the "player base" isn't there. It's nothing new, and it's been going on since the days of fantasy. Its what happened to Brets, who just became some knights in armour with a couple of pegasus riders and bloke on a hippogriff. With the whole lady of the lake trope and some non fantastical stuff potential customers would look at them, go meh and overlook them for the new shiny. No sales, no new toys, no new toys, meh. Accountant sees nothing other than dead stock. = no point spending money developing that. But what I suspect is that there was also nobody to just pick the faction up by the scruff and give it the love to turn it up to 11 and reinvent it. And so we have the now. Where GW are at great pains to tell you that the brets are dead, gone for good - there you go.. see their bones at the feet of the flesh eater courts. there's your brets, now stop your whining and clear off. As you can tell, I miss brets. However I do feel that the AoS battletomes have also had some very lazy writing. For me I'd love a battletome to be a big thick coffee table book thick with lore and imagery. The warscrolls and points can go online for the most part, and in that way not rendering the book obsolete but something to treasure, with the warscrolls really being secondary to the book contents, and the book being an evolution of that factions' storyline. In that way, those that have no or little interest in the faction (lore and fluff) past competitive gaming and mechanics can just pay for the scrolls and points as part of their app subscription and not feel that they are paying for content they don't care for, whereas for us who are fluff and lore lovers we can spend out on what we know to be a feast to fill our eyeballs with.
  18. Although not strictly AoS, these two videos are a really interesting insight into the modelling process, and also the thinking about how to approach a miniature design. It also help to clear up a lot of the misinformation about the the Lord Of the Rings franchise, and also some interesting perspectives from the ex employees about how the machine at GW worked when they worked there.
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