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Everything posted by Hebroseph

  1. I've had very good success with Tauruk and 6-9 Bull Centaurs. They don't hit very hard at 4/3/-1/2 but if you spend 2 command points on the Tauruk to make them 3 attacks hitting at 2/3/-1/2 and 3 hoof attacks they will put in way more work than you expect. Units of 6 do very well, units of 9 block half the table off and can be a serious speedbump for your shooting units.
  2. I'd love to know where you are getting 4 SkullCrackers lol. Are Iron Daemons and SkullCrackers the same size? Can I convert the ID's with a Deffroller or something to make skullcrackers?
  3. Models don't have a firing arc in AOS or 40k these days, you can shoot out the rear of the magma cannon as long as you can draw line of sight from the model to the target. Kinda stupid looking, but it is what it is.
  4. I am operating on a smaller basis, building and painting fully before purchasing a new batch. My first batch is finished and painted and im building up my hobby bankroll before I buy my next batch. As it is I have a lot of room for allies and take max 400 points every round to just field my army at 2k. So far Allies that I have taken are Daemonettes, Chaos Sorcerer lord, keeper of secrets, The Masque of Slaanesh, and Ogroid Thamategure(Not spelled correctly lol) The all-stars were definitely the Daemonettes and the Sorcerer. I'm currently light on bodies, only running 20 fireglaives and 9 Bull Centaurs. The Daemonettes in either blocks of 30 or 20 with hero, have been instrumental in winning some of my matches. They hit HARD on the charge, but fold under pressure quite well as they do not have an invuln like their 40K counterparts. Being able to run a big block of Bulls on one flank and Daemonettes on the other force the opponent to split his deployment. The Chaos Sorcerer has been amazing with my big block of Bulls, Rerolling 1's for hit, wound and saves are everything this unit needs to excel. I have read reports of Gutrot Spume and a unit of Blightlords as your allies, but I have not tested them yet.
  5. The Lord of Change Ally seems interesting. Has anybody else used him in our Legion?
  6. I plan on building my LOA army "big guy heavy" IE a lot of Bull Centaur's and very little little guys. Anybody have any success with this build? I know it comes with inherent negatives such as having a hard time scoring objectives etc. etc. but I want to build the most competitive list possible as this will be my tournament list. AKA Help me build a list that doesn't come in last! Do you think 3-4 sets of 3 Bulls and a big set of Kdaai? 3+ Tauruk's? I have a hard time justifying the executioner herd battalion when for the same cost you get 3 more bulls to help score.
  7. I'm doing a blueish theme as I couldn't decide on slaanesh or tzeentch so i picked a light blue as a happy medium. First step after priming is base coat the metal areas pure white. Next step is to apply blue glaze to all the white parts. Next I apply a green wash over the blue after it has dried.I forgot to take a picture of this step but it basically turns into a deep green when the green wash dries over the blue. Next step is to take ice blue and dry brush it on the raised areas. All and all its a pretty easy process. And on the warriors of chaos it's most of The model. Then you just go back and highlight the skulls and whatnot and you have an easy tabletop standard.
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