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Everything posted by Ragequit

  1. Every time I see the Rogue Idol, I keep imagining a Elemental army. As Warclans grow, more Waagghhh Energy is generated. Eventually that energy will disperse into the landscape. The lands will become so saturated that they transform into living Mountains and trees but instead of having the sentience of the Sylvanerh, they behave in the bestial nature of Ghur and the Waaagghhh!
  2. The Spear you chose seem to be the One Handed version, you can choose the 2 hand (Great Spear) which has better stats for 2DP. For a Monster hunter, hit and wound should be 3+ personally. The weapon change should help achieve that since it frees up the points. Thematically, based on the Bonesplitta aesthetic, I would reduce his save to 5+ but give him Ethereal or Ward. Would also give it Frenzy or Zealot. Named Characters usually only cost a few more points so to make him the whole 40, I would give him a Mount or Gargantuan. Can change his Archetype as well, Kruleboys did that with the vulture guy with a named wizard, but an unnamed warrior. What is a Gnoggoth? That would help with the creative process. Just my personal thoughts.
  3. The Kairic Acolyte body includes the neck (head has no neck) so some work will be required since all the other models heads include the neck. Size wise should be fine, hopefully the picture gives you an idea how it lines up
  4. Finally got a weekend to myself with all the housework done. Manage to get the first model started with paint to a figure and the rest basecoated. Super impressed with the amount of effort and time saved using Contrast paint. Only have the Skin tone, need to buy more once Lockdown eases.
  5. Excitement of building an army to completion has already subsided as conversion ideas, army building and colour schemes start distracting me 😢 I was going to paint the models and then glue them to their bases but decided to base them to get back on track to my goal. I did end up sneaking in a few conversions with my Tzaangor and was surprised Enlightened/Skyfires were compatible with the foot troops. Maybe they will make Tzaangor Archers a reality 😊
  6. As expected, as I build the basic foot troops, too many conversion ideas start distracting me 😅 9th Jan: Decided to do the Lord of Change as a centrepiece model and reminder of my 2021 goal 10th Jan: Completed first 10 Kairic Acolytes
  7. Honestly, forgot the S2D didn’t need to be allied in. Was thinking of getting the Start Collecting Daemons but was going to focus on Arcanites so should I just get the Pink Horror box first?
  8. I’m more in the thematic/narrative mindset. Will stick to all Tzeentch first and see if I enjoy the competitive scene. Saw an awesome Stormcast with Cypher Lord heads as a conversion and will likely go that direction if I do Tzeentch S2D. Going to have free time to start assembling the models on the weekend. Manage to work out a colour scheme, just need to work out what to do with the metallic parts. Gold and silver seems to be a challenge with Yellow armour.
  9. Hi everyone, first blog and first serious attempt at Wargaming since I got into it almost 30 years ago with Space Crusade. Got my wife to decide on my non Order army and she settled on Disciples of Tzeentch. Ordered the DOT Battleforce straight away. Still deciding to go Pyrofane or Tzaangor heavy. And colour schemes.. and what to buy next.. Let the story begin 🎉
  10. https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/04/want-to-play-tyranids-in-age-of-sigmar.html Don’t know how old or balanced this is but remember seeing this a few years back
  11. Hi guys, been a follower for a long time, wanted to see if I can get some help and ideas on how to Stormcastify this fella Considering Comet greenstuff on chest and maybe cover the holes in the chest.. Not sure how to do it on the guns. Want to keep the rod to minimise conversion work. The idea is this is an “Automacron Chamber”, made of souls so deteriorated from Reforging, even the original physical form is unable to be used. Thanks in advance
  12. To expand it further, I can take Stormcast Allegiance army and then throw in a Wizard or 2 as my Allies without losing Stormcast and becoming GA Order Allegiance
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